The Seksiness of Gayus Tambunan

Nov 16th, 2010, in News, by

Former tax official Gayus Halomoan Tambunan, accused of corruption and embezzlement and currently being held in remand awaiting trial is said to have bribed Police Mobile Brigade officers to allow him to visit the paradise island of Bali for a weekend, to attend a tennis championship.

A person looking very much like Gayus Tambunan – wearing a wig – was seen staying at the Hotel Westin in Nusa Dua along with five other people, last weekend; and seen again watching Daniela Hantuchova and Yanina Wickmayer slug it out at the Commonwealth Bank Tournament of Champions at Nusa Dua on 5th November.

Gayus Halomoan Tambunan

Meanwhile a commentator, the Director of Pukat (Center for Anti-Corruption Studies/Pusat Kajian Anti Korupsi) at UGM (Gadjah Mada University) Zainal Arifin Mochtar in Jakarta said on 13th November that while it was true that Gayus was not “seksi” in the way that might stir the loins of womenfolk, nevertheless he could be said to possess seksiness in a certain respect.

He’s got so much information about crooked public servants, businessmen, and policemen. That makes him sexy, and he’s aware of his sexiness. So, it makes sense that there are a lot of people who want to help and protect him. Plus, he doesn’t just have money, but he knows how to use it.

Zainal Arifin Mochtar


Zainal said that it was because of this “seksiness” that Gayus was able to come and go from detention at will, and why the police seemed so slow and confused in their response to the Bali escapade issue.

Zainal recommended that the whole case be taken out of the police’s hands and given over to the Anti Corruption Commission (Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK)). matanews

12 Comments on “The Seksiness of Gayus Tambunan”

  1. Aprianti says:

    His seksiness reminds me of this quote:
    Gayus is a bitch, because if he was slut he would be easy…

  2. Friend,

    Gayus is indeed a master of the higher secrets of keseksian or seksiness. His is a black belt or Pendekar level.

    How could he be anything else with that wig ?

  3. Aprianti says:

    Indeed friend,
    He is too sexy for his wig… too sexy for his glasses…. so sexy it hurts… 😉

  4. timdog says:

    Since reading this this morning I’ve been trying in all my interactions to find an excuse to use the word keseksian… It makes me giggle just to look at it written down.
    Sadly I’ve been unable to think of a suitable topic with which to “slip it in” while passing the time of day with, so far today: a rather sweet girl in a jilbab in the Alfamart, a very sweet girl in a jilbab in a coffee shop, a newspaper hawker, and two seperate tukang parkir…

    I realise now that the prime oppertunity presented itself while I was eating my pangsit mie at lunchtime: the place was open to the street, and – I am fabricating nothing – a pair of gloriously monstrous transexual pengamen with tambourines came weaving their bawdy way between the tables being thoroughly outrageous. Who better to discuss the concept of keseksian with? To my shame I was rather intimidated so simply buried myself in my noodles and meekly handed over a 1000-rupiah note to make them go away…

    Achmad, can you share some wisdom on the word, the concept, and how to broach the subject in polite conversation?

  5. David says:

    monstrous transexual pengamen with tambourines

    I have a video for that:

  6. timdog says:

    Is that keseksian in action?

    Actually mine were kind of more pantomimey than that pair. But the tambourines were the same. And they had that same air of barely veiled threat and repressed violence that warias on the prowl the world over exude…

  7. ET says:


    Keseksian comes in all shapes and colours.
    Okay friend?

  8. agan says:

    hah.. cool is the new hot
    and pink is the new black
    then seksi is the new fugly!
    after all seksi is in the eye of beer holder

  9. Febri Saputra says:

    Excuse me, is it ‘Seksiness’ or ‘Sexyness’ ?

    I though ‘S*ks’ is only indonesian word? Are you hate ‘x’ pal?

    Btw, this is the popular controversial song described Gayus Tambunan:
    _ _

  10. deta says:

    Febri, I think Achmad Sudarsono is the one who can eksplain…

  11. Simon Seamount says:

    I translated the lyrics of the song about Gayus Tambunan into English.

    If I Were Gayus Tambunan
    Angeliad of Surazeus
    2011 01 26

  12. Jambus Johnson says:

    Ich liebe Gayus
    Ich habe gestern Nacht vom ihm geträumt
    Er war mein Fahrprüfer und hat mitgeweint als ich die Prüfung verkackt habe
    Sehr nett
    Über seine Seksiness kann ich keine Auskünfte geben, ich habe ihn nur von hinten gesehen
    Sein Pferdeschwanz hat mich schon schwitzen lassen tho

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