Not everyone is in love with Valentine’s Day.
A number of small demonstrations took place in a few cities on Java, in which Indonesians were urged to reject the celebration of St. Valentine’s Day as an alien, unislamic practise.
In Bandung, West Java, as our friend Orgindo noted, about 60 university students conducted a “long march” along the main roads of the town, carrying banners on which were written such slogans as:
Spokesman Wisnu Sudibyo said St. Valentine’s Day was a part of western secular culture which Indonesia ought not to have anything to do with. detik
In Surabaya, East Java, about 400 of the youngsters at the Muhammadiyah 4 primary school in the suburb of Pucang staged a one-hour protest against Valentine’s Day. Speeches were made and posters displayed. Some of the latter read:
Valentine’s Day Demonstration at a primary school in Surabaya.
One young 5th grader, Rizky Dwi, said he rejected the great romantic day because it was synonymous with giving one’s girlfriend flowers, and then parties and sex could follow. One should show love every day of the year, he said, not just on Valentine’s Day.
Edi Susanto, a teacher at the school, said the event had been organised because the staff were worried about the negative effect of Valentine’s Day on young people. St. Valentine’s Day was opposed to Islam, he said, because it allowed for the celebration of love between persons of the opposite sex in inappropriate ways. rileks
Elsewhere in Surabaya the Barisan Muda PAN, a youth political group, handed out flowers to passers-by on a busy road, hoping to get the message across that Valentine’s Day should be celebrated in a restrained, moral way, without sex and drugs. suarasurabaya
And in Cirebon, West Java, a number of students and teachers of the Widya Utama senior high school carried out a “sweeping” operation in the classrooms of the school. They searched for symbols and tell-tale signs of the celebration of Lovers’ Day, such as flowers, as a signal of their rejection of the culture of Valentine’s.
The search teams entered every classroom and ordered students present to leave the room while a search was conducted. Bags and desks were gone through, and dozens of items were confiscated, such as dolls and other knick knacks associated with the evil day.
One of the ringleaders of the operation, Erlandan Dwi, said Valentine’s was not part of eastern/Asian culture, and not of any educational value.
A teacher, Dedi Nurjaman, said the search was to show the school did not agree with the Valentine’s tradition. He added that they were also looking for drugs. tempo
I think, those people taking part in the demonstration have got too much free time in their lives, it is as simple as that!
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M.Khafi. thanks for your clarification.