Indonesian Islamic State (NII)

Mar 23rd, 2007, in News, by

Action is urged against the Indonesian Islamic State (NII, Negara Islam Indonesia) movement.

The Jakarta Post says former members of a religious group affiliated with the Indonesian Islamic State (NII, Negara Islam Indonesia) movement urged the Bandung chapter of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) to issue a warning about the congregation.

The former members recently went to the MUI Bandung chapter on Jl. Martadinata in Bandung, West Java, asking it to alert the public to aggressive tactics used by the movement.

Dede Ahmad, 34, a former NII member, said he was worried over increasingly strident efforts to collect donations, supposedly to establish an Islamic state.

Now they are aggressively campaigning in Depok (West Java) and Jakarta. We don’t want to see them thrive again in Bandung like seven years ago

Dede once led an NII chapter in the area of Pulogadung, Jakarta from 2000 to 2003. Dede said it was difficult to track what the money was actually being used for.

Such methods used to be applied by my colleagues to gather funds to be transferred to the organization

He added that as an NII leader he had to pay Rp 16 million ($1,700) per month collected from members.

The NII movement is known to recruit new members through prayer groups at public and university mosques. Each member is obliged to pay a monthly contribution while those who do not have been known to be punished by being isolated in rooms. Fearing punishment, many members have ended up resorting to theft, deceit and blackmail to get the money, it is said.

Egi Rahmadi, 25, whose younger brother had been an NII member, said monitoring of prayer groups on university campuses should be stepped up because the NII gained new members through religious mentoring.

My brother entered NII through an introduction at a campus prayer activity.

Responding to the complaints, Rafani Achyar, general secretary of MUI’s West Java chapter, said both security officers and government agents had been unable to determine who was behind the NII movement. (Panji Gumilang of Al Zaytun has in the past been pointed at as a leader.) Thus it was difficult for MUI to attempt to deal with it.

Rafani said MUI had not remained silent, however. He said the organization had held activities within the last year in both East and West Java to explain its views against the establishment of an Islamic state (of (West) Java, or South Sulawesi, the areas where NII is traditionally strongest) within the unitary state of the Republic of Indonesia.

We are encountering difficulties following up on this case due to the absence of evidence.

Hedi Muhammad of the “Deviation Movement Investigation Team” of the “Indonesian Muslim Followers and Ulema Forum” said that as of 2000, at least 260 former NII members had repented and were ready to testify in court against the group.

The problem is that there should have been a case report from the police at the court. No investigation of the case has been conducted by the West Java police thus far.

63 Comments on “Indonesian Islamic State (NII)”

  1. Yunir says:

    Locking people up?

    I hope the pressure builds up and progress will gain significant momentum, leading to the fall of such movements.

  2. Ihaknt says:

    Fearing punishment, many members have ended up resorting to theft, deceit and blackmail to get the money, it is said.

    Ah how refreshing, this is a very islamic way, how munafik. I wonder if the thieves will be amputated?

  3. Achmad Sudarsono says:


    It is good to see people openly struggling for a Negara Islam. A Negara Islam would fix many problems, like corruption, bad rice harvest, and immoral foreign influences. I will accept donations if anyone on this website wants to make them. Also for me as I lost many money after I give my salary to a Nigerian man at Blok M who said he would invest it for me but then he is disappear.

    A Negara Islam would stop such a thing.



  4. Ihaknt says:

    Ono, we already know you’re just pulling our legs. It’s not working.

  5. Tomaculum says:

    A. Sudarsono for president of NII!!!! 🙂

  6. Achmad Sudarsono says:

    Pak Ihaknt Yth,

    You are facing a grave and perilous path in denying the Truth of Islam, my friend. I strongly recommend you come back to The Truth to purify yourself. Such a move would cure your various shortcomings, including impotence, poor concentration, and other forms of self-abuse. I await with open arms to welcome you to the Fold.


  7. Dimp says:

    I totally agree with Achmad Sudarsono, we should really build the NII while it is gaining the momentum. I will run for vice president alongside Achmad Sudarsono. I will start accepting donation from now on.

  8. Aluang anak Bayang says:

    Haha Achmad, from your last name I guessed you must be Javanese. (if you are not, don’t mar our good name). I think we will get Ibu Sudarsono to slap you around your head for trying to sound like true Muslim. I don’t see many Javanese as true Muslim be they from NU or the Muhammadiyah camp. They only claim to be Muslim to suit their purpose like contract marriage and additional wives. We are Abangan even though we try to lose that tag. Ibu won’t be too happy if you try to use the pretext of Islam to get more playmates.

  9. Cukurungan says:

    Mas Achmad,

    If you run for NII President don’t forget put my girls Ihaknt for minister of “Gender Equality”.

    Your Voters

  10. Robert says:

    Theft, deceit and blackmail? Al Capone would have been proud of these boys! This sounds more like gangster chronicles than the acts of a religious movement.

  11. Achmad Sudarsono says:

    All My Friend,

    Please you are to listen to my instruction: Be the Good Muslim. Last hari Jumat Kliwon after jumatan at a family slametan I was talking to Mbah Suroh through the family Dukun who said it had to be like that. But I am glad you all agree we have to fight for NII.


  12. Yunir says:

    Hi Achmad,

    don’t you think what the NII is doing is actually sinful?

    The NII movement is known to recruit new members through prayer groups at public and university mosques. Each member is obliged to pay a monthly contribution while those who do not have been known to be punished by being isolated in rooms. Fearing punishment, many members have ended up resorting to theft, deceit and blackmail to get the money, it is said.

  13. Matahari says:

    I was gobsmacked when I attended one of the event organised by business link in London few years ago, there were few “Indonesian government hierarchies” including the member of MPR.

    During the the event, none of these people asking any questions or made a comment, then when the lunch break they supposed to make some conversations with other delegates, but moaning that they can’t find a musholla and guess what? After moaning about musholla I heard this disturbing conversation beetwen them, that they want to hire prostitues, they even dare to ask me (they speak very broken English) if I can help to find prostitutes? How dare!

    Another story of hyprocrite, only a month ago, few member Indonesian government hierarchies who travel to UK had been spotted in Victoria Casino London.

    I wonder how much money have been spent to these people to funded their needs of having prostitutes and gambling, and used the opprtunity having free travels around the world, do they have a gut to talk about sharia law?

  14. Hassan says:

    And that had just solved the mistery of why Indonesia is one of the poorer and the most badly managed country in the world, Matahari. Those kind of people are everywhere in the government.

    “do they have a gut to talk about sharia law?”

    My wild guess is no, they wouldn’t. They will be much much happier if things stayed the same, a save haven for people like them.

  15. Aluang anak Bayang says:

    Hassan: Probably this is where we agree. Indonesia is the most badly managed country in the world. I have to pay my way to get things done.

    But shariah law is not the option. I do believe in capital punishment like death penalty for severely corrupted government officials but not to be done in public or after Friday sermon. Plus no polygamy allowed or any law discriminating against our women.

  16. Rockstar says:

    Although this country isn’t under the Islamic law, but a moslem is. I don’t think by establishing NII, bad people will turn into good people. It doesn’t take a religion to prevent people from doing something illegal. A good law (that’s not only being said, but being done also) will certainly solve a lot of problem that this country is undergoing. As we all know our goverment is impotent, that they are so powerless against a very small thug such as FPI, but brave enough to use his power against the weak.

    Even ‘hukum rajam’, ‘hukum rimba’ can’t teach these criminals anything, what reasons do they think that applying an Islamic law will enlight these people to surrender their old disgusting ways and come into the light?

    I can say all this after experiencing life in a different countries such as Singapore, Malay, and the US. If you have a ‘WORKING’ law, people will definitely live under the law. Of course some individuals are stupid enough to walk off the law, but the law itself will introduce the word ‘suffer’ in their lives.

  17. Yunir says:

    Ahh.. agree with you rockstar.

    No matter how good a law or policy may sound in theory, if it’s not implemented, it’s useless.

    And for Indonesia, laws and policies are there. It’s just not being effectively implemented. How unfortunate. How sad.

  18. Bas says:

    Clean government and public servants from its Muslims part and the country will start growing. Corruption will stop at 90%, employees wil start really working and not eating, gossiping, lazying, praying, f*cking between 12 and 14 and looking for money all day long.

    Islam is what making Indonesia such a backward country that not only not progress but actually regress year after year.

    Without that stupid imported religion Indonesia would be a nice place to live in.

    If our ancestor are seeing what we have become and how we have betrayed our traditions and original values then must be so ashamed. Indonesia had such a beautiful and wise culture and what remains is a backward feodal ideology from Arab used for personal interest. Shame on us! We will all end to hell for that and who deserve it.

  19. Rockstar says:

    Yes I think the problem with these people is their own ego. I don’t think their goal is pure. These people are dangerous. If their first step is to establish an Islamic country (because knowing the fact that 90% of all population is moslem isn’t enough for these greedy thugs), who knows what will happen next. Islamization? Please don’t tell me this is a crazy talk, because anything is possible if one has been consumed by their own selfish ego and has power to do so.

  20. Rockstar says:


    I’m sorry to tell you that you’re wrong. It’s not the religion that make this country backwards. It’s the people. Uneducated leads to everywhere. They are so short-minded and easy to provoke. They believe in everything too easily (in a snap). If I have to put this in a very extreme way, I’d say something like this: if you told them to jump from the cliff because there was a treasure chest in the bottom-less pit, they would be gladly do so.

    Their weakness spot is their own religion. The man takes this advantage for their own benefit which leads to the destruction of the country. This is precisely what Metallica said: Sad but True.

  21. Cukurungan says:

    Interesting facts a state “WORKING LAW” and a state “WITHOUT WORKING LAW”, in this case, let see what A FACTBOOK CIA said about Crime Statistics comparison between Indonesia and US

    a State Without Working Law
    241,973,879 (populations)
    Assaults: 18,562
    Car thefts: 29,061
    Drug offences: 3.4 per 100,000 people
    Murders: 2,204
    Murders (per capita): 0.00910842 per 1,000 people
    Prisoners: 84,357 prisoners
    Rapes: 1,372

    State a working law
    295,734,134 (populations)
    Assaults: 2,238,480
    Car thefts: 1,147,300
    Drug offences: 560.1 per 100,000 people
    Murders: 12,658
    Murders (per capita): 0.042802 per 1,000 people
    Murders with firearms: 8,259
    Prisoner: 2,186,230.
    Rapes: 89,110.
    Total crimes: 23,677,800.

    Considering those facts, it seemed that Indonesia is no longer required NII but NIA (Negara Islam America) might make the world’s better place to live. So long live Mr Achmad Sudarsono President of NIA


  22. Rockstar says:

    Wow Cukurungan, I’m amazed by how short minded you are. If I need to tell you why these stats aren’t legit please do let me know as I don’t want to waste my time explaining why.

  23. Hassan says:

    Bas: “Islam is what making Indonesia such a backward country that not only not progress but actually regress year after year.”

    Rockstar is right, it’s not Islam that caused all that. The fault must be placed on Indonesian Muslims who failed to to do what Islam had instructed, and those hypocrits in the government.

    “Corruption will stop at 90%, employees wil start really working and not eating, gossiping, lazying, praying, f*cking between 12 and 14 and looking for money all day long.”

    Islam never permitted corruption, Islam doesn’t like laziness, gossiping, and certainly never tolerated out-of-marriage acts of “f*ucking between 12 and 14”. Why did those supposed Muslims commited all that? They’re not following their religion!

    “Without that stupid imported religion Indonesia would be a nice place to live in. If our ancestor are seeing what we have become and how we have betrayed our traditions and original values then must be so ashamed”

    Actually, all of the well established religions in Indonesia were imported. Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, and even Confucianism did not stem from our “traditions and original values”. They certainly did not came from Indonesia, did they?

    Now you’re starting to sound like Aluang anak Bayang.

  24. Tomaculum says:

    it’s not Islam that caused all that. The fault must be placed on Indonesian Muslims who failed to to do what Islam had instructed, and those hypocrits in the government.


    So, Hassan, you’re awaiting, that Indonesia will be no more a bacward country if the Indonesian moslems do exactly “what islam had instructed”?

    But in one thing you’re right: it is not caused by the imported religions, but by the imported behaviour of those so called religious people (what ever religion they follow)!! And of course caused by the corrupt mentality of many Indonesian. And you won’t be able to change this mentality with any religion.

    And Hassan, as far as I know the Christianity also never permits corruption, so maybe it will be better too if the Indonesian Christians actually follow the teaching of their religion and not only praying, praying and praying, like some other religions do, without doing what to do?

    We talk and talk and talk and pray and pray and pray and meanwhile the poorest are becoming poorer and the starving are dying miserable and Indonesia sink more and more in chaos, poverty, violence and anarchy.

  25. Yunir says:

    No religion promotes laziness and corruption and unequal treatement. (Except maybe Hinduism – because of its chaste laws.)

    To me, any working law based on any religion or secular principles is better than a perfect law that is used only for show but never implemented.

    BTW, USA is a horrible example. They have high crime rates and racism is always present.

    I would personnaly think European countries – Scandinavian in particular, are good models. But then of course, each country have their own culture. So, it’s not wise to adopt the exact same policies of another country. Copy & Paste is not necessarily good because of cultural differences.

  26. Achmad Sudarsono says:


    I just want to make something clear: I will never bow to the White Man.



  27. Tomaculum says:

    A. Sudarsono,
    but you will always bow to your boss (and kick your subordinates 🙂 ) and to the Arabian Man?
    (In da peace, Amed sumardosono?) 🙂

  28. Yunir says:

    I don’t know why you made that last comment:

    I just want to make something clear: I will never bow to the White Man.

    But in any case, learning is not bowing. You’ve learnt English. You’ve learnt to use the Internet. Are these act of ‘bowing’ to the White Man??
    Obviously No!

    But if you learn English and throw away Bahasa Indonesia or any native language you grew up with, then, learning English is an act of bowing.

    You learn what is good from others. You disregard what is bad.
    Bow to no one and kick no one.

  29. Achmad Sudarsono says:

    Pak Yunir, Pak Tomalcum,

    I thank you. I feel we are reaching an understanding.

    Pak Tomalcum: I do bow to the Arab Man because he brought Islam to my country. Also, he has the ‘Darah Mohammed,’ the blood of Mohammed.

    Pak Yunir, I also thank you. What do you think is bad that we should disregard from the White Man ?


  30. Tomaculum says:

    A. sumardosono, bow further, but take care of your “back”, won’t you?
    And please don’t just bowing, but also understanding and operating. We have enough talking people.
    🙂 🙁

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