President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has abruptly canceled his visit to the Netherlands at the last moment, saying at Jakarta’s Halim Perdanakusuma Air Base just before an aborted takeoff today to the Land of Tulips that he was insulted by the plans of a Dutch member of the separatist South Maluku Republic (RMS) movement to file criminal charges against him. He said:
I have decided to cancel this visit
The president had been scheduled to leave Jakarta by Air Force One at 13.30, remaining in the Netherlands until October 9th, but it was not to be.
SBY spoke of his fears:
There has even been a demand for my arrest
This was despite the fact that a spokesman of the Indonesian Embassy in The Hague, Firdaus Dahlan, had assured the president that the Dutch government did not recognise the RMS, and would ensure the security of President Yudhoyono during his visit.
John Wattilette, the self-proclaimed president of the “Republic of South Maluku” (RMS) movement in exile, had made a demand for the arrest of SBY, in a teletext statement to the Dutch broadcasting network Nederlandse Omroep Stichting (NOS) on 2nd October. antara
Unfortunately the cancellation of the visit will mean SBY will not be showered with the awards and medals he had been due to receive in the Netherlands, now losing out on the coveted Order of The Dutch Lion, from the Dutch government, and the equally prestigious Willem Van Oranje medal, from Leiden University. antara
Who needs the Netherlands and their racist bigot intolerant narrow-minded arrogant people and their fat ugly b*tch Queen, anyway?
I visited NL recently and found its people a lot more arrogant, racist and intolerant towards anyone who is not of the white European race.
Look at Geert Wilders and you’ll know.
With the very bad economic crisis in Europe now, I think NL stands more to lose from this trip cancellation. Whole of Europe, including NL, is in terrible shape economically. I hope they (especially the Dutch) will rot in their oh so rich, democratic and glorious white hell hole there!
What a bunch of delutional people who think they still own the Dutch East Indies…
F*ck the Dutch!
To the writer of this article : and oh, you can stick your “coveted Order of The Dutch Lion, from the Dutch government, and the equally prestigious Willem Van Oranje medal, from Leiden University” up in your white racist Dutch ass! Go to hell with it!
Who needs all this rubbish anyway? Outside of your oh so rich, democratic and glorious 40,000 square km land called Nederland, no human being will recognize that rubbish! Big deal!!
Gosh… the Dutch are really a bunch of delutional and sad people who think they still own a big colony and think they’re still a great and prosperous world power who can dictate other sovereign countries. *sigh*
Stay asleep and dreaming Nederlanders…
Hi Oigal,
So what if Indonesians have respect for public officials? and that it’s something “pretty much an Indonesian thing”?
Why does the whole world have to follow your western logic and way of doing things?
I agree with Lairedion’s remark above. With the same logic, Indonesia can also start arresting and suing Dutch politicians for heinous crimes against human rights done in Indonesia against Indonesian people. It wasn’t that long ago, you know!
Why don’t you start arresting and suing:
-China leaders for crimes in Tibet or whatever places there.
-USA leaders for crimes in Iraq, Afghanistan, whatever other God-forsaken places they so fondly f*cked up throughout the recent history.
-Australia leaders for crimes against the indigenous population of Australia, the rightful owners of the land that is robbed by those British European thieves. Oh yes, let’s call a spade a spade, that’s what they are, thieves!
-Japan leaders for heinous crimes perpetrated all over Asia during WW2.
-Need I go on and on…?
The western world, especially Europe, more especially the Netherlands is in accellerated decline. Mark my words, this financial crisis in European soil now is just but the beginning… And thanks to people like Geert Wilders who makes it faster…
Can’t quite get it. Even the diplomatic officials are granted political immunity when they have official trip to other countries, let alone a president. I mean, this shouldn’t be a particular issue to cancel this particular trip. Could SBY only show his paranoia? (sigh). After his babble about being the target of terrorism, the trip cancellation because of the fear from being arrested, really, when is he going to put his concerns toward the safety of his people above his own? Maybe he doesn’t deserve any medal to begin with.
Or maybe Ikut Republik can give me some enlightenment? 🙂
Ikut Republik Indonesia,
It’s interesting to note that, of all the Indonesian people I have met, and who visited the Netherlands at some stage in their lives, you are the first one who has described the Dutch as “racist bigot intolerant narrow-minded arrogant people and their fat ugly b*tch Queen”.
Not satisfied to take out your venom on the Dutch, most of whom you have never met, you even have to insult their queen, who, and I’m sticking my neck out here, you have also never met.
I rest my case…….
Well, first thing first, let say that SBS really canceled the trip to the Netherlands, the questions is SO WHAT? everyone can make their own decisions. And now, based on many reasons and factors the president has made the decision, so i thing this is the best for us to respect that decisions as we respect president obama and other president when canceled their trip to Indonesia.
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This is, quite simply, baffling.