AIDS around the country; Papua

Dec 2nd, 2010, in Featured, News, by
AIDS Commission of Indonesia

Incidence, prevalence rates, and other statistics on AIDS in Indonesia, with Papua province being the worst affected.

Figures are as provided by the Department of Health up to June 30th 2010.

Numbers of new reported HIV/AIDS infections per year: 1999 – June 2010

  • 1999: 94 cases
  • 2000: 255
  • 2001: 219
  • 2002: 345
  • 2003: 316
  • 2004: 1195
  • 2005: 2639
  • 2006: 2873
  • 2007: 2947
  • 2008: 4969
  • 2009: 3863
  • 2010: 1797

Total number of cases is 21,770.

Incidence per 100,000 of population

Nationally the incidence of infection is 9.44 persons per 100,000, with Papua having a rate 14 times this.

By province:

  1. Papua – 135.44 people infected per 100,000
  2. Bali – 49.16
  3. Jakarta – 41.89
  4. Riau Islands – 22.76
  5. West Kalimantan – 16.91
  6. Maluku – 14.21
  7. Bangka Belitung – 11.65
  8. East Java – 9.8
  9. West Sumatera – 9.1
  10. West Papua – 8.93
  11. West Java – 8.87
  12. Yogyakarta – 8.51
  13. Riau – 8.39
  14. North Sulawesi – 7.69
  15. South Sulawesi – 6.65
  16. Bengkulu – 6.46
  17. Jambi – 5.8
  18. North Sumatera – 3.71
  19. East Nusa Tenggara – 3.19
  20. Banten – 3.11
  21. West Nusa Tenggara – 3.07
  22. South Sumatera – 3.04
  23. Central Java – 2.53
  24. Lampung – 1.86
  25. Central Kalimantan – 1.68
  26. North Maluku – 1.67
  27. Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam – 1.17
  28. South East Sulawesi – 0.95
  29. South Kalimantan – 0.78
  30. Central Sulawesi – 0.46
  31. East Kalimantan – 0.35
  32. Gorontalo – 0.33

Method of Transmission

In Jakarta, Banten, and West Java intravenous transmission accounts for on average 70% of new cases; in other areas of Java and on other islands IV transmission is at around 30%. In Papua however IV transmission is virtually non-existent, with heterosexual intercourse being the major factor in spreading the disease.


  • Heterosexual transmission: 49.3%
  • Drug use: 40.4%
  • Homosexual transmission: 3.3%
  • Pre-natal: 2.7%
  • Blood transfusion: 0.1%
  • Not known: 4.3%


  • Men: 73.9%
  • Women: 25.6%
  • Not Known: 0.5%


  • < 1: 1%
  • 1-14: 1.9%
  • 15-19: 2.9%
  • 20-29: 48.1%
  • 30-39: 30.9%
  • 40-49: 9.1%
  • 50-59: 2.5%
  • 60+: 0.5%

Proportion of prison inmates infected

In Jakarta, Banten, and West Java about 20% of prison inmates are thought to be infected; in other provinces less than 6%.

Proportion of prostitutes infected

In Papua about 20% of prostitutes are likely to be infected with AIDS; in other provinces less than 8%.

9 Comments on “AIDS around the country; Papua”

  1. syonan says:

    Are these figures correct? With free sexs on the flow throughout Indonesia & with the increased prostitution, these figures should be higher.

  2. ET says:

    Are these figures correct? With free sexs on the flow throughout Indonesia & with the increased prostitution, these figures should be higher.

    Are you disappointed?

  3. timdog says:

    “increased prostitution”?
    You sure about that syonan? Are you saying that prostitution is a new thing in Java? Are you saying that it’s all Ariel’s fault?

  4. Aprianti says:

    “free sex” and “increased prostitution” may not be the reason to assume a higher number than what was presented in the report, but poor health service, poor information access, and poor literacy rates might. Only a small proportion of people who live with AIDS in Indonesia is actually diagnosed, treated and then reported, I think.

  5. angelk says:

    Are these figures correct?

    Probably not. What’s official and what’s not are usually two very different things. Take the population count, for example, 240 million (official) vs. 280 million (unofficial).

    Source of Stats

  6. Arie Brand says:

    ““free sex” and “increased prostitution” may not be the reason to assume a higher number than what was presented in the report, but poor health service, poor information access, and poor literacy rates might.”

    I do not share the view of those who see in the high rate of aids in Papua proof of a genocidal plot. What I do see is the relative backwardness of Papuans as compared to people from the other islands in terms of the criteria mentioned by Aprianti.

    If I may allow myself in this serious context a frivolous anecdote:

    In the fifties prostitution in Papua was mainly limited to the direct environment of the barracks for the Dutch marines. I remember that the (Dutch) “Kepala Pemerintah Setempat” in Biak wanted to do something about that for public health reasons. He then received an indignant call from the commander of the marines “whether the boys were supposed to do it in their handkerchiefs”. By way of retort the KPS sent him next day a massive box of hankies.

  7. timdog says:

    Nice story Arie. A question – and not in any way wishing for you to incriminate yourself 😉 – where were these girls from? Were they Papuan, or shipped in from elsewhere in the Archipelago (pre-Indonesian independence, or post?)?

  8. Arie Brand says:

    As far as I know they were purely Papuan. The situation in Biak would not have been very different from what it was elsewhere. It is now almost inconceivable that there were so few Indonesians in Papua then. They were mainly the Ambonese and Keyese that served in the lower ranks of the administration and in the village schools. In the bigger towns you saw very few of them.

    I have a vague memory of a Chinese who wanted to ship in girls (I have forgotten from where) but he was stopped by the administration.

  9. David says:

    Did a post once, Papuan Mission

    The men of the 521 battalion from Kediri are marching off to Papua bringing guns, condoms, seeds, and religious tracts.

    A general inspecting them before they went off noticed they were taking 1,000 condoms, and muttered some note of disapproval, and said that if they had to take them, they shouldn’t use them but devote themselves to their duty. He didn’t offer to replace the condoms with hankies though.

    A friend who worked at Freeport said the prostitutes in that area are not local women.

Comment on “AIDS around the country; Papua”.

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