Top Companies

Apr 2nd, 2007, in Business & Economy, by

The top four Indonesian companies, according to Forbes.

In Forbes’ annual Global Top 2000 companies list four Indonesian firms are listed, they being forbes:

  • 835th – Telekom Indonesia, with sales of $4.3 billion, profits of $800 million, assets of $6.3 billion, and market value of $19.6 billion.
  • 1149thBank Central Asia, with sales of $1.6 billion, profits of $370 million, assets of $15.3 billion, and market value of $6.6 billion.
  • 1202nd – Bank Rakyat Indonesia, with sales of $1.86 billion, profits of $390 million, assets of $12.4 billion, and market value of $6.3 billion.
  • 1425th – Bank Mandiri, with sales of $2.4 billion, profits of $60 million, assets of $26.6 billion, and market value of $5.2 billion.

The top ten are Citibank (USA), Bank of America (USA), HSBC (UK), General Electric (USA), JPMorgan Chase (USA), American Intl Group (USA), Exxon Mobil (USA), Royal Dutch Shell (Netherlands), UBS (Switzerland), ING (Netherlands).

By way of comparison Malaysia has fourteen companies listed, starting with Malayan Banking at 663rd, Thailand has thirteen companies starting with PTT Public Company at 354th, and the Philippines has only one listing, PLDT-Philippine LDT at 1321st.

3 Comments on “Top Companies”

  1. Sputjam says:

    These values are market cap, which is based on share value. Due to incoherent practices, some of these values are jacked up, like exxonmobil, due to demand for crude oil. It can crash down if cheaper energy alternatives are found.

    Similarly, if the USD were to crash, then the values of american companies will be affected. The only companies with value are those who consistently gave dividend payments. That means, they are liquid and making real profits, instead of bubble profits in terms of assets, even if the company is small and insignificant. Big companies with no dividend payment are rubbish.

  2. Dragonwall says:

    Wow! banks that doesn’t even have par value. I guess those blue chips isn’t that blue after all. If that is the case then the rest of the banks are worth peanuts. How are you able to manage the banks into a state of confidence.

  3. Ryan says:

    Hi do you know where I can get a listing of the current top 1000 companies in Indonesia?
    And what is the government regulatory agency that monitors them? What is the Indonesian counterpart for the Securities and Exchange Commission?


Comment on “Top Companies”.

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