Bandung Protests: Ariel & Cloud 9

Jan 14th, 2011, in Featured, News, by

The Mass Movement to Hang Adulterers and the People’s Alliance against Pornographic Devils not put off by driving rain in Bandung; Cloud 9 bar targeted.


Two groups, spontaneously brought into life over the Ariel Peterporn case, the “Massa Gerakan Rakyat Gantung Penzinah” (Gergaji) and “Aliansi Masyarakat Penolak Iblis Pornografi” (Ampibi), demonstrated outside the state court of Bandung on 13th January while inside the trial of Nazriel Irham alias Ariel Peterpan dragged on for its nth week.

Despite driving rain in the city the protesters strutted about, even jumped up and down, sang nationalist songs like “Halo-Halo Bandung”, and gave speeches demanding the presiding judge give amateur porn star Ariel the severest penalty, preferably hanging. The rain wasn’t enough to dampen their desire to see justice served, said a spokesman:

Maybe there are some who’d say that this rain would make us stop. They’d be wrong, we are going on with this protest anyway.

The trial is ongoing, with the defence beginning to plead its case on the 13th. antara

Cloud 9

Meanwhile in other Bandung news the popular cafe and restaurant Cloud 9, owned by a British businessman, was shut down on 30th December after protests by – depending on which report is to be trusted – local residents of Bunisari kampung, or outside militant groups.

The reports go on to say protesters were unhappy that the bar served alcohol at all hours of the day and night, and was located too close to a mosque. inilah

However our man in Bandung, Madrotter, says it is likely a local business rival hired thugs to force the closure of Cloud 9, and that some of the protesters and even the police were apologetic towards the owner of the bar over the action.

Andi, the British owner, is now said to be attempting to satisfy the local government on some permit issues. Cloud 9’s 72 staff remain idle in the meantime.

73 Comments on “Bandung Protests: Ariel & Cloud 9”

  1. diego says:

    Happening in West Java…. No surprise here.

    As far as laughing stock of indonesia is concerned, West Java or Makassar comes close to Aceh.

  2. Putera Panas says:

    Well done Militia Gangsters! Now 72 workers and their families will starve in the name of Islam.

  3. timdog says:

    Nothing to do with anything, but 72 staff??? Seventy-two????

    I always shake my head in baffled bemusement every time I go into a restaurant in Indonesia where floor staff outnumber customers even during a moderately busy lunch service, and where the kitchen seems to be stocked with an entire legion of cooks. But seriously – seventy-two? That place would employ 12 staff if it was in Europe, and they would all be a damn sight better at their jobs.
    And the place is owned by a Britisher. Just because you can get away with paying your staff per month what the average customer spends on lunch at your place doesn’t mean you should abandon all sense of logic.
    If you tripled your staff salaries, but cut your workforce by three-quarters you’d still save money, and within a short period of time you’d get people who were actually good hospitality industry workers. You’d also be making a stand and an effort to create salaried jobs in Indonesia that actually pay enough to be worth doing…

    Um… sorry, but I couldn’t think of anything useful to say about Ariel or his shrieking enemies…

  4. ET says:

    If you tripled your staff salaries, but cut your workforce by three-quarters you’d still save money, and within a short period of time you’d get people who were actually good hospitality industry workers.

    You mean more pay as an incentive to work harder? Are you sure they would be interested instead of sitting around textmessaging each other?

  5. BrotherMouzone says:

    You mean more pay as an incentive to work harder? Are you sure they would be interested instead of sitting around textmessaging each other?

    I think what TimDog is implying is that for three times the usual salary given to disinterested service staff, you could employ service professionals with five-star hotel experience who know what they’re doing and who are willing to multi task.

    I’d be interested to know what time of the day these bold warriors of Islam/paid thugs showed up to shut the place down. When they attacked Star Deli a while back, the FPI showed up at 7 in the morning and abused the solitary, cowering Satpam by pouring liquor all over him and pushing him around.

    I wonder why they never show up on a Saturday night at around 11…

  6. madrotter says:

    not only is the staff in cloud9 well paid, andy often takes them out on trips like he did last week in batu keras. the place is huge and crazy busy during weekends. i’m one of the dj’s there and been with and going to cloud 9 since it started in a small place not far from where it is…. the demo was staged on a friday night by the way. as everything is still happening and it’s a bit of a sensitive issue that’s all i gotta say for now….

  7. rustyprince says:

    Diego, I wouldn’t have considered Makassar a hotbed of Arabia Islamic intolerance. I recollect on my last visit finding it difficult to counter the voyeuristic instinct and avert my eyes from a gadis with hijab tenderly stroking her male companion’s nether region as they negotiated the macet at the gates of Sultan Hasanuddin Uni. Like I’ve seen a lot of ‘easy rider’ affection in Manado with the couples annonymous behind helmets but nothing so x-rated and identifable.

    Speaking of Manado, this town is absolutely rocketing economically. The no. Of cars on the road has doubled in 3 years, as has the no. of new lux hotels and excellent restaurants no-longer serving the inedible Minahasa unHalal slosh. And Jakarta/Javanes yuppies are flocking in for extended weekends. I’d say its factual to assert that much of the latter influx is a result of an inexorable social intolerance bifuricating Java. And also booming in Manado are minarets and exhortations of Islamic piety as large no’s of Gorontolerese and other migrants from rural southern Sulawesi strive to catch a part of the boom. And for most they’ll be lucky to get anywhere near $200 a month. And some will navigate to the equality smokescreen that many divisive Iman’s have singularly latched on to given the absence of anything remotely leftist on the political realm. So could this boom prove an ill-omen for Manado which like former christian dominated Ambon is taking on more of an Islamic appearance. And just maybe none of this would be of any concern if bosses started giving their staff a proper living wage, thus avoiding the necessity to rest up counting the profits in Singapore, about once a generation, when the nullifying yearly grind of humiliating servitude boils into ‘mengamuk’ rage.

  8. madrotter says:

    in the weekends it’s full with all the affluent jakarta youngsters visiting bandung, go there on a sunday and the place is packed with families and their kids. the food is incredibly good and incredibly cheap. it’s just how things go here, you become succesfull with something as a foreigner and the wolves come sweeping down not to mention jealousy and kampung-politics… the place is open again since two days now but not selling alcohol for this moment….

  9. dianwulan says:


    But seriously – seventy-two? That place would employ 12 staff if it was in Europe, and they would all be a damn sight better at their jobs.

    You are of course joking, right? Have you ever been to this Club 9 anyway? (I haven’t).
    Not that I’d like to defend the Indonesian restos or pubs or clubs, but I -for one, have seen many around the world, and the European service wouldn’t be that impressive either. The staff in a European resto would serve you with a blank look and some very fast flat lines that they have memorised, and they would repeat the same thing every single time, to every single one. No, European resto staff are generally more miserable and less attentive to their Asian resto counterpart.


    I wonder why they never show up on a Saturday night at around 11…

    They probably did, but had a good night out instead.

  10. Oigal says:

    Ok but I do like the tendency to give you a menu and then we go through the 6 or 7 times …Maaf udah habbis…until you give up and settle for ada apa..

  11. dianwulan says:

    @ Oigal:
    Well then, I obviously don’t hang out at such restaurant in Indonesia then… When I found my self in a situation like that, I’d usually be in a warung or depot or warteg. No?

  12. agan says:

    Jealousy and kampung-politics notwithstanding, where ever you‘ve become successful in your business you need to give back to that very community where your business is thriving and try conform to that particular kampung unwritten “blue law” if you will.
    Like creating joint side business to partner with the community, scaling down any activities that can result in disturbing the peace to the community moral standard so next time jealous rival wolves come sweeping down the community will automatically defend your business as their own.

  13. madrotter says:

    most of the people working there ARE FROM THAT KAMPUNG, there’s not any problems with folks from the area. not sure if they’re open or not will find out tomorrow lah

  14. Oigal says:

    Dian, Indeed…you sound a bit serious here tho, it was just a bit of humor in another wise gloomy thread….

  15. Oigal says:

    Agan, As a business person myself I can tell you that it is pretty rare for trouble to come from the local community as most of us are savvy enough to engage the local community. However it is a typical and common tactic at both the micro and macro level to engage brainless mobs to intimidate rivals. Why one of Indonesia’s potential presidential candidates is an absolute master at it.

  16. rustyprince says:

    As a matter of interest, does anyone know how much of the 10% service charge that’s almost de-rigeur now goes to the staff?
    I’m still usually adding 50ribu because I’d previously assumed the pelayan was on a set wage, and I’m still thinking like a westerner, extra tipping cabs, hotel staff etc

  17. Oigal says:

    Usually zero and any short change at the end of the day comes from their wages. Local hotel which deals with a number of government employees for their afternoon nookie always has problems with clients doing a runner without paying or knocking stuff off. The hotel management policy is who ever was on front desk at the time has the missing money deducted from her wages.

    That said we have a french bastard here who has twice done a runner from the local bar and then denied it. Last time he zipped owing 700,000Rp and the girl serving his table had to foot the bill or to put it this way she worked for nothing for a month. Still word is out now and he is for a surprise next time he shows his face in our neck of the woods.

    Government Officials and Frenchmen, the evil twins of evolution..:-)

  18. cessch says:

    we dont need bulay promoting the devil of alcohol. i am tired of seeing white man come here and try to put onto the indonesians the way of the west. they go with indo woman and soon she dressing like slut. they open business and wanna serve alcohol. let them go singapore or some other loose society. better they recognize indonesia is 80 or 90 percent muslim. we dont want slutty women or drunks in indoneisa.
    american ex-pat

  19. Oigal says:

    Yawn…I am tired of sexually insecure and ignorant religious nutters telling other people how they should live. If you think clothes make a slut I have some really bad news for you.

  20. madrotter says:

    hahahaha!!! they make for funny reading though, singapore a loose society hihihi

  21. realest says:

    Andi, the British owner, is now said to be attempting to satisfy the local government on some permit issues. Cloud 9’s 72 staff remain idle in the meantime.

    i haven’t been to cloud 9 but if u divide those 72 into a few shifts and consider the valet+security service, the number would amount to something considerably fair. Plus i dont think every 72 are full-time employees which makes it quite a win-win for job creation.

    The reports go on to say protesters were unhappy that the bar served alcohol at all hours of the day and night, and was located too close to a mosque.

    This, according to my FPI driver, is unfortunately a valid reason. I don’t meddle with what my employees does during off-hours and he could come in handy in the future :p

  22. madrotter says:

    that’s how they closed down the old enhai cafe on st budi here, they didn’t like the cafe so they just build a mosk next to it, the fact that the cafe was there first doesn’t seem to matter…. bandung is not getting any nicer euy

  23. ET says:

    rustyprince said

    And also booming in Manado are minarets and exhortations of Islamic piety as large no’s of Gorontolerese and other migrants from rural southern Sulawesi strive to catch a part of the boom.

    Nothing new under the sun here. Whereever there is prosperity you will find them flocking in, start making demands and ultimately they will take over. Parasites work in a similar way.

  24. noge says:

    Never ending situation when two side of interest meet. Money versus Religion.

  25. madrotter says:

    again, this situation has NOTHING TO DO WITH RELIGION

  26. madrotter says:

    from today’s pikiran rakyat

  27. Thierry says:

    Whereas the Al Qur’an states that adulterers should be stoned to death
    Whereas muslims MUST believe that the Al Qur’an is dictated by Allah via an angel
    even moderate muslims must accept every word, every letter written in the Al Qur’an and stone Ariel Peter Pan.

    Whereas the Bible states that people who work on Sunday should be killed
    Christians should kill their neighbour when he is working in his garden on a Sunday

    Two different gods, two different holy books.

    I prefer none of the above.

  28. madrotter says:

    well it’s been written that cloud 9 shall open it’s gate again

  29. sobhana says:

    only in indonesia. worst republicans ever.

  30. Oigal says:

    It’s curious, not so much the grotesque images of sexually insecure and ignorant people invading other people’s privacy but it certainly appears the majority of Indonesians seem to think it is acceptable.

    Not sure if is sheer jealousy of the children in power unable grasp a male/female relationship beyond mommy and child or a culture in terminal decay.

    You have to feel sorry for the victims in this case at the same time laughing at the maturity level of the Nation. Want a place on world stage, perhaps we need to grow up first.

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