Tifatul Watch II: HIV/AIDS

Oct 1st, 2010, in Featured, News, by

The TwitterFool Reloaded: minister for Communications and Technology, Tifatul Sembiring and his ‘tweeting’ about AIDS.

The minister of Communications and Technology, Tifatul Sembiring, latest tweeting faux pas on the micro-messaging site Twitter.com has come at the expense of AIDS/HIV sufferers, with the Justice Party (PKS) minister joking that AIDS was an acronym for:

Akibat Itunya Dipakai Sembarangan


Using it [the penis] in any old way.

The latest howler from Tif is part of an almost unending avalanche of ministerial witticisms delivered at all hours of the day on subjects willy nilly to the over 90,000 followers of the @tifsembiring account.


Tifatul Sembiring

Past Tif-Twitter controversies included in April 2010 his quoting Adolf Hitler, to June 2010 when he compared the Peterporn scandal to a theological debate between Christians and Muslims over whether Jesus was crucified or not.

Meanwhile, in the AIDS tweet’s full context, apparently in reference to the controversy over the gay/lesbian Q Film Festival in Jakarta, the minister gave his Six Points of Akibat Itunya Dipakai Sembarangan Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome::

  1. Cegahlah diri anda dan keluarga dari penularan virus HIV/AIDS. Angka2 penderita dan penularannya selalu meningkat tajam setiap tahunnya. 6:44 AM Sep 29th via ÜberTwitter
  2. MI 12/11/2009: “Penyebab HIV/AIDS dr Kaum Gay Meningkat Tajam”. Kata dokter: perilaku seks yg menyimpang adalah sbg penular virus tsb 6:46 AM Sep 29th via ÜberTwitter
  3. Kata Al-Qur’an: Allah swt membalikkan bumi kaum nabi Luth, pelaku homoseks, menghujani mrk dngn batu, dari tanah yg terbakar QS 11:81-82 6:49 AM Sep 29th via ÜberTwitter
  4. Penularan virus HIV/AIDS harus dicegah, juga penularan perilaku2 yg potensial membawa virus2 tsb. Sampai kini obat AIDS belum ditemukan 6:54 AM Sep 29th via ÜberTwitter
  5. Kata Prof. Sujudi, mantan menteri kesehatan, agar mudah diingat singkatannya AIDS=Akibat Itunya Dipakai Sembarangan 6:56 AM Sep 29th via ÜberTwitter
  6. Kata seorang Kiyai, jika melihat kemungkaran diam saja, itu sama spt syaithanul akhlash, maksudnya syetan gagu. Maka cegahlah kmungkaran 6:58 AM Sep 29th via ÜberTwitter

Point 1: warns people to beware of AIDS, and says that its rate of transmission increases every year.

Point 2: The incidence of AIDS is increasing among homosexuals; doctors say that deviant sexual activity is a cause of the spread of AIDS

Point 3: The Quran says that homosexuals are to be stoned to death.

Point 4: The spread of AIDS has to be prevented; behaviour which causes the spread of AIDS should also be prevented. There is no cure for AIDS.

Point 5: Professor Sujudi, a former health minister, said it’s easier to remember if you think AIDS=Akibat Itunya Dipakai Sembarangan

Point 6: A religious leader said if you see sinful behaviour yet you remain silent it’s like letting Satan win. So guard against sinful behaviour.

15 Comments on “Tifatul Watch II: HIV/AIDS”

  1. Lairedion says:

    Cegahlah diri anda dan keluarga dari penularan virus2 kebudayaan Arab, kebencian dan intoleransi. Angka2 penderita dan penularannya selalu meningkat tajam setiap tahunnya.

  2. madrotter says:

    where do they find these muppets? and how do they become ministers? he’s good for a few good laughs though…

  3. Chris says:

    What’s even more disturbing is that Tifatul clearly doesn’t know much about his portfolio of Communications & IT.

    For example, he recently showed his complete lack of knowledge when he defined open-source software as:

    software that is domestically developed using local language

    Maybe we could start a poll for worst/least knowledgable or just strange/funniest cabinet minister. The former Health Health Minister Siti Fadilah Supari would have to be up there too; she once claimed bird flu was a US/WHO conspiracy against Indonesia.

  4. camion says:

    Another good reason why religion & politics should be totally seperated when the goons of faith rant & rave about topics they know little about other than via phoney beliefs & fear mongering.

  5. FonnyDivaMermaid says:

    Tifa Fool

  6. Odinius says:

    Is it just me, or does this seem more than a little Glenn Beckish?

  7. Oigal says:

    Even Glen Beck displays several shades more intelligence than this muppet (nice title that). GB tends to lead by selective use of (and omissions) of facts and information to reach a pre-determined position. This muppet is just a flat out ignorant and nasty piece work.

    It is a crying shame that in a position so critical to Indonesia, this is the best representative Indonesia can throw up (pun intended).

  8. Aprianti says:

    “What’s even more disturbing is that Tifatul clearly doesn’t know much about his portfolio of Communications & IT.”

    Clearly not surprising for someone who spends most of his time twittering…

  9. Murphy says:

    Hey, let’s see the bright side. With this anyone who still gives PKS a doubt can now safely remove it.

  10. Astrajingga says:

    He’s stupid.
    That simple.

  11. Alienfromothergalaxy says:

    Human being are stupid. All of you are stupid, its just a matter of stupidity level. Your religions are just our (alien) experiment. We have been recording world’s development for thousands of years, and we have footages of every major event in the world. We created wars and chose who won it. You stupid. That simple.

  12. Camion says:

    Alienfrommothergalaxy……what brand of drugs are you on ? so I can ensure I never risk taking any of them :-)) How stupid are you hhhmmmmm!!!! Im willing to buy your evidence or worse case be your partner in delusion :-))) (the world is full of them:-)

  13. Bright Eyes says:

    I believe Mr Tifatul is wiser that all of your comments my dear negative minded and black hearted readers. Why don’t we support him to fight all factors than causing HIV since we don’t want our generation to be one of the victims. Mr Tifatul is the wisest minister I’ve ever seen compared to the other foolish political ministers that practising different from their sayings.


  14. Oigal says:

    Mr Tifatul is wiser that all of your comments

    Laugh, thanks for the chuckle Bright Eyes..and we have all seen how Tifatul practices the same as what he says..Why Mrs Obama practically forced herself on him :-))

    Oh by the way, he is the communications minister of a country with a communications infrastructure that is an international embarrassment not the health minister. Perhaps he should worry about that instead of who is looking at naughty pictures on their blackberry.

    Or if he really wants to get hot and bothered, perhaps he should check out the PKS porn video currently doing the circuit…hahahaha

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