Another East Timor in Papua, lack of development in the province, and racism by other Indonesians towards Papuans.
East Timor Analogy
In January of 2009 an association of Christian churches in Papua, the Persekutuan Gereja-Gereja Baptis (PGBP), sent a letter to President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono complaining about the selection procedure for new employees (CPNS) of the Department of Religion (Depag) in areas such as Keerom, Tolikara, Sarmi, Jayapura and Pegunungan Bintang.
The PGBP appears to believe that Depag takes a disproportionate number of new civil servants who are not native Papuans and not Christian. A spokesman for PGBP said
The Papuan Baptist Church asks that Depag be very careful in maintaining good inter-religious relations because the issue of religion is highly sensitive in Papua.
He believed that there had been some deliberate manipulation of the final intake for new public servants that disadvantaged native Papuans, and that this was in violation of the 2001 Special Papuan Autonomy Act which specified that native people should receive preference in hiring decisions.
The spokesman added that the Department of Religion should not repeat the mistakes it had made in East Timor from 1976-99, which had alienated native East Timorese religious leaders, and helped cause that province to break-away from Indonesia, or else something similar might occur in Papua. antara
Aceh & PNG Analogies
Late in 2008 Frederika Korayn from a Papuan womens’ group asked a seminar in Jakarta
The government is willing to have dialogue with the people of Aceh, why not in Papua?
She went on to complain that since integration with Indonesia conditions had not improved much, with still 80% of Papuan women being in absolute poverty, largely un-educated and with poor health.
The Autonomy Act had been implemented only in limited cases and was largely of no value, and she said that population growth in the province was worryingly slow, that since 1970 the population had only grown by 1.5%, whereas in neighbouring Papua New Guinea growth had been at 10%.
The ‘Other’
At the same seminar Yenny Rosa Damayanti of the Association of Indonesian Legal and Human Rights Aid (PBHI), a non-Papuan, said that Indonesians often regarded Papuans as “the other(s)” because of their different skin complexion and race.
Because of the skin colour and hair we regard them as “the other”, not as brothers.
People needed to think about what constituted an Indonesian and whether the definition included Papuans, she said: tempo
Is it just Malay people? Is it just Muslims?
Chris you wrote:
“I think a better model would be for Papuan elites to follow the example of the former GAM leadership, who were instrumental in persuading their followers to accept autonomy within the Indonesian state and enter a disarmament process.”
But that is a two way process. Do Papuans feel that they they have as good a deal as Aceh got ? That Papuan lady quoted in the introductory essay didn’t seem to think so. She said:
“The government is willing to have dialogue with the people of Aceh, why not in Papua?”
Incidentally if Aceh got a better deal than Papua (and I think it likely it has – perhaps not on paper but in actual practice) then that was most likely due to the fact that the Acehnese could put up more of a fight. Another example of social conflict as a necessary route to improving the life chances of the downtrodden.
Incidentally, my remark about musical chairs also refers to many post colonial governments. Independence often means that a foreign exploitative elite is replaced by an indigenous one that, exactly because it is indigenous, has to be less careful about human rights violations.
@ Arie Brand
Incidentally if Aceh got a better deal than Papua (and I think it likely it has – perhaps not on paper but in actual practice) then that was most likely due to the fact that the Acehnese could put up more of a fight.
There were foreign powers (Westerns and ME) at play in the Acheh case. The final nail came with the tsunami when our military resource was stretched, otherwise our government would not give up Acheh easily. Ethnically and culturally, Achehnese is part of the greater Malay race. They are family, and as in any family, there is always a black sheep. Westerns governments has a penchant for interfering in foreign affairs under the pretext of human rights or some cooked up excuses. The Arabs agenda is well known. There will come a time when our Mojopahit will turn the tide. We will support Blackies for a self rule state within Australia, arm right-wingers in Europe for independent states within state. You can see where we are heading now. Javanese are accommodating to the Iranians than the Arabs.
Dear Aluang the shadow (AAB),
What is causes of disunity ? is the Javanese dominance in Indonesia.
Wanna real example ?
There is a Javanese hero who borrow money Rp. 4 Triliun and he paid back for only Rp. 444 Million, in Indonesia law system, he is free & untouchable man, still owning the 5 stars Mulia Senayan hotel, etc tec ….
My bahasa is terrible, I quoted from Kompas, someone please translate it for me ….
, in China if you commit corruption for only $1million – you will get death sentence penalty. Remember the Sanlu CEO with tainted melamine ? she was sentenced for death penalty too, she is counting her days …
In contrast, Indonesia ? from Rp. 4 Triliun becoming Rp. 444 Miliar , this is like robing the country’s BLBI Rp. 3.6 Triliun by only 1 person, and he is free … free … free …. ha ha ha , what kind of country is that ? r u b i s h ….
I would say, it is better Papua is run by more civilized deng xiao ping ruler man (CHINA) with management from the little Singaporean CHinese because both of us are professional, succesful & well respected in the world and the Papuan will be happier under our ruler style. My littel fella Sinciapor like to apply canning penalty for those who try robbing the bank for just stealing $10 thousand, they will not doubt to do that strictly unlike your sad Indonesian style
Tommy Soeharto “Kalahkan” Sri Mulyani
Tommy Soeharto
Rabu, 11 Februari 2009 | 15:45 WIB
JAKARTA, RABU — Gugatan Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani terhadap putra bungsu mantan Presiden Soeharto, Hutomo Mandala Putra, dinyatakan tidak terbukti oleh Majelis Hakim Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Pusat yang dipimpin oleh Reno Lestono, Rabu (11/2).
Selain gugatan terhadap Tommy, keputusan yang sama pun diterima Sri Mulyani atas gugatannya terhadap sejumlah perusahaan yakni PT Vista Bella Pratama, PT Mandala Buana Bakti, Humpus, PT Timor Putra Nasional. Serta turut tergugat Amazonas Finance Limited. Kesemuanya terkait pembelian hak piutang BPPN oleh Vista Bella Pratama.
Menurut majelis hakim, jaksa penuntut negara tidak dapat mengajukan bukti-bukti yang dapat membuktikan bahwa Tommy memiliki afiliasi dengan Vista Bella Pratama. Selain itu, para tergugat juga dinyatakan tidak melanggar hukum karena perbuatan tergugat dinilai tidak merugikan pihak mana pun. “Perjanjian pengalihan piutang tersebut atas dasar kesepakatan bersama,” ujar Reno.
Gugatan ini berawal ketika PT Timor Putra Nasional (TPN) terbelit utang yang mencapai Rp 4,045 triliun dari Bank Dagang Negara dan Bank Bumi Daya. Kemudian, BPPN mengambil alih piutang TPN dari kedua bank tersebut. Lalu, BPPN menjual piutang atau hak tagih atas hutang TPN kepada Vista Bella Pratama, yang disinyalisasi milik Tommy, dengan harga miring, yakni Rp 444 miliar
I doubt very much if papuans would like chinese to dominate them. We can predict the final outcome. papua will eventually become a desert. All minerals and timber income kept in banks in hong kong and singapore.
Nothing wrong letting the papuans live their very own life they have now, and when they are ready, exploit their own resources.
Comrade DXP,
Ni hao.
What is causes of disunity ?
The Chinese is the cause and source of disunity. They should learn from the Australian about community spirit.
is the Javanese dominance in Indonesia.
Yes. We are the dominant group in the nusantara.
Wanna real example ?
There is a Javanese hero who borrow money Rp. 4 Triliun and he paid back for only Rp. 444 Million, in Indonesia law system, he is free & untouchable man, still owning the 5 stars Mulia Senayan hotel, etc tec ….
If he is a pribumi, there is nowhere he can run to. We will deal with him sooner or later. If he is not local, it will be a matter of urgency to recoop the money back.
My bahasa is terrible, I quoted from Kompas, someone please translate it for me ….
, in China if you commit corruption for only $1million – you will get death sentence penalty. Remember the Sanlu CEO with tainted melamine ? she was sentenced for death penalty too, she is counting her days …
I think it is a good idea because up to 99.9% of yin nee hua chiaw will be gassed.
AAB said
The Chinese is the cause and source of disunity. They should learn from the Australian about community spirit.
answer : not relevant topic. Again, those Indonesian chinese who never / not able to speak hua yi IS NO LONGER considered as hua ren to CHINA man. If I met a yellow skin man with sleezy eyes on the busy Nanjing Lu – Shanghai and when I talk in Mandarin and he can not understand me, I simply regard him (although he looks chinese) as another poor foreigners ( I thougnt he can be a Japanese / Korean / Viet / or it doesn’t matter at all ).
When the Indonesian judicial system is melted, everyone will learn from the above case study, how great is a Javanese hero Tommy $oeharto is free in your country ?
Sadly AAB, there is nothing you can proud of your country & the way the Javanese run your country is destructing and of course you do not like to hear this statement but it is the fact you can not lie
quoted from your sancscreet poem with assistance from my Beijing/Indon scholars :
…. tut wury handajani,
…. semua turut nyatut rame2
AAB said
The Chinese is the cause and source of disunity. They should learn from the Australian about community spirit.
Yes the Aussies are showing tremendous spirit in a truly tragic event. Reading AAB’s link shows also many other countries chipping in and helping their friend and ally in their time of need. How about Indonesia? I haven’t heard even a speech from the President offering sympathy. It was the aussies who gave most generously during the tsunami and the Jogja earthquake so now I think is a time for Indonesia to reflect on whether they are or not a good neighbour and friend.
here’s the justice you’re seeking:
@ justiceseeker
How about Indonesia? I haven’t heard even a speech from the President offering sympathy.
You have a personal bias against Brown men, haven’t you? Next time, google before you open your filthy mouth. The $1M though small, was donated in genuine Javanese spirit with no string attached.
It was the aussies who gave most generously during the tsunami and the Jogja earthquake so now I think is a time for Indonesia to reflect on whether they are or not a good neighbour and friend.
pfffffffffffffttt … Aussie public gave generously but all the monetary donations were eaten up by the Howard government. Sending in troops was effective, but an expensive exercise in the long run. Our Indonesian government politely try to shoo and coax them home but little Howard would not budge, allowing their troops to stay more than their use-by date to get their share of the donation. Not suprisingly, all expenses and stress-related compensations claims were later billed to Ausaid.
We thank the Ausaid and the generous Australian public for their $0.00 donation.
DXP said,
Again, those Indonesian chinese who never / not able to speak hua yi IS NO LONGER considered as hua ren to CHINA man. If I met a yellow skin man with sleezy eyes on the busy Nanjing Lu – Shanghai and when I talk in Mandarin and he can not understand me, I simply regard him (although he looks chinese) as another poor foreigners
If that’s how you treat the “Chinese” in China, why do you always complain on how the Indonesian treat Chinese (who does not speak local bahasa) in Indonesia?
And whoever said that Tommy Suharto is a hero? Your kind of hero maybe, to us he is just a spoiled brat who learned too much on how to use his father power from his father’s Chinese buddies.
While we are at it, Chinalco of china is thingking of investing billions into rio tinto, a debt laden australian mining company.
Meanwhile, ex-CEO of BHP billiton (Rio tinto’s rival) was made CEO of temasick (singapore’s sovereign wealth fund), replacing the PM Lee Hsien Loong’s wife, Ho jinx. Her contract was shortened by maybe two/three years.
During her tenure in temasick, the only profit she made, as I can recall, was her investment in Indonesia, including in the telecoms and banking, which Indonesian govenrment forced her to sell before the financial tsunami began.
Maybe Singapore should have hired indonesian bereaucrats who forced singapore to make sound financial judgement instead of hiring some high flying american and indian financial analyst to be CEO of temasick as obviously, singapore govenrment does not think singaporeans are qualified for the job.
Dear Mr. Nurse (pak mantri),
And whoever said that Tommy Suharto is a hero? Your kind of hero maybe, to us he is just a spoiled brat
as I said, the way the Javanese run Indonesia country is destructive. You may not happy with this statement , wanna another case study ?
pls help me to translate it into english …. BI / DPR / etc on Indover bank goes chapter 11 ….. how it can be ? where is the authority & professionalism governance ?
fyi :
Selasa, 4 November 2008 | 08:23 WIB
Likuidasi Bank Indover adalah sebuah ironi, yang mengungkapkan ketidakmampuan para pejabat negara mengambil keputusan tegas dan jujur pada saat genting. Bangkrutnya anak usaha Bank Indonesia itu juga menceritakan betapa lemahnya koordinasi antarlembaga negara dan keberanian pemimpin mengambil risiko.
Kasus likuidasi NV De Indonesische Overzeese Bank (Bank Indover) tidak hanya sebatas polemik terhadap keuntungan dan kerugian dari aspek finansial. Bangkrutnya Indover menimbulkan dampak nonfinansial yang lebih menyedihkan.
Meskipun tergolong bank ecek-ecek di Belanda, tempatnya berkantor pusat, Indover memiliki nilai tinggi karena merupakan etalase perbankan dan juga perekonomian Indonesia di dunia internasional. Bank yang juga memiliki kantor cabang di Hongkong itu semakin disorot karena dimiliki sebuah bank sentral, Bank Indonesia (BI).
Dunia internasional pasti geleng-geleng kepala, bagaimana mungkin bank yang dimiliki lembaga pengawas perbankan bisa bangkrut. Mungkin muncul praduga, jangan-jangan BI tidak memiliki dana untuk menyuntik modal baru. Pertanyaan lanjutannya: jika tak memiliki dana, lalu bagaimana BI bisa menjaga stabilitas moneter?
Mungkin pula timbul pemikiran: kalau BI tidak bisa mengelola banknya sendiri, bagaimana lembaga ini bisa mengawasi 130 bank yang beroperasi di Indonesia?
Pertanyaan-pertanyaan itu bisa saja dijawab karena memang ada penjelasan logisnya. Namun, ada pertanyaan lain yang kemungkinan sulit dijawab. Jika Indover terlikuidasi akibat terbentur aturan, mengapa para pejabat negara yang terkait tidak duduk bersama dan lalu menghilangkan persoalan yang menghambat?
Likuidasi Indover adalah cerita konyol. Semua pihak terkait, Bank Indonesia, DPR, dan pemerintah, sepakat bulat menyelamatkan Indover.
”BI berupaya untuk menyelamatkan Indover,” kata Deputi Gubernur Senior BI Miranda S Goeltom. BI juga telah mengusulkan suntikan modal baru sekitar Rp 7 triliun.
”Komisi XI DPR tidak keberatan apabila BI dan pemerintah melakukan langkah-langkah untuk menangani permasalahan Bank Indover sejauh tetap memerhatikan dan tidak bertentangan dengan UU,” demikian keputusan Komisi XI DPR tanggal 23 Oktober 2008.
Pemerintah pun pada prinsipnya setuju agar permasalahan Indover diselesaikan.
Sorry bird (burung Koel):-
Ho jinx (Ho meaning “great in cantonese”) in the nickname singaporeans gave her after all the financial fiasco. Temasick should be temasik.
As for the many donations garnered by the west for the tsunami, The poor vicitms probably managed to get by my estimate only 20%. Most of the money went into managemnt fees(yes the charities charge that too), logistics, useless medicines, tents which are unsuitable, etc.
In fact, the money was never channeled into indonesian/Thai/Sri lankan govenrment bodies except those that were contributed by other govenrments directly. Most of the time, the charities keep the money and do their own thing, thereby causing wastage of resources as they compete with one another to assist the locals.
The days of “we didn’t know” or “its not our fault” have long gone
You really think so!
Frankly I have never understood why the Indonesians, after claiming for years that they were going to liberate the Papuans from ‘colonial slavery’, immediately after their arrival set out to colonise the place themselves. Perhaps people will not believe this but the ‘colonising’ Dutch treated them far more humanely than the incoming Indonesian government ever did. It still puzzles me.
When it is reality, then action speaks for itself. All other speculations could only mean the condoning of ethnic cleansing. A new form of ethnic cleansing similar to 1965 covet operation.
Quick answer: dxp, dragonwall, and more recently “outsider”. They just love to twist any issue to chinese-pribumi thing.
People who can’t think straight will always say others twisting what that are known to be facts.
When I think of Javanese Indonesia, we treated our chinese population reasonably well.
You? My arse. Given the opportunity you will do whatever to the Chinese.
Pardon me, the Javanese is just an unsuccessful minority race in the world.
First: Sr. AAB told the truth. Apart from the incident in 1998, which affect only a handful of chinese, only in Jakarta,
Only in Jakarta? You must have ignore the fact with obvious intent. And only a handful? Your hands full is just about 10 fingers less..
Hundreds have died.
Thousands rape.
Tens of thousands of lives affected.
Hundred of thousands victimized.
And that is a handful? Well a handful will perhaps mean to be as much as holding a prick, I mean my prick because pencil dick like you will never be able to count, so let alone write.
you can see the indon-chinese actually have the economic freedom,
It is because they have achieved and attained the status, not given.
living as indonesian citizen just like anyone else, access to public education (which everybody have to pay anyway, sorry it’s not uniquely you / indon-chinese misery).
Oh really? Please hold on to my prick. Tell me which school did they admit the Chinese and it is because of that the indon Chinese choose to stay away from the misery. You know the Indonesian saying “Jeruk Buruk saling menular”
I haven’t seen any indo-chinese having to live in a ghetto.
Have you been to the slump areas? No you don’t and I really suppose you do not know what it really means in the ghetto except generally speaking.
Your compadre, Liem Sioe Liong (and cronies / clones), is a prime example of how well we treat your kind (but apparently “air susu dibalas air tuba” fits well to his case)
No definitely not you. If not for Sudono Salim, there will be no Soeharto, there will be no TNI that is obedient to Soeharto then there will be no security that you had enjoy for the 30 odds years of his guidance for the Indonesian people.
To me it only proves one thing: you’re full of craps, watarachinq (racist chinq).
So does that proves you to be an ultra bigotry racist of the moronic kind?
Allright, I’m done with you.
Yeah anyway you are done so GO and DIE.
What’s with Why does it attract prickiechinx like this dxp, dragie, wandi etc?
If you got the balls, ask Patung what’s the But it is people like you that always make the situation explosive. So you really like my prick and dxp’s and wandi’s right! Pedophile.
Wait… are you even an indonesian chinese, DXP? You don’t sound like one. To my knowledge indonesian chinese are all very loving, nice people, social and care about others (nature and people surrounding). They wouldn’t vomit such craps like what you just did. Now you call me anti-chinese?
Even if he is not Indonesian Chinese he still has the rights to comment. And that is knowledge you were so deprived of. And yes they are loving and nice people and when people like you guys around it makes the whole matter worse. And yes damn it you are pagan semitic, pro Islamic anti Chinese son of a bitch.
All along, you were trying to capitalise on Pribumi love-hate relationship with the bule. Whenever there is a opinion clash on IM, you always barge in and sided with the bules, hoping to take cheap shots. It didn’t work, did it?
First I don’t take side not even you let alone the bules. If all were to comment on a more moderate side then there will be no clash. It is always with people like you that tries to show off and prove that you are a better person by ignoring what has been a fact and turning them around against others and always bias and discriminative towards others that cause the clash. This is one of the main causes of disunity. You have receive so much assistance starting from you dad and because you envy what the Chinese have that you don’t and that turned you into moronic bigots forever ranting discriminations against the Chinese. And yet you claimed to have, what Shanghainese friends?
The Dutch had wronged us. Yes, we disliked them, but all the enimity were long gone. Dutch acknowledged their wrong doings and make amends.
Did you? Has that been a fact? Then why the Staatsblad still exist in the Statutes?
Same goes with the rest of the bules. Although we have to keep an eye out for them islamised whitey traitors and english teachers,
Wow you must be great after licking the spittles and yet you have to say they are traitors? What about you being brought up by Chinese, worked in Chinese restaurant and now turning against them, is that treachery? Don’t forget to look at those links provided to see if the dna trace your roots back to the Chinese or the Mongols. Though the Mongols are hot Han they are still Chinese Muslims.
If the Javanese government had treated you so badly, perhaps we should be cruel to be kind. How about we follow one of Melayu government policy: revoke all Chinese citizenship and rights, and on special occassion grant a few families citizenship. That way, we can greatly reduce the like of you, Wandi, DXP and Irene
My arse? If they are born in Indonesia then it is their constitutional rights not for you to say. So shut the f*ck up.
If you care to do some research, Chinese are the only one who love lick spittling the bule despite a massacre by the Dutch in the mid 1800s and CIA funded chinese massacre late 1960s.
What say you if you’re the POW?
I doubt you have an education beyond Form 3 with your limited knowledge of government policies of surrounding countries. ‘Stateless’ Green card and Red Card when spoken within the perimeter of IM would not be the US, would it?
In the neighboring countries of Indonesia, tell me which country had a green and red card except when people refer that they are referring to the US?
Javanese are culturally superior than the Chinese, no doubt about it. We are highly tolerant and acceptance of anyone different from us. Example, mixed Pri-Chinese will be readily accepted as part of a Javanese family.
Ngaca dulu.
Chinese blood in me? Now you are suspecting I could be a Chinese, and hence a traitor. Didn’t you say that my Chinese language was crappy?
Like I said run through the threads you guys so desire and trace the dna roots.
Have a good look at my avatar, do I look like a yellow man?
Yeah you looked like a char boiled mole face to me slightly yellow but burn up.
khai wan siau, chi lay huan na chin uoi kam lan (hokkien). Wo dert pa pa hui shak wo, ru guo wo he ni (mandarin) kam lan (hokkien)
I tell you a little secret. A poster named Irene had just shown that current Indon-chinese generations are just as racist as their baby boomers’ elders. Their ‘Middle Kingdom’ minset had not changed even with generation Y. If you don’t know what ‘Middle Kingdon attitude’ is, ask comrade Wandi. Irene can tell you if she has a Javanese boyfriend. Should we accept these chinese as Indonesians?
You yourself don’t need to, they are Indonesian citizens. So tell me who can revoke their rights?
It would be stupid if we treat unassimilating Chinese as Indonesian. Would you allow Uighur moslem in NW China to self rule? Don’t think you are that stupid, neither are we.
No wonder the Papuan ethnic cleansing by the ABRI.
Reason why we like nongkrong because we are blessed with paradise. There were never any hardship before the mass migration of Chinese into our land. We welcomed them, they abused their priviledge. Should we send them back to China?
You nongkrong singkong is about trying to get something out of them and before they migrated you are still a Chinese. So when the government send them back to China then you disclaim you Chinese ancestry should be sent to to the Java man’s age and walk like a monyet.
If he is a pribumi, there is nowhere he can run to. We will deal with him sooner or later. If he is not local, it will be a matter of urgency to recoop the money back
Yeah they don’t run, they walk like a preman. Take a look at Yusril, Aburizal Bakery and many corrupt Indonesian officials. Have they been indicted? No except TS and Dicky Iskandardinata who serve jail sentence.
If that’s how you treat the “Chinese” in China, why do you always complain on how the Indonesian treat Chinese (who does not speak local bahasa) in Indonesia?
Can you tell us how many of the Indonesian Chinese don’t speak Indonesian? Except those who are above 70 of age.
to us he is just a spoiled brat who learned too much on how to use his father power from his father’s Chinese buddies.
Well if he abuse that then it was his problem, but learnig from the buddies of his father if much doubted. Those people that surrounds TS age between 30 to 40’s so nothing of that sort ever happened. Have you seen that? No I don’t think so, but I do because I worked in the same building in Kebon Sirih.
Meanwhile, ex-CEO of BHP billiton (Rio tinto’s rival) was made CEO of temasick (singapore’s sovereign wealth fund), replacing the PM Lee Hsien Loong’s wife, Ho jinx. Her contract was shortened by maybe two/three years.
Sorry your had underestimate other’s professional thought. Or have you over estimate yourself? This is how you see a prudent governance to replace those that are thought to have caused certain fatal decision with other more efficient personnel.
That is how you lead a country. Without ever considering whether the person is related to the Prime Minister of the President. But in Indonesia that is a whole different ball game. Her mistake had in fact took many people throughout the world by surprise, though not unpredictable, as it came in a sudden.
Oh one more thing is that the prominence shown by you being not only sarcarstic but envious in referring “temasick” :jinx”
was her investment in Indonesia, including in the telecoms and banking, which Indonesian govenrment forced her to sell before the financial tsunami began.
Don’t you think that is able decision?
Maybe Singapore should have hired indonesian bereaucrats
No definitely not so that to prevent corruption spreading like cancer?
who forced singapore to make sound financial judgement
This is the greatest part and that is because “lube oil” works so well in the Indonesian bureaucracy that even the law was being compromised.
instead of hiring some high flying american and indian financial analyst to be CEO of temasick as obviously,
So how did JYM Pillay did for SIA? You don’t just pay peanuts to monkeys.
singapore govenrment does not think singaporeans are qualified for the job
It is because too many Singaporeans were attracted to benefits and perks in the European and western countries that they exercise their right to belong.
Ho jinx (Ho meaning “great in cantonese”) in the nickname singaporeans gave her after all the financial fiasco. Temasick should be temasik
And one thing your Cantonese sucks. Ho is Cantonese is good and Singaporeans had never given her a nick in the fiasco, can you show a link to that. The word should be spelt as Temasek. It is either you are sick or “sik” suka ingin kentut” and was you name a nick short for sputting jam?
Oh one more thing. Thanks Patung.
@ dragonwall
Ahh .. a disgrunted Singaporean who is now banished from exploiting Indonesians. Didn’t you say your Indon in-laws helped you with Javanese connections? Where is the gratuity? As to Javanese were from China, you should go back to PN’s responses as I am not bothering to repeat it again. You do have trouble reading in depth, don’t you?
AAB the shadow :
Didn’t you say your Indon in-laws helped you with Javanese connections? Where is the gratuity?
my view : even if that is corect, what’s wrong with a successful businessman like Dragonwall doing business in Indonesia and able to attract his in-law’s daughter as his wife ? I see this as courage, success & sense of achievement / progress.
Any reverse story of a Javanese man conquer business in China mainland, married with a xiao cie and become a successful businessman in China, why not ? why not ?
Why the Javanese is always at the ‘receiving’ side, my Beijing / Indon compatriots told me as the culture of ‘nrimo’ …?
I was told there are approx 100 Million of Javanese in Indonesia, why not only just one Javanese do business in China ? we welcome your investment money, skills, know-how and welcome you to treasure how beautiful are our original oriental xiao cie … we have abundant of stock here, don’t worry – come here …
what ’causes of disunity’ ?
because ‘ semua bisa diatur ‘ as part of your governance culture, wanna another example ?
I am amaze, everyday in Indonesia there are new mega-corruption case, now I am clear why your Rupiah is the lowest performing currency in ASEAN, don’t ever think to compare it with the north Asia countries.
The below is another proof how destructive is the way Indonesian run their country
fyi : taken from your prestigious newspaper:
Jumat, 13 Februari 2009 | 16:19 WIB
JAKARTA, JUMAT — Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) mengumumkan tersangka baru untuk dua kasus tindak pidana korupsi. Dua kasus tersebut yaitu korupsi pengadaan kapal patroli di Ditjen Perhubungan Laut Departemen Perhubungan dan Departemen Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi.
my view : even if that is corect, what’s wrong with a successful businessman like Dragonwall doing business in Indonesia and able to attract his in-law’s daughter as his wife ? I see this as courage, success & sense of achievement / progress.
Did I say there is something wrong with one’s achievement? If you have read my postings, my contention has always been about the clash of cultures (in this case, chinese vs. Javanese). I’ll put it in simple explanation for your non-lateral thinking brain.
If you welcomed a poor beggar to your luxury home, clothed and feed him, then one day there was a robbery, he helped the robber tie you up. What would you do to him once you managed to overpower and chase the robber out of your home?
Now, swap ‘the poor beggar’ with ‘chinese fortune seeker coming to our land’; and ‘the robber’ with ‘Dutch’. You get the picture?
If the Javanese had welcomed you to their land, the least we expect of the chinese were some loyalty and respect. Lick splitting with the Dutch, and helping the Dutch kill thousands of Javanese was not an honourable thing to do, or was it?
Why the resentment existed till today?
The chinese do not know they are dealing with a highly sophisticated culture that was as old as human civilisation itself. An egalitarian society far more advanced in moral values than ALL their contemporaries. There was no human sacrifice, no infant girl killing, no incestous relationship, no perverted sexual ritual, etc, etc. We are not uncultured Austro or Afro Blackies, or American Indians or even Papuans. We have court ethics, we have sages, we have artisans, we are highly organised. Plus we are not stupid, we know who our enemies are. The Dutch could not conquer us, nor the once welcomed chinese will ever betray our trust again.
Any reverse story of a Javanese man conquer business in China mainland, married with a xiao cie and become a successful businessman in China, why not ? why not ?
The nusantara is blessed with all the natural wealths other nation can only dream of, which is the reason you don’t see any Javanese economic refugees overseas. It is only the poors that dream of kim shan koh hoi. chorn dor dor lui..
Why the Javanese is always at the ‘receiving’ side, my Beijing / Indon compatriots told me as the culture of ‘nrimo’ …?
Can you elaborate the above? Also, what is nrimo? If you want to impersonate DXP, you should be able to speak in his dialect. ti tau mo?
I was told there are approx 100 Million of Javanese in Indonesia, why not only just one Javanese do business in China ? …
There is none? Are you from China?
Any reverse story of a Javanese man conquer business in China mainland, married with a xiao cie and become a successful businessman in China, why not ? why not ?
Because we only engage on “halal business” unlike your kind who can run any kind business such as “Judi Togel”, “Bandar Narkoba” and “Penyelundupan” include “perdagangan manusia and bayi”.
my view : even if that is corect, what’s wrong with a successful businessman like Dragonwall doing business in Indonesia and able to attract his in-law’s daughter as his wife ? I see this as courage, success & sense of achievement / progress.
You are building a profile on false premise. Here is his actual biography.
He wasn’t successful until his Indonesia in-law helped him. Singapore being overcompetitive; the downtroddens and underachievers looked toward Javanese Indonesia. We treated our Chinese population reasonably well which was why multi millionaires and billionaire chinese only exist in Indonesia. Dragonball can confirm that with you. In Melayu lands, there is no way for Chinese to make it rich. Ask him why he didn’t seek his fortune in Malaysia or Brunei.
During the 70s and the 80s, there was a popular trend among Singapore’s underachievers to seek fortune in Indonesia. The rag-to-richess short-cut was to woo or impregnant daughters of wealthy Indonesian businessmen. That was what he did.
From there with his in-law’s backings and connections, he was able to make millions (his own claim). Dragonball possessed no skill. He prided himself of economic forecast precision, yet missed the US economy bubble burst by 3 to 4 years. He claimed to make millions with chemical dealings, I wonder if that was possible without Javanese connections. He hated the Javanese with a passion, yet was trying to make his next millions in our land with China-made water bottles. He claimed to be a lawyer, look at poor English vocab. This is only a short list.
Comrade DXP, in China what should we do with undesirables like him?
heey y’all. peace out yo.
Not suprisingly, all expenses and stress-related compensations claims were later billed to Ausaid.
We thank the Ausaid and the generous Australian public for their $0.00 donation
Scientists have term for a statement that is so stupid and ignorant that it defies a rational approach..they call it “Not even Wrong”
I think it is a good idea because up to 99.9% of yin nee hua chiaw will be gassed.
AAB.. You are such a dick!
Coming back to Lim soe Liong, did you guys know that he had a mistress living in singapore(not sure if she is singaporean or indonesian), who bore him a daughter, who later married with the eldest son of mahathir bin kutty mohamed (a man who lead the leading malay political party UMNO for 22 years and considered as a bumi, but was registered as an indian by the british).
During the financial crisis of 1997, the son (Mirzan) tried to commit suicide as his businesses failed and wife abandoned him and obtained divorce only after threatening to spill out govenrment secrets.
The above just shows how intertwined the countries of indonesia, singapore and malaysia really is.
As for the papuans, they do not need any hot headed mojo’s (MOJOPOHIT empire) or chinaman to run their lives. Let them have the power to control immigration to prevent mass migration of javanese to their territory and become minorities in their own homeland.
Allow them to maintain the rainforest, earn money be selling carbon absorbing license (carbon credits) to manufacturers in europe, who emit carbon dioxide instead of outsiders exploiting their natural abode by logging and planting palm oil.
western concumers are very particular with products they purchase and they will normally check to see if the manufacturer has a responsible carbon management policy. This is a potentially huge money earner for the papuans and doe not require vast expertise as they are already experts in maintaining their equatorial jungle homeland.
causes of disunity : is rampant corruption in Indonesia, the major source of disunity, when certain people prosperous illegally, these suckers exhaust the entire country’s ability to perform in many areas, resulting the remote places like Papua are well neglected or keep on being exploited to those suckers !!!
wanna new case study ?
Jumat, 13 Februari 2009 | 17:27 WIB
JAKARTA, JUMAT — Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi telah meningkatkan kasus dugaan korupsi di Departemen Kesehatan ke penyidikan. Surat perintah penyidikan juga telah ditandatangani.
“Kesehatan juga kami sampaikan berikutnya, yang pasti diknya sudah. Yang Depkes sudah kami naikkan ke penyidikan,” ujar Wakil Ketua Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi Bidang Penindakan Chandra M Hamzah seusai menerima kado cinta dari wartawan KPK, Jakarta, Jumat (13/2).
so, I said given worse case option for Papuan to be run under Javanese leadership style who are proven the most corrupt & weak governance in management, I said it is better to be taken over by the DXP style of leadership. I never claim that my DXP’s governance style are the best in the world but it is much better from what Papuan suffer today in reality
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I think a better model would be for Papuan elites to follow the example of the former GAM leadership, who were instrumental in persuading their followers to accept autonomy within the Indonesian state and enter a disarmament process.
To improve conditions the Papuan leadership need to start managing the expectations of Papuans about the autonomy law (not presenting it as a precursor to independence; that will not happen). A ‘Papua for Papuans’ policy is not the panacea for all evils and they should focus on coexistence with minorities (which are in fact de facto majorities in some areas) and indeed the rest of the world.
I like your analogy of elites performing ‘musical chairs’. I think it may all end up like George Orwell’s ‘Animal Farm’ with ordinary Papuans looking at the wealth of their ‘new’ elite and wondering if anything has changed from the so called bad old days.