Causes of Disunity

Feb 6th, 2009, in News, by

Another East Timor in Papua, lack of development in the province, and racism by other Indonesians towards Papuans.

East Timor Analogy

In January of 2009 an association of Christian churches in Papua, the Persekutuan Gereja-Gereja Baptis (PGBP), sent a letter to President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono complaining about the selection procedure for new employees (CPNS) of the Department of Religion (Depag) in areas such as Keerom, Tolikara, Sarmi, Jayapura and Pegunungan Bintang.

The PGBP appears to believe that Depag takes a disproportionate number of new civil servants who are not native Papuans and not Christian. A spokesman for PGBP said

The Papuan Baptist Church asks that Depag be very careful in maintaining good inter-religious relations because the issue of religion is highly sensitive in Papua.

He believed that there had been some deliberate manipulation of the final intake for new public servants that disadvantaged native Papuans, and that this was in violation of the 2001 Special Papuan Autonomy Act which specified that native people should receive preference in hiring decisions.


The spokesman added that the Department of Religion should not repeat the mistakes it had made in East Timor from 1976-99, which had alienated native East Timorese religious leaders, and helped cause that province to break-away from Indonesia, or else something similar might occur in Papua. antara

Aceh & PNG Analogies

Late in 2008 Frederika Korayn from a Papuan womens’ group asked a seminar in Jakarta

The government is willing to have dialogue with the people of Aceh, why not in Papua?

She went on to complain that since integration with Indonesia conditions had not improved much, with still 80% of Papuan women being in absolute poverty, largely un-educated and with poor health.

The Autonomy Act had been implemented only in limited cases and was largely of no value, and she said that population growth in the province was worryingly slow, that since 1970 the population had only grown by 1.5%, whereas in neighbouring Papua New Guinea growth had been at 10%.

The ‘Other’

At the same seminar Yenny Rosa Damayanti of the Association of Indonesian Legal and Human Rights Aid (PBHI), a non-Papuan, said that Indonesians often regarded Papuans as “the other(s)” because of their different skin complexion and race.

Because of the skin colour and hair we regard them as “the other”, not as brothers.

People needed to think about what constituted an Indonesian and whether the definition included Papuans, she said: tempo

Is it just Malay people? Is it just Muslims?

258 Comments on “Causes of Disunity”

  1. Aluang Anak Bayang says:

    Mas/Mbak Schmerly

    Bules usually don’t take sides. Only those with corrupted mind by their ungrateful Indon-Chinese spouse are biased.

    What happened to my last post? Your silence on bule child sex predator is deafening. Are you in your 40s or 50s and balding?

  2. dragonwall says:

    Dragie, don’t get too upset. I’m worried about you.

    Honestly speaking I am at the least upset let alone worried. But by showing

    Allright, so…, I’ll take it as: the amount that would normally be paid to one single person, is now split into four (or two, at best).

    Right. I suppose that is what your family does to the maids that worked for you or your family.

    Ojo lali, wong gaji iki asu se ekat.

    What have that made of you? Just judge that yourself or do I have to repeat that you are a good for nothing piece of shit.

    No wonder everyone was saying that you remarks on the maid issue was nothing but full of sarcasm. That is as much as a Superior Javanese sub culture could afford.

    As for you, how this evolve will also say that you are nothing but a fall over and past glories who continues by saying others to be repeating the same ole question over and over again. Like here

    You bite the dust more than a dozen times. I thought you wouldn’t dare show your face after this last episode.

    You can bet your last dollar on that. And as to

    Blunders after blunders in your flawed argument. The problem with you is that you fail you asked the same questions over and over again despite adequately been responded to by PN and me.

    When a person fails to understand with adequate substance then he or she like you needs a knock in the head so that the concussion could further lead you to parasomnia. And just take a look and see if

    Your stupidity is beyond belief, so I’m not bothering going over the same ground again. Like what someone says.

    So was that good enough for others to judge your stupidity had overcome you? Or perhaps playing the merry go round is your daily entertainment!.

    Your hatred for Indonesia and those hands that feed you blinded your judgement. Where is humility and gratuity?

    A provocateur calling others a perpetrator. How interesting. Propagating will not bring you close to anywhere.

    I have proven over and over again my grounds on the topic of discrimination and hatred so say what you like if that pleases you, but then I won’t be the judge to that because judgement was earlier on you.

    So I have to pass that over back to you.

    And one thing, if you face up to expectation, then might as well forget it instead of bringing others into the picture. If he or anyone who wish to come into the subject of discrimination and hatred of the Chinese and Indon Chinese and wants to have that with me, I am all game for that. Go through all the blogs and see the outcome…

    You were in the font of Braggadocio isn’t that right? Ha ha ha asu bego.

  3. diego says:

    Am I the only one thinking dragie is lacking originality? Why does he always have to copy others’ remarks?

    Dragie, please internalize this: disliking you does not necesarily mean disliking the entire indo-chinese community…. However, you need to be careful with your pretention (acting as representation of indo-chinese community in the IM). So far you’ve been doing louzy job on that.

    An objective opinion from a friend.

  4. schmerly says:


    Bules usually don’t take sides. Only those with corrupted mind by their ungrateful Indon-Chinese spouse are biased.

    What are you on about you moronic halfwit? why don’t you stop posting these inane comments.

    What happened to my last post? Your silence on bule child sex predator is deafening

    Your stupidity is beyond belief, so I’m not bothering going over the same ground again, I’m sick of repeating myself to a moron like you, if you don’t get it that’s your problem, and if you can’t grasp what I write you need to get yourself some sort of rudimentary education, and until you do, I suggest you don’t embarrass yourself any further by commenting on my posts.

  5. sputjam says:

    Forget Papua. send the peacekeepers to java. There are some serious racial issues that remain unresolved.

  6. Aluang Anak Bayang says:

    Mas/Mbak Schmerly

    Typical Bule avoiding question tome by saying they are inane comments. Point out what is inane to you.

  7. schmerly says:

    @ AAB…

    Point out what is inane to you.

    Every one of your ridiculously pathetic comments.

    As I said:

    you need to get yourself some sort of rudimentary education, and until you do, I suggest you don’t embarrass yourself any further by commenting on my posts.

  8. Aluang Anak Bayang says:

    LOL can’t stop laughing. :-))

    Here is what I wrote:

    “As a lawyer wannabe, you should not agree with me regardless.”

    To which Dragonball responded:

    Wanabe Watanabe..first I said I do not profess my expertise in Brunei .. ”

    Notice the word ‘Watanabe’. 🙂 This coming out of someone who aspired to be a criminal lawyer. Anyone who follow this debate would wonder what ‘Watanabe’ is. It is not English, not even Javanese or Indonesian. So what is it? Watanabe has no meaning. It is a Japanese family name. One may wonder why it was there. Here is what I think:

    Dragonball do not know the meaning of ‘wannabe’. She had little or no exposal to bule’s English, so ‘wannabe’ sound alien to his limited English literacy. But to win a debate at all cost, she came up with ‘Watanabe’ because it rhymes. hahaha.

  9. diego says:

    Sputjam wrote: Forget Papua. send the peacekeepers to java. There are some serious racial issues that remain unresolved.

    You mean dragie (and the likes)?

  10. schmerly says:

    As usual the pathetic Moslem parasite can’t come up with an answer unless it’s in the Koran, because that’s all he’s got to refer to.

  11. dragonwall says:

    However, you need to be careful with your pretention (acting as representation of indo-chinese community in the IM). So far you’ve been doing louzy job on that.

    In case it slip your mind and that is something pathetic and I do really sympathize your predicament. I did not make any claims that I represent the indon-chinese community in the IM, but I do speak for the rights of my children who were born Indonesian. So wake up your f**k**g idea.

    An objective opinion from a friend.

    Subjective or objective it does not bothers me, but if there are friends like you around, there won’t be any enemy. Those who place any trust in you will sooner or later get killed.

    Like the last time you said of: Where are the insults that you were anticipating. It just showed that how easy to get you agitated and baited when you place yourself head in onto the chopping board.

    Notice the word ‘Watanabe’. This coming out of someone who aspired to be a criminal lawyer. Anyone who follow this debate would wonder what ‘Watanabe’ is. It is not English, not even Javanese or Indonesian. So what is it? Watanabe has no meaning. It is a Japanese family name. One may wonder why it was there.

    Here is what I think:

    You failed to have the humor I so thought you always have when displaying fiercely your crap shit. “Watanabe” is a Japanese name like what you just said and I understand fully of that but you failed to see my humor and is seen as “Wanabe or Wananotobe”. But I guess it is always about you trying to big brother others in the writing, English, grammar which in fact you so lacked but profess so much of your expert Javanese Sub Culture. So do you think that I am agreeing with you and your so called criminal lawyer?

    Dragonball do not know the meaning of ‘wannabe’. She had little or no exposal to bule’s English, so ‘wannabe’ sound alien to his limited English literacy. But to win a debate at all cost, she came up with ‘Watanabe’ because it rhymes. hahaha.

    Like I said, aliens like you need to expose yourself like a pervert without an under wear pretending to be religious.

    Heard of the person praying behind a person in front of him without his under wears. His balls got ticked. I will not comment further with GFNMF on your craps when time I could better spent.

    Aseri Mase

  12. Aluang Anak Bayang says:

    Going back to the 1965 Chinese?? pogrom you mentioned earlier. How can it be a Chinese pogrom if the number of Pribumis murdered far exceeded the Chinese. Your brownnosing mindset is that the atrocity if orchestrated by Bules, it would not be true.

    The 1965 CIA massacre in Indonesia.

  13. Aluang Anak Bayang says:

    @ Dragonball

    A slap to all Singaporean cheenaman that their idol, the Bules never hurt Chinese.

    Body of evidence by ex-CIA agents.

  14. schmerly says:

    @ Assmads Bitch.

    S&L Magazine: A Communist Rag, I noticed the actual killings were carried out by Indonesians themselves based on CIA intelligence, the Indonesians had the information but it was their choice how they used it.

  15. Aluang Anak Bayang says:

    … and a US$10M incentives. My point is that Dragonballs never admitted it simply it had Bules’ connection. Past is past, but facts should not be dismissed.

  16. schmerly says:

    Isn’t funny how some people hate, Bules, Chinese, Indians, you name it, it’s because of their own inadequatenesses that they are so xenophobic and envious of others.
    I think it’s high time they got off their lazy backsides and made a life for themselves, instead of being nothing more than whinging parasites.

  17. DXP says:

    stop arguing, DXP is correct,
    the cause of disunity in Indonesia because this country were run under Javanese colonialist who is one of the most inferior race in this modern world.
    But many times, the majority who are ruling & stay in power deny the fact that Indonesia suffering deeper & deeper into recession, they keep on showcasing ‘talk-shows’ in television while other respectful nations are acting together to contribute for the world.
    In Indonesia, you can just keep on talking & talking while you became wealthier from time to time … at the expense of their country, that is Indonesia true portrait, sorry sound very sarcastic but it is reality you can not deny

  18. Lairedion says:

    DXP said:

    the cause of disunity in Indonesia because this country were run under Javanese colonialist who is one of the most inferior race in this modern world.

    Like PR China is run under the Han-Chinese colonizing both Tibet and Xinjiang. That makes Chinese and Javanese both inferior races compared to the superior ….. race?

  19. Mr Tic Tac Toe says:

    Isn’t funny how some people hate, Bules, Chinese, Indians, you name it, it’s because of their own inadequatenesses that they are so xenophobic and envious of others

    Becoz of Fear of “others” :

    But then… its universal. I bet if 50 millions indonesian move to your country of origin, many will hate indonesia too.

  20. schmerly says:

    Mr Tic Tac Toe.. My point was certain people who post on this blog, are xenophobic and envious of others, I don’t quite get your point about mass migration of Indonesians to another country.
    And in your link the guy is talking about something entirely different.

  21. Aluang Anak Bayang says:

    @ DXP,

    ni hao.

    Your pro-Melayu Singapore comrade had a habit of comparing how well the Chinbese are treated in Melayu lands. I believe I had silenced her on that. He had not been able to refute me.

    In short,

    The Javanese ruling class, non-religious moslem, egality in thought, makes up roughly less than 10% of the total pribumi population. They led the masses.

    The masses, mostly uneducated peasants, makes the remaining total. They are the sheeps and need to be led.

    The Chinese, pampered and unrestricted by the ruling class thrived in Indonesia. With their prowness in commerce, they amassed over 80% of Indonesia’s wealth. Despite their wealth, they are deemed arrogant, penny-pinching and lack of community spirit. The wealthier Chinese had the means to dispel these loathsome perceptions, yet had not even bothered. So in time of political turmoil and riot, the ruling classes are not to be blamed for their own undoings if the masses turned on them.

    This was the discussion I had with a Shanghai businessman:

    One reason for their lack of community spirit and philanthropy toward the pribumis was that each and everyone of the Chinese population has a personal vendetta against the pribumis.

    The most humiliating ordeal for a Chinese man is to lose his own family name. Unlike Javanese, one do not lose his cultural identity merely by name change. After the 1965 anti-communist massacre (funded by CIA), unbeknownst to Pak Harto, he had delivered the Chinese the ultimate shame by banning the use of Chinese name. Is that true, DXP?

  22. dragonwall says:

    Your pro-Melayu Singapore comrade had a habit of comparing how well the Chinbese are treated in Melayu lands. I believe I had silenced her on that. He had not been able to refute me.


    In short, the Javanese ruling class, over-religious moslem, non-egality in thought, makes up roughly less than 10% of the total pribumi population. They led the mass of rioters you mean? Because the masses, mostly uneducated peasants, makes the remaining total. They are the sheeps and need to be led.

    But of course.

    The Chinese, pampered and unrestricted by the ruling class thrived in Indonesia. With their prowness in commerce, they amassed over 80% of Indonesia’s wealth.

    So you are aware and I don’t get the meaning prowness .

    Despite their wealth, they are deemed arrogant, penny-pinching and lack of community spirit. So in time of political turmoil and riot, the ruling classes are not to be blamed for their own undoings if the masses turned on them.

    You and your crab. Go kiss the sheeps ass.

    This was the discussion I had with a Shanghai businessman:

    Your Shanghainese friend must have been a pribumi.

    One reason for their lack of community spirit and philanthropy toward the pribumis was that each and everyone of the Chinese population has a personal vendetta against the pribumis.

    F**k**g arsehole.

    The most humiliating ordeal for a Chinese man is to lose his own family name.

    F**k you are damn right, and how do you term this humiliation to others in english?

    Unlike Javanese, one do not lose his cultural identity merely by name change.

    So you consider that to be a Superior Javanese sub culture. Like a bonsai?

    After the 1965 anti-communist massacre (funded by CIA), unbeknownst to Pak Harto, he had delivered the Chinese the ultimate shame by banning the use of Chinese name. Is that true, DXP?

    So is that democracy? Or is that Pancasila or Pantatsila? Is that communism? Well you need not ask him. Just asked yourself and if you really understand politic. Does anyone knows that Soeharto might have Chinese blood in him? Ha..ha..ha. you and your cow dang.

    I really think you should be more creative when coming into this kind of poli tickings..

  23. diego says:

    What’s with dragie’s tireless claim that (all) indonesians have chinese blood? What is she trying to gain? What does she want? That indonesians bow down to the chinese (for — let’s assume it’s true, just for the sake of disc. — the chinese blood running in their vein)??? Dragie, you’re pathetic, clinging to that DNA thing, when you have nothing left to brag about.

  24. schmerly says:

    @ dragie.. Why don’t you just bail out while you still have some credibility left? or perhaps you like being a masochistic bull dyke!

  25. schmerly says:

    @ The slag in Drag..

    You and your crab. Go kiss the sheeps ass

    F**k**g arsehole.

    F**k you are damn right, and how do you term this humiliation to others in english?

    Do you really have to be so vitriolic in your post’s, or perhaps you think your uneducated rants impress others?

  26. schmerly says:

    @ AssmadsAnggryBitch…

    Your pro-Melayu Singapore comrade had a habit of comparing how well the Chinbese are treated in Melayu lands. I believe I had silenced her on that. He had not been able to refute me.

    You actually believe your own rhetoric!! how sad is that!!

  27. Aluang Anak Bayang says:

    @ Dragonball,

    The most humiliating ordeal for a Chinese man is to lose his own family name.

    F**k you are damn right, and how do you term this humiliation to others in english?

    At least you agree with me at this juncture. We can now identify the source of hatred toward the pribumi despite our best effort to assimilate and befriend our Chinese population. There was no such hatred in Melayu lands eventhough semuanya stateless and bullied.

    I will reveal more in the next coming days.

  28. Aluang Anak Bayang says:

    Mas/Mbak schmerly [sic],

    Do you really have to be so vitriolic in your post’s, or perhaps you think your uneducated rants impress others?

    Show some Asian manners next time you talk to an aspiring lawyer.

  29. diego says:


    I think instead of criticizing dragie for her language, we should give her a pat on the (upper) back. She’s making some improvements actually.

    (1) Go kiss sheep ass: “sheep ass” sounds nicer than dog ass / pig ass …, and definitely, her ass.
    (2) She used “beeps” for the expletives she used.

    So, congratulation dragie. You can do it if you believe.

    Next time try to use “bloody” instead of “f*cking”. It sounds nicer.

  30. dragonwall says:

    What’s with dragie’s tireless claim that (all) indonesians have chinese blood? What is she trying to gain? What does she want? That indonesians bow down to the chinese (for — let’s assume it’s true, just for the sake of disc. — the chinese blood running in their vein)??? Dragie, you’re pathetic, clinging to that DNA thing, when you have nothing left to brag about.

    So you dislike that?

    @ dragie.. Why don’t you just bail out while you still have some credibility left? or perhaps you like being a masochistic bull dyke!

    My credibility is not for you to say whether I have it or not. So either your understanding into Indonesian Matters is deep enough or not is in serious doubt.

    @ The slag in Drag..
    You and your crab. Go kiss the sheeps ass.
    F**k**g arsehole.
    F**k you are damn right, and how do you term this humiliation to others in english? Do you really have to be so vitriolic in your post’s, or perhaps you think your uneducated rants impress others?

    You seemed as though I am referring that to you? So what about this

    @ AssmadsAnggryBitch…

    You actually believe your own rhetoric!! Yes of course he is and how sad is that for you to jump in too. (In fact there will someone other than you will try and attempt to jump in the conclusion.

    The most humiliating ordeal for a Chinese man is to lose his own family name. F**k you are damn right, and how do you term this humiliation to others in english? At least you agree with me at this juncture. We can now identify the source of hatred toward the pribumi despite our best effort to assimilate and befriend our Chinese population.

    This is guess you have to deep down inside and figure that yourself whether I am agreeing with you or that I have proven with your own words that the discrimination and injustice you did to the Chinese. Well I guess you do not have the brain to think that much except trying to pick and choose and claim yourself to be a hero.
    There was no such hatred in Melayu lands eventhough semuanya stateless and bullied.
    Comparing their situation to Indonesians, it a whole world apart so don’t speculate on that.

    I will reveal more in the next coming days.

    And you can take your time.

    @schmerly I think instead of criticizing dragie for her language, we should give her a pat on the (upper) back. She’s making some improvements actually. (1) Go kiss sheep ass: “sheep ass” sounds nicer than dog ass / pig ass …, and definitely, her ass.
    (2) She used “beeps” for the expletives she used.

    Thank you I am glad you like to do that.

    Next time try to use “bloody” instead of “f*cking”. It sounds nicer.

    Just too bad about that because you have to live with that together with your buddy friends here above.

Comment on “Causes of Disunity”.

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