Sex Curious

Apr 4th, 2007, in Internet, News, by

Indonesia ranks highly for internet sex searches.

According to Google Trends these are the top ten countries for searches on the word “sex”: google

  • 1. Pakistan
  • 2. Egypt
  • 3. India
  • 4. Turkey
  • 5. Vietnam
  • 6. Morocco
  • 7. Iran
  • 8. Saudi Arabia
  • 9. Indonesia
  • 10. Croatia

In Indonesia the cities and towns with the people most curious about sex are: google

  • 1. Lhokseumawe, Aceh
  • 2. Gorontalo city, Gorontalo
  • 3. Mataram, Lombok
  • 4. Panjang, (Bandar Lampung?) Lampung
  • 5. Madiun, East Java
  • 6. Serang, Banten
  • 7. Samarinda, East Kalimantan
  • 8. Jambi city, Jambi
  • 9. Cirebon, West Java
  • 10. Pekanbaru, Riau

The ranks for the towns are similar if we change the search term “sex” to an Indonesian sex oriented term such as “bugil” (naked) or “cewek” (girl), with the additions of Jember and Gresik in East Java, and Bekasi in West Java, for example.

Oddly, major cities like Jakarta, Surabaya, Medan, etc., do not appear in the list for the above terms, however if we search on the names of Yahya Zaini or Maria Eva we find the cities most interested in sex scandals to be some of the major ones – Depok, Medan, Jakarta, Semarang, Surabaya, Bandung, Malang, Yogyakarta, Balikpapan, and Serang.

23 Comments on “Sex Curious”

  1. Dimp says:

    It just shows that the more “taboo” something is, then it will be more desirable for human. It just common sense.

  2. Robert says:

    Forbidden fruit has the finest taste apparently.

  3. Karina says:

    It’s not surprising that most of the countries in the top 10 happen to be Muslim dominated countries.

    Put that together with the recent chaos concerning the publication of Playboy magazine in Indonesia, we have a fine example to define the term ‘hypocrisy’.

  4. Achmad Sudarsono says:


    Accuse me of being paranoid, of having a kneejerk reaction, or even just loving my country too much, but I think this clearly smacks of an organized effort to discredit the countries on the list. Firstly, I ask you: who has the capability to do it? Secondly, who has the ability? Finally, who has the intention? Please, Friend, don’t be naive! We all know the answer.


  5. Rockstar says:


    I accuse you of being paranoid. 🙂


  6. Angie says:

    Sorry, a long one, and I hope a good one.

    Agree with the forbidden fruit or taboo things.

    I convinced you that there are many Muslims did not classified sex and things related to it as taboo to talk about.
    try wikipedia, on that article it was mentioned that pornography’s an issue in the USA. Well, I have no intention on making this certain religion dominated country-things big, just as comparison.

    No matter what’s your religious affiliation, what race are you, which social class you’re in, you wouldn’t want your children to sneak-out on you watching porn (I don’t want my kids to do that). I personally planned to watch porn with them and teach them how to use contraceptions (accused me being crazy, not paranoid, please), since you cannot compete with globalizations and the reality that your kids are human beings with minds, hearts and wills of their own.

    I have strong believe that the range of age describes on Google Trends are young people, who happens to have extra curiosity towards such things. All of us, it’s humane. There’s nothing to be ashamed of, unless you have an abnormal sexual behavior such as BDSM or homosexual.

    Last comment for Achmad Sudarsono, yes, I think you are paranoid, it’s only statistics. Might want to read this About Google Trends. If friendster can count how many people have seen your profile, why can’t Google count how many times have you entered the word terrorist on the search bar?
    Why must it be sex or sort? Because those are the most intriguing topics for the young people who happens (again) to use the internet.
    This kind of technology can be modified and collects information in details, starts from your exact being (which building you go online), of course the district/state and country your in, local time, your traffic content, even what you send to your friends via email.

  7. Robert says:

    Achmad Sudarsono,

    but I think this clearly smacks of an organized effort to discredit the countries on the list

    It takes more to discredit a country then saying that its internet users type in the word sex in Google. We’re talking sex here not terrorism, so there is no need to get paranoid.
    Maybe people in other countries go to the sex-related sites directly, without having to search for it. Better sex-education at schools might be a good remedy to prevent youngsters searching the web for their sex-related information. The less you tell, the more the internet will be searched.

  8. Hehe, interesting investigation. Well, I agree with the idea that it is normal since Indonesia has more than enough young people who happen to be new users in the internet world. And yes because they’re young it is normal that the word “sex” might be the most interesting one to think about. We were all young once, right?

    Anyway, the word “Islam” has been searched mostly by Indonesians in google. Although it is of course not a big suprise considering that our messed up country happens to be the most populous Muslim-majority nation. So, it’s interesting: “sex” and “islam” are some of the most-searched words by Indonesians. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a Muslim myself. Let’s just hope that God may bless this country, again, again, and again, and again.

  9. El Gran Combo Puertorico says:

    I have strong believe that the range of age describes on Google Trends are young people, who happens to have extra curiosity towards such things. All of us, it’s humane. There’s nothing to be ashamed of, unless you have an abnormal sexual behavior such as BDSM or homosexual.

    What was that supposed to mean? Did you get raped by a homosexual in your younger days that you hate them like this? I pity you.

  10. Achmad Sudarsono says:

    Can anyone recommend some sexy sites for me? Please understand this is not for my own consumption and just for educational purposes only, so I can help lead my fellow Indonesians away from sinful things. I have interests similar to some African men, that is I like big, big, behinds.

    Thank you, Friend.

  11. El Gran Combo Puertorico says:

    To ahmad sudarsono, I can help you.

    clandestinogay — it gives info of all bathhouses scattered in mexico city too.
    bearmex — if you’re into bears.

    Next time you visit mexico city, be sure to visit oasis, a friendly cantina near to garibaldi park. Where you can have some chats, beers, salsa / cumbia music and dance. Beware though, generally you’ll meet middle aged guys from working class, such as policemen, taxi drivers, office worker, shop owners, teachers / lecturers, etc; in case you want to keep yourself in the upper / high class group. Don’t go to the stupid discos in zona rosa, lots of moneyboys and girlies; not my cup of tea.

  12. Parvita says:

    Most viewed article in Indonesia Matters:

    Student Sex Videos
    Porno Channels
    Top 10 Hottest Women
    Yahya Zaini Sex Scandal
    Christian Terrorists
    Nissan Livina
    Tiara Lestari
    Sex Slavery
    Maria Eva
    Sex Curious

    Anymore to say?

  13. Bas says:

    Doesn’t amaze me that 9 from 10 countries are Muslims ones. Indonesian are obsessed by sex. All they think all day long is sex. They only work for sex. They are corrupted to get as many women as possible. And as always they hide behind a pseudo western bad influence (“seks bebas”). But there is no more prostitution and free sex anywhere else on this planet than in Indonesia. All sex travellers admit it: the best destination is Indonesia, not Thailand or Cuba.

  14. Odinius says:

    No, no, Achmad. You are right. It’s a plot. Indonesia’s prestige, as well as the prestige of the other countries on the list, has nothing to do with its human rights record, its GDP, its position in regional and international affairs, its cultural heritage, etc. Instead it positively hinges on its ranking in terms of who types the word “sex” into google searches the most, per capita. Because of this, Indonesia’s archnemesis – and notable absentee from the list – MALAYSIA, clearly has banded together with Croatia’s archnemesis SERBIA to make sure these countries were not left off the list. But since malays are more tech-savvy than Serbs, Indonesia, sadly, took a larger hit than Croatia did. 🙂

  15. Odinius says:

    Bas. Count again, dude. Vast majority of indians are Hindu, vasty majority of croats are Catholic and almost all vietnamese are Buddhist or Catholic.

  16. Angie says:

    I agree with Robert, sex education and maybe we all should start accepting sex as part of our daily lives, not as a destructive tools. my little brother went to a private Islamic school, and impressed me very much that they actually teaches sex-education suitable for each grades they have, and they combined it with biology lesson. and surprisingly, it stops my brother from seeing, hehehehe, guess it works for him.

    To El Gran Combo, the BDSM and homosexuality (including lez)

    What was that supposed to mean? Did you get raped by a homosexual in your younger days that you hate them like this? I pity you.

    Personally, I have nothing against homosexuality (lez also), but come on, God (I believe in God) creates living things in pairs. Man-woman, male-female. even man creates male and female jacks on most electronics (you can see on the back of your computer, for example).
    I’m very sorry if my statement offend you or anyone in anyway possible, but if they’re normal, then maybe they shouldn’t be surprising or frightening for most people, certainly for me, sex with or without love is supposed to prevent you from harm and it must be fun (in BDSM case bruises and wounds; in gay case long term may result contraction failure of the rectal muscle – as I heard; and in lez case come on, where’s the fun.)

    Well, personal choice.

  17. Marie Antoinette says:

    Don’t be condescending.
    If you were a nation of 18-year-olds, and the Net was the only place you got porn, you’d top Google too.

  18. Xoussef says:

    Google trends is the worst thing google ever done. it’s simply a big joke. Don’t rely on it information because it’s all false. just keep using it and you’ll be surprised by how illogical it is.
    For example, according to it, Kenyans are ones who topped the word “peace” searches, but there is no single Kenyan city in the top ten cities. Further more, top languages are Nepali, Tagalog and Bengali!

  19. El Gran Combo Puertorico says:

    if they’re normal, then maybe they shouldn’t be surprising or frightening for most people, certainly for me, sex with or without love is supposed to prevent you from harm and it must be fun (in BDSM case bruises and wounds; in gay case long term may result contraction failure of the rectal muscle – as I heard; and in lez case come on, where’s the fun.)

    Certainly this person (?) — who is hiding behind the moniker Angie — sees everything from her perspective, that starts from genital area. That is all. Everything is centered around genital and its utilizations. I wonder if that person Angie has ever heard the word “love”?

    The lesbians could say something similar to this person: “hey, being f-ed by a guy… where’s the fun? cmon”. Got the point? Who is that person to judge, with her own rulers?

    Want more? Here’s another quote, from that person:

    but come on, God (I believe in God) creates living things in pairs.

    Ha ha ha. Again, sex & procreation. That person Angie reminds me of islamic cleric or Catholic priests. Enough said. That person’s perspective is about sex and filling up the planet with her offsprings. Thanks, but I have other views, I can adopt child.

    See, this is exactly the reason why I’m very happy being out of Indonesia. Indonesia is full of people like this person Angie. Indonesia is full of people who like to talk (“bad” things) on your back, with holier-than-thou mentality, I don’t know, it’s just sickening living among people who can’t see from other’s perspective and can’t resist the temptation to inflict their views upon others. That is Indonesia to me.

  20. Bule Ganteng says:

    It is easy to criticise a Muslim society when you are trying to compare Muslim along side a western society. The sheer novelty factor of seeing flesh openly displayed is unheard of to Muslim’s and in the west you have sex and naked bodies thrust upon you at every angle on the Tv, magazines and billboards let alone the internet. So it is only natural curiosity and nothing more and this should be taken into account when making a rating statement and ranking Muslim’s as the highest offenders as this is yet again pure bias.

  21. Hari says:

    It’s amazing, but that is sex. Sex nothing to do with religion. The reason is people are love “sex” is about lust, desire, experiences.

  22. Gil says:

    El Gran Combo Puertorico: well said matey!
    Angie: I tell you one thing, normality is illusion! There’s no such thing in this world. Ah, how I wished you experienced other fragments beside your comfort zone, angie. And by then, you might, just might, eventually grasp the fact how delusive your “normal” world is…

  23. Lala says:

    Well, sex is sex, God made it anyway.
    I heard that every man in the world think about sex every 7 second.
    The point is religion is something you have to remember God, any religion.
    Sex got nothing to do with religion, it’s all depend on ourself to control the sex desires.

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