The Islam Defenders Front, FPI, have long had almost a free reign in Jakarta going about intimidating people and wrecking places and yesterday’s protest at the US embassy, in which the youths of the FPI went on the rampage and threw rocks and smashed windows, we hope will be the final straw in how they are treated.
The Jakarta Post reports:
Hundreds of protesters from the Islam Defenders Front (FPI) attacked the U.S. Embassy on Sunday during a rally accusing Washington of masterminding the controversy about cartoons of Prophet Muhammad to destroy Islam.
…in what U.S. Ambassador B. Lynn Pascoe later called a “premeditated act of thuggery” to garner media attention, the group — estimated at 400-strong by wire services — began hurling stones and traffic cones at the windows of embassy security posts outside the compound’s gates.
General Sutanto of the police has said that this time at least they won’t be able to get away with it.
Whoever disturbs the peace will be punished. (Siapapun yang melakukan gangguan keamanan tentunya akan diberi sanksi hukum.)
He also said the police were investigating the video evidence and would soon lay charges against FPI members.
Thanks Patung for the additional info.
I visit your blog almost every day – just not always comment.
I keep being told that Indo overall is pretty open to western tourists…but sometimes reading things like this make we wonder if I should continue making plans to visit…
Mr Richard,
Well I can’t tell, if it’s safe or not. When are you planning on visiting Indonesia?
You all know what ? FPI attack the peace demonstration on June 1st, at the National Monument Jakarta.
But please, still visit Indonesia…..
Visit Indonesia Year 2008
Celebrate the 100 years of National Awakening
Celebrate the 100 years of National Awakening
What IS that sound!?….. Wait a minute…. is that? no it can’t be…. Snoring?!
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