IPDN, Institut Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri

Apr 9th, 2007, in News, by

Violence and sex at the Institut Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri.

The Institute of Public Administration (IPDN) campus in Jatinangor, Sumedang, West Java, the training ground for the civil servants of the internal affairs ministry, has been rocked by two scandals of late, one serious and the other frivolous.

On April 3rd Cliff Muntu, a junior student from North Sulawesi, died after apparently being severely beaten by some senior students for some minor infraction. Four students have been expelled from the Institute and charged by police.

Cliff Muntu
Cliff Muntu’s body.

Since the news of Cliff Muntu’s death television news stations have repeatedly shown old footage of training exercises at the civil service academy involving much karate style kicking and punching of students, and IPDN Rector Nyoman Sumarayadi later admitted that two other students had been punched to death in recent years, these being Eri Rachman and Wahyu Hidayat from West Java in 2000 and 2003 respectively. Since the school was established in 1994 seven deaths have occurred.

On the 8th President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said that he is fed up with the deadly violence IPDN. He said he was considering taking “fundamental action” against the Institute of Public Administration, possibly including closing it down. antara

If need be a new educational institution will be set up.

The rector Nyoman Sumaryadi will be summoned to meet the president today.

As usual Vice President Jusuf Kalla was not to be left out of the action and he made an unexpected visit to the campus on the 7th and urged the IPDN to become more open and not a law unto itself, and stop the current military style training since students would later graduate to become sub-district government heads, which was not a military post at all. antara

Some claim that not only is IPDN plagued by violence but also by free sex. With a student population of 4,658 students, 997 of whom are female, it is said by an IPDN lecturer, Inu Kencana, that from 2000 to 2004 640 cases of free sex occurred.

Nyoman Sumarayadi denied this: detik

I don’t see any free sex at IPDN. Everyone needs sex but it can’t be like that.

Another IPDN official, Kartika Mayasari, fiercely denied the free sex smear. metro

Kartika Mayasari
Kartika Mayasari says no free sex.

One student at IPDN was said to have cried upon hearing the allegation that IPDN women students were immoral.

18 Comments on “IPDN, Institut Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri”

  1. aJ says:

    IPDN officials should be held responsible for this. The same case has happened so many times and there is a big chance it will happen again.

    Education institutions should focus to produce future leaders with good morals. Seems to me, this particular institution is more concerned to graduate students with strong arms and legs.

  2. Robert says:

    …training exercises at the civil service academy involving much karate style kicking and punching of students…

    I would expect training exercises with MS Word and Excel instead of this madness. Has anyone forgotten to tell rector Nyoman Sumaryadi that he is running an administration institute and not a military academy?

    One student at IPDN was said to have cried upon hearing the allegation that IPDN women students were immoral.

    Only the women were supposed to be immoral? And the men…?

  3. Niamh Piperman says:

    The rector Nyoman Sumaryadi will be summoned to meet the president today.

    No need to worry, lads. He’s Balinese – they’re such peace-loving people, are Hindu and hold fast to their culture and traditions; couldn’t possibly his fault. Must be those Javanese 😉 .

  4. El Gran Combo Puertorico says:

    Wrong. That guy, Nyoman Sumaryadi, converted to Islam long time ago.

    Actually it’s quite common that some Balinese people who make career in other province, switch their religion to Islam, for whatever reason. But usually, the most important factor that are: wife, and career (I don’t understand, why do they need they need to switch to Islam just to move on with their career, that’s so weak).

  5. Angie says:

    Made ma laugh reading comments from Niamh Piperman and El Grand Combo Puertorico.

    Quit the SARA thing for a while will ya guys.

    Anyway, the issue about military style training occurs not only in STPDN/IPDN. Many public and private universities, even high schools (when I was still in high-school, and in lighter version), still have these kinds of training, tough informally. It’s not a secret anymore, most high-school graduates actually knew or was briefed (of course from informal source, since it’s informal activities), about what’s waiting for them once they enter the higher education institution. My sister who went to a well-known public uni in Bandung said even sometimes the graduated seniors, and those who’ve become lecturer got no hesitation on joining the violence-party.

    About the free-sex issue, on detik it was mentioned that the statement is based on a research done for a dissertation. If the research’s done in proper way, then the result’s accountable. Besides, on the research it was mentioned from year 2000 – 2004, there are 640 cases of free-sex involving IPDN female students occurred. Means not all of them are doing this practice. Who knows that perhaps the 640 cases only practiced by 1, 2 or 100 individuals (huahahaha)? Perhaps the statement is just too general or being generalized.

    Today, on metro Marwah Daud mentioned that di sekolah militer pun tidak pernah ada berita kekerasan yang sampai menghilangkan nyawa orang lain (there has never been informed that in military school occur violence that results fatal).
    Wow! Wait a minute! I heard they (freshmen in military schools) and their family (parents) actually sign an agreement saying that they’ll not sue/blow-up/put into public concern IF one day their sons/daughters’ dead during the education. This probably hard to be investigate, and we all know why.
    We’ve all watched the violence happened(ing) at STPDN/IPDN. It’s fatal, and it’s not a military school. How much harder is the training in military school then ? (as I’ve heard, a news-closing on a tv station).

    The system’s great, those who runs the system’s to blame, they have a hobby of misconduct and I don’t think it’s wise to ask the head of the institution to step down, not yet. Maybe he’s not involved anyway, and sometimes such things just out of his reach.
    I think it’d be wise for him to be blamed for (may be said as) keeping the truth from public and the victims family, his statements has been changing. and if the conflicted statements accidentally spilled out, maybe he need to consider a resign, or at least get him self a spokesperson.

  6. Janma says:

    Indonesia is a facist country. They are very focused on military type training even in schools, with kids marching around etc. In Bali they have the pecalang, which is just another kind of veiled facisim. And the comment by piperman, (which may have been a joke) that no need to worry cause he’s balinese, that has to be a joke, because balinese are ‘Ganas’ as a rule. Just remember 1965, bali was a killing ground, big time.

  7. Marie Antoinette says:

    Free sex? It’s not as if other colleges aren’t as free-wheeling.
    But seriously, are these really the future leaders of our country?
    Deaths at IPDN have occured three times in the past five years, not counting the unreported cases. Sadly, the public hand-wringing that accompanies each revelation usually does little to alleviate the problem. Last year, a freshman from Papua committed suicide from “stress”, although I suspect hazing may have been the real reason.
    It’s outrageous that future administrators of this country are being trained in an atmosphere of violence, immorality, and (perhaps most alarming of all) impunity and unaccountability. However, it should be noted that cases of death from bullying or hazing are by no means confined to Indonesia. A lot of the lessons from what could be done to reduce violence from schools/military training can be learnt from countries such as the US and UK (though notably not Russia).

  8. Janma says:

    How come the free sex charge only involves women? Are they all lesbians? Were no men involved?

  9. Parvita says:

    Why do we still need IPDN, now we select by Pilkada anyways. Just close it down.

  10. Niamh Piperman says:

    Angie Says:
    April 10th, 2007 at 2:17 am

    Made ma laugh reading comments from Niamh Piperman and El Grand Combo Puertorico.

    Quit the SARA thing for a while will ya guys.

    Not SARA – it’s a sarcastic dig at those (mainly Western tourists) who insist that Balinese do no wrong, and at those, mainly Balinese, who insist that any wrong done is done by Javanese.

    Janma Says:
    April 10th, 2007 at 12:06 pm

    And the comment by piperman, (which may have been a joke) that no need to worry cause he’s balinese, that has to be a joke,

    Less a joke than a commentary on others’ unrealistic utopian perceptions of Bali as paradise.



  11. Niamh Piperman says:

    …but do appologise for posting comments which are totally irrelevant to the topic at hand.



  12. Juan Satriyo says:

    I agreed if we begin to called IPDN as “Institute Pemukulan Dalam Negeri”. But I’m not agreed if Nyoman Sumaryadi still leading the institution. Maybe for this positition we can ask for Mike Tyson or The Rock. Main reason, name of Nyoman Sumaryadi it’s looks like so feminine. How do you think every body.

  13. Fin says:

    Another shame.

    (Indonesian) justice paid by blood, they work after tragedy and deaths happened, always way too late.

    Actually it’s quite common that some Balinese people who make career in other province, switch their religion to Islam, for whatever reason. But usually, the most important factor that are: wife, and career (I don’t understand, why do they need they need to switch to Islam just to move on with their career, that’s so weak).

    Whoever said that, are you yourself a balinese?

  14. Yoyok says:

    Congratulation! IPDN best education model in Indonesia.

  15. Suhada says:

    In IPDN issue we can see many biases and sarcastic irony. Let us examine the violence issue first. I think violence somehow has become an inherent entity of our culture in Indonesia. We can see, hear, and even feel the grasp of violence within very vast aspects of our daily life. IPDN issue might be very prominent, thus the institution is being viewed as immoral and violent. It takes lifes, and the horror spreads within catasthropic rate. We cursed the rector as a low liar. We disgust at the sight of the video footages about the bullying students, punching and kicking their junior. But we somehow forget how dearly we embrace violence within our life. We can see junior students as subjects of violence in almost every education intitution. It has become a common paradigm that violence is necessary to establish discipline and hierarchy. The disagreement is just about the proper dose. Yelling and mild smacking is fine. Punching and kicking is.. er.. too much (maybe?).

    Here and there we can hear violence and hatred are being justified within religious sermons. Jihad become the stigma of Islam. Triumvalism become the major issue in Chritianity. Now and then we can see zealous believers eager to wage war in the name of God. Passion, twisting faith into violence. (Dream Theater, “In The Name of God”). And family life has long foreseen as the domain of violence. Husband torturing his wife. Mother cursing at her own child. Divorce lead into violent outburst, even murder.

    Just take a drive in any crowded streets in Indonesia, than you will see how violence has became an intergral paradigm of many. Cars blowing their horns like hell to a slower and bristler rickshaw driven by poor old man, just for the sake of few minutes. In any traffic accident you will see crowds gathering within seconds, not to give a proper aid for the victim, but eager to unleash hellish curse and blast for the wrong doer. Yes, IPDN is just the pinnacle of a huge iceberg of violence problem within our dear country.

  16. Suhada says:

    Later on we’ll take the free sex issue. Sex has long time considered as a taboo within the realm of our “religious” country. We see sexual aspect of a person as a low and bestial entity that should be controlled and veiled within the shroud of politeness and religious attributes. I agree that vulgar expression of sexuality for the sake of sexual pleasure is indeed low and immature. But it doesn’t mean that we should deny or dismissed our very nature as a sexual persona. Furthermore, we tend to view this matter within a gender biassed perspective.

    Quoting Janma:

    “How come the free sex charge only involves women? Are they all lesbians? Were no men involved?”

    There we can see that the matter — of free sex in IPDN — is being viewed with the very same perpective. Gender biassed. We tend to see women as object (as a Muslim I have to admit that we often times embrace this perspective like a creed). And as an object women become scapegoats in many sexual issue. Brothel houses burned, the prostitutes arrested but the customer, which are men, are left aside. Untouched. Those FPI and FBR mass vandalize Playboy’s office and our cops do hardly a thing. Now and then we hear the issues about “Perda berjilbab”.

    And the reasons are very ridiculous, among them is to keep women from sexual harassment. RUU Pornografi is just another vivid case about how immature our country is in viewing these sexual matters. The Pansus hardly be able to propose the term pornography within coherent and logical formulation. The students of IPDN mourn when others consider them as immorals due to the sexual issue. They insist that there were no free-sex in IPDN. But they stay stoicly calm when they saw violence within their campus. Maybe they were right, there were no such thing like free-sex. Violent and repressed sex maybe, but free? No Way! Ini Indonesia gitu loh. Wassalam.

  17. Arema says:

    Suhada, can you explain the term “triumvalism”? My first time hearing the word, and I can’t get the definition from google. Thanks

  18. Aluang anak Bayang says:

    Think she meant ‘triumphalism’. I may be wrong.

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