Valentine’s Day

Feb 14th, 2007, in News, by

Not everyone is in love with Valentine’s Day.

A number of small demonstrations took place in a few cities on Java, in which Indonesians were urged to reject the celebration of St. Valentine’s Day as an alien, unislamic practise.

In Bandung, West Java, as our friend Orgindo noted, about 60 university students conducted a “long march” along the main roads of the town, carrying banners on which were written such slogans as:

  • The times today are like those of pre-Islamic days.
    (Hari Gini Masih Berbudaya Jahiliah)
  • Eradicate all forms of infidel culture.
    Buang Habis Segala Bentuk Budaya Kufur

Spokesman Wisnu Sudibyo said St. Valentine’s Day was a part of western secular culture which Indonesia ought not to have anything to do with. detik

In Surabaya, East Java, about 400 of the youngsters at the Muhammadiyah 4 primary school in the suburb of Pucang staged a one-hour protest against Valentine’s Day. Speeches were made and posters displayed. Some of the latter read:

  • Valentine’s Day No Way.
  • Stop Valentine’s Day.
  • Beware of the Valentine’s Day Virus.
    (Waspadai Virus Valentine’s Day)
  • Smart People Reject Valentine’s Day.
    (Orang Cerdas Tolak Valentine’s Day) rileks
  • The Valentine’s Day Virus is Worse than Bird Flu?! suarasurabaya

Valentine's Day Demo
Valentine’s Day Demonstration at a primary school in Surabaya.

One young 5th grader, Rizky Dwi, said he rejected the great romantic day because it was synonymous with giving one’s girlfriend flowers, and then parties and sex could follow. One should show love every day of the year, he said, not just on Valentine’s Day.

Edi Susanto, a teacher at the school, said the event had been organised because the staff were worried about the negative effect of Valentine’s Day on young people. St. Valentine’s Day was opposed to Islam, he said, because it allowed for the celebration of love between persons of the opposite sex in inappropriate ways. rileks

Elsewhere in Surabaya the Barisan Muda PAN, a youth political group, handed out flowers to passers-by on a busy road, hoping to get the message across that Valentine’s Day should be celebrated in a restrained, moral way, without sex and drugs. suarasurabaya

And in Cirebon, West Java, a number of students and teachers of the Widya Utama senior high school carried out a “sweeping” operation in the classrooms of the school. They searched for symbols and tell-tale signs of the celebration of Lovers’ Day, such as flowers, as a signal of their rejection of the culture of Valentine’s.

The search teams entered every classroom and ordered students present to leave the room while a search was conducted. Bags and desks were gone through, and dozens of items were confiscated, such as dolls and other knick knacks associated with the evil day.

One of the ringleaders of the operation, Erlandan Dwi, said Valentine’s was not part of eastern/Asian culture, and not of any educational value.

A teacher, Dedi Nurjaman, said the search was to show the school did not agree with the Valentine’s tradition. He added that they were also looking for drugs. tempo

62 Comments on “Valentine’s Day”

  1. Andrew says:

    It is just amazing how people deliberately (but incorrectly) find contradictions between a lot of things with religion nowadays.

    For this particular example, they don’t realize that it is not the spirit of the Valentine’s day that is unislamic, but the way people (Indonesians, in the case) act.

    St. Valentine’s Day was opposed to Islam, he said, because it allowed for the celebration of love between persons of the opposite sex in inappropriate ways.

    What has Valentine’s Day got to do with “celebration of love between persons of the opposite sex in inappropriate way”?

    Oh, brother.

    If this is the teacher, what can I expect of the students?

  2. Tomaculum says:

    Indeed, those things are more important than fighting corruption or how to help the flood victims.
    The world laugh about this! Why not, the life is sad enough, so one more funny thing maybe could make our life brighter, hmm?
    Btw: are you sure it was in Indonesia? Look at the clothes.


    “The Valentine’s Day Virus is Worse than Bird Flu”

    Yes, the bird flu helps Indonesia reducing its overpopulation, while the valentine day just makes infidels happy.


    A teacher, Dedi Nurjaman, said the search was to show the school did not agree with the Valentine’s tradition. He added that they were also looking for drugs.

    Ha, ha, ha. And I’m one of those who are laughing about it!
    🙂 🙂 🙂

  3. Robert says:

    St. Valentine’s Day was opposed to Islam, he said, because it allowed for the celebration of love between persons of the opposite sex in inappropriate ways.

    This sentence puzzled me too, maybe on Valentine’s Day it is allowed for persons of the same sex to celebrate their love in a appropriate way and instead persons of the opposite sex in an inappropriate way.

    Since when do Indonesian people have to wait until Valentine’s Day to have sex? I can’t imagine there is a dry spell for the rest of the year. Maybe this Susanto dude needs some extra education himself, as a teacher he sounds like a complete idiot.

    One young 5th grader, Rizky Dwi, said he rejected the great romantic day because it was synonymous with giving one’s girlfriend flowers, and then parties and sex could follow.

    How does he know? Is this what they teach at school? Or is this what he expected at last year’s Valentine’s Day and he didn’t get any sex?

    And in Cirebon, West Java, a number of students and teachers of the Widya Utama senior high school carried out a “sweeping” operation in the classrooms of the school. They searched for symbols and tell-tale signs of the celebration of Lovers’ Day, such as flowers, as a signal of their rejection of the culture of Valentine’s.

    The search teams entered every classroom and ordered students present to leave the room while a search was conducted. Bags and desks were gone through, and dozens of items were confiscated, such as dolls and other knick knacks associated with the evil day

    These people must be raving mad. Giving flowers is considered a sign of love all over the world. Evil day? We are talking about love and not devil worshipping!

    One of the ringleaders of the operation, Erlandan Dwi, said Valentine’s was not part of eastern/Asian culture, and not of any educational value.

    Why not get rid of McDonalds, KFC and Pizza Hut too? And television and radio too, they have no educational value.

  4. Bas says:

    “Why not get rid of McDonalds, KFC and Pizza Hut too? And television and radio too, they have no educational value.”

    They would if they could!! Just like in Afghanistan.

  5. Dimp says:

    (Orang Cerdas Tolak Valentine’s Day) [2]
    The Valentine’s Day Virus is Worse than Bird Flu?! [3]

    I find these two banners sort of contradict one another.

    Oh well, stupid is as stupid does.

  6. Andrew says:

    It is called the “idiotization of the nation”.

    Hey, it rhymes. 🙂

  7. Madesh says:

    Oh my completely idiot brothers and sisters. You have been saying NO for something you do not know.
    Your level is equal with a young 5th grader, Rizky Dwi: “One should show love every day of the year (and then parties and sex could follow), he said, not just on Valentine’s Day”.

    Why do the politicians keep quite about it?
    I think there must have been someone who had thrown the stone then put his hand in his pocket.
    As we the people know they have failed in dealing with the disasters but still they want the wages and benefits raised.
    Trying to get a scapegoat without hurting anyone, why don’t encourage the thugs to have a party on the street against Mr/Miss Valentine.

  8. Julita says:

    In this case, Indonesia is entirely ignorant about the Western culture. That expressing our love to our grand-parents, parents, friends, teachers, husband and wife, relatives, siblings. Instead they put in their heads party, drug, commercials, sex – a 5th grader Rizky Dwi; he has lots of inappropriate imagination the same with all the others. What they say is perhaps Valentine in their area. Sorry, not in the place where I am living.

    Spokesman Wisnu Sudibyo said St. Valentine’s Day was a part of western secular culture which Indonesia ought not to have anything to do with.

    Oh, my, how about all the aid Indonesia is receiving for the flood. “Indonesia ought not to have anything to do with? That is also a Western culture. Sometimes even school children are encourage to collect money, giving away their pocket money. Charity is taught here.

  9. Ihaknt says:

    I don’t understand how Valentine’s day is associated with sex and drugs. Where did they get that from? I guess they need something to do for an extra curiculum. Another pointless hatred being taught to little children without substantial background, only a just-because argument.

  10. Madesh says:

    Hi bro,
    Surely they got the thought from the sermon.
    If they think they do not want to adopt western culture, please do not be hypocrite. So do not go to school until university because that one is from western culture. Instead you may go to pesantren nobodies’ care.

  11. Ihaknt says:

    Madesh, in that case then the sermon spread lies hence it’s a slander. It’s a weird one huh.

  12. sgn says:

    Spokesman Wisnu Sudibyo said

    Interesting. A Hindu in Indonesia is also rejecting the Valentine’s day.

  13. Ihaknt says:

    Wisnu is a common name sgn. The religious relation is no longer as strong as in the past. Many Indo men name Wisnu are also Muslim, Christian, etc.

    But I just saw the news that they did similar rally in India. But no kids. Just adults bbq-ing flags and other stuff in protest of valentine’s day. They also claim that it’s evil. Strange.

  14. sgn says:

    This morning news:
    15% of American Women sent flowers to themselves.

  15. Ihaknt says:

    SGN, did they also act surprise? :D.

  16. sgn says:

    IHnAKnT, I bet yes.

    I wanted to send a flower to my wife and one for you…. 🙂
    But it could be “layu” before reaching Jakarta.

  17. Ihaknt says:

    Hehehhe, I don’t live in Jkt. It’s ok, thanks for the thought. I sent myself flowers too. Hhehehe.

  18. Mohammed Khafi says:

    Two quotes from Voltaire seem very appropriate in this case:

    It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere.

    Valentines Day is all about the purest of universal emotions, Love, the fact that these teachers try to connect it with sex, drugs and unislamic practices, shows their ignorance. I worries me more though, that they are trying to brainwash the children. Instead of educating them as to the good aspects of western culture, they are trying to poison their minds, without being able to understand others cultures we will never fully appreciate our own. Do these fools realise that the culture that they are promoting is also not ours, it is also an alien culture?

    Anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices.


  19. sgn says:

    ihnaknt Says:

    February 15th, 2007 at 1:36 pm

    I sent myself flowers too.

    Are you sure? Because you wrote:

    February 14th, 2007 at 3:20 pm

    2. Flowers are expensive.

    Ah, you are not living in Jkt. You missed the flood and the MRT, then.

    Warm regards to you, instead.

  20. Ihaknt says:

    Well SGN, I picked the flowers in the park then sent to me. Yes I did miss the flood. MRT? I don’t think I will use it until there’s a guarantee safety features are in place on top of general safety. But, let’s hope for the best.

  21. sgn says:

    that’s a good choice.

    Nice to chat with you….. Just a bit worry other will be jealous.
    So, this is my last ‘private’ reply to you …. in this topic.

    All the best.


  22. Fitri says:

    Hmm… Let’s celebrate Ashura Day instead. 🙂

  23. 1ndra says:

    Hope your spouse didn’t read this. 😀

    And for Muslim and Muslimah, celebrating Valentine Day is haram.


    Valentine’s Day is Christian’s day used to memorize priest St Valentine (Santo Valentinus), in that day in emperor Rome Claudius II time, the priest is doing Christianization and captured then jailed and tortured, inside in the jail he still doing Christianization to prisoners, the emperor knew it, then the priest be killed in 14 Feb 270. Before he died, he wrote a love letter to a jail employee’s daughter who he fell in love with, ended with signature ‘From your Valentine’.

    Christians regard him died because of his love to Christ and make Valentine as Christian’s symbol as love between Christ and Christians. And wrapped by modification with love theme in centuries.

    If Muslims celebrate valentine day, it means they celebrated st valentine, who died for Christ because of Christianization.

    About love, here verses for you :

    “Dan (Dialah) yang menyatupadukan di antara hati mereka (yang beriman itu). Kalaulah engkau belanjakan segala (harta benda) yang ada di muka bumi, nescaya engkau tidak dapat juga menyatupadukan di antara hati mereka, akan tetapi Allah telah menyatupadukan di antara (hati) mereka.” (Surah Al-Anfaal: 63).”

    “”Lalu Allah menyatukan di antara hati (sehingga kamu bersatu padu dengan nikmat Islam), maka menjadilah kamu dengan nikmat Allah itu orang-orang Islam yang bersaudara.” (Surah Ali Imran: 103).”

    “Jika kita merayakan budaya suatu kaum, maka kita termasuk kedalam kaum tersebut” (HR; Turmidzi).

    Valentines Day is all about the purest of universal emotions, Love, the fact that these teachers try to connect it with sex, drugs and unislamic practices, shows their ignorance.

    Some valentine celebration wrapped with some kinds of kissing, dancing in club (Ended with, personally). Those aren’t Islamic practices (I wonder you didn’t know it).

    It worries me more though, that they are trying to brainwash the children.

    The teacher try to re-brainwash to the right path, because the students are brainwashed to that kind of hedonism cult and commercial aspects.

    Instead of educating them as to the good aspects of western culture, they are trying to poison their minds, without being able to understand others cultures we will never fully appreciate our own. Do these fools realise that the culture that they are promoting is also not ours, it is also an alien culture?

    What the good aspects? Love? Yes, thats what good aspect, only one and we already have.
    The bad effects? Many, celebrating others culture and denied the own culture, celebrating other religions, you name it.

    I think you’re too much defensive here Kahfi and forget your path.

  24. Hassan says:

    Valentine’s Day is these days are more a promotional and marketing gimmick than a pure celebration of love. Valentine’s Day means huge sales for Valentine’s Day related products: chocolate, candies, flowers, and the color pink. It is also a day when unmarried couples justify kissing, hugging, and even more, which is ‘haram’ in Islam.

    And 1ndra was right, why should Muslims celebrate and participate in a day dedicated for or using the name of a Christian saint? Celebrating love is one thing, but why must it be celebrated in a day which another religion use, and named it using the name of their saint?

    I quote 1ndra’s comment:
    “If Muslims celebrate valentine day, it means they celebrated St. Valentine, who died for Christ because Christianization. Haram.”

    All and all, Muslims shouldn’t participate directly in the celebration of another religion. Conveying our greetings on other faith’s celebration is one thing, but directly involving ourselves in their celebration is quite another. What would you feel if a Christian celebrate the Ied al Adha by serving ‘ketupat’ and ‘opor’ and also sacrifice a lamb? Or follow the ‘Takbiran’? Religion shouldn’t be mixed that way.

    Besides, celebrating things that neither the Quran or Hadith gave instructions in, can be considered an act of Bid’ah.

    Julita: “Oh, my, how about all the aid Indonesia is receiving for the flood. Indonesia ought not to have anything to do with? That is also a Western culture.”

    I don’t think that ‘giving aid’ is a western culture. Are you saying that the West introduced ‘giving charity’ in this world? And the aid money can’t be considered a culture, either. 🙂

  25. Mohammed Khafi says:


    I feel sad for you living in your own myopic, little paranoia filled world, have you actually ever travelled abroad? Do you talk to Christians, Hindus, Buddhists in this country and have you even entered into discourse with somebody from a different culture?

    Just for your information, Middle Eastern Islam is not our culture, it replaced a much older, more ancient culture, which preceded it.

    Yes the change did come about through free choice just as people are choosing in our present day to assimilate into another culture, I would ask you, why was free choice ok for those leaving their previous religions and cultures in this country and now when they want to adopt something else it is forbidden?

    If the ignorant people whom you are defending cannot come up with a better argument against Valentines day than associating it with sex, drugs and your miserable donation “going to a club” then they may as well give up now, they show themselves to be uneducated and unthinking, not the sort of people who need to be educating our children. You seem unfortunately to be a product of that system, who cannot or will not accept others at face value and are always spouting cliche’s about the evil west and Christianity, straight from the mouth of your ulema’s heh?

    Brainwashing obviously did not help your creativity, reasoning or analytical skills did it?

    I am not saying that any Muslim should celebrate St. Valentines Day, I am saying that they should at least know what it is and what it signifies to those who do want to celebrate it.

    If you don’t want people to follow it just tell them that it is not an Islamic celebration, there is no need to try and paint it in an evil light which it doesn’t deserve.

    The many Muslims who to my knowledge use this day don’t use it to remember any Christian Saint who is in all probability a mythical figure anyway, but use it to celebrate their love for one another, strangely, I didn’t witness any clubbing, drugs or gratuitous sex involved at all.

    When Islam in Indonesia is so full of Hinduistic and Animist practices, why do you concentrate your paranoia on the Christians? Is it because they are an easier target because of their minority status?

    And finally If you want to talk about copying Christian and even Jewish Traditions how about these ones:

    Death for Apostates
    Stoning to death for Adulterers
    Food Restrictions
    Restrictions on women praying during their Periods
    Beards for Men
    The use of the word “Ameen” during prayers
    Religious scripts on walls and houses and lucky charms
    Zakat as a religious Tithe

    Read more here, if you dare!:


  26. Hassan says:

    1ndra: According to Khafi, there is no Amar Ma’ruf Nahyi Munkar. There’s only freedom of choice. We should allow everyone to do anything they pleased. And we don’t have the right, nor the obligation to remind them.

  27. Robert says:

    I don’t understand why people respond so violently to the fact that youngsters celebrate Valentine’s Day. This celebration of Valentine’s day is being drawn way too much into the religious corner. Most people don’t even know that St.Valentine was a priest. Valentine’s Day has nothing Christian about it anymore and it is mainly a commercial event. It is just a day when people want to state their love for each other, no more and no less.

    It’s mind boggling that a harmless thing like like Valentine’s Day is being turned into a day of evil. Especially the things that are said about people kissing, hugging or even having sex sound ludicrous and are evidences of an obsessive mind.
    A non-Muslim might get the idea that Muslims are thinking all year long about kissing and sex, and when Valentine’s Day has arrived, that some of them loose control and indulge in unlimited kissing and sex.

    Especially the school teachers should do what they are being paid for: educate the children about Valentine’s Day and not sow the seeds of hate. Education and not brainwashing.

    People should respond normally to Valentine’s Day instead of in the paranoid manner that is happening now. Now it looks like another example of western culture bashing.

  28. 1ndra says:

    Instead of educating them as to the good aspects of western culture, they are trying to poison their minds, without being able to understand others cultures we will never fully appreciate our own. Do these fools realise that the culture that they are promoting is also not ours, it is also an alien culture?

    And you judged teachers as fools, even they know better than you, even they’re your former teacher, do you? They give them education about the truth about Valentine Day. Is it called poisoning?

    Do you talk to Christians, Hindus, Buddhists in this country and have you even entered into discourse with somebody from a different culture?

    Do you talk to Muslim or maybe you’re just ignored them?

    Brainwashing obviously did not help your creativity, reasoning or analytical skills did it?

    You seem too defend others and ignored your own brothers and religion. You’re brainwashed.

    “Jika kita merayakan budaya suatu kaum, maka kita termasuk kedalam kaum tersebut” (HR; Turmidzi)

    Valentine Day’s is a church official holiday. So? Muslim celebrate other religion holiday?

    Maybe one day we should make the Maulid Nabi as a international holiday and ask Catholics, Christian, Buddhist and other celebrate it with pengajian.

    Yes the change did come about through free choice just as people are choosing in our present day to assimilate into another culture, I would ask you, why was free choice ok for those leaving their previous religions and cultures in this country and now when they want to adopt something else it is forbidden?

    Ask it to whom you use his name, I’ve quote the answer above.

    The many Muslims who to my knowledge use this day don’t use it to remember any Christian Saint who is in all probability a mythical figure anyway, but use it to celebrate their love for one another, strangely, I didn’t witness any clubbing, drugs or gratuitous sex involved at all.

    Dont use to remember? Valentine itself is the name.
    Maybe one day we should rename it as ‘Habiburrahman El Shirazy’ Day. 🙂
    I doubt you know it.
    How about novel ‘Ayat-ayat cinta’?

    And finally If you want to talk about copying Christian and even Jewish Traditions how about these ones:

    Death for Apostates
    Stoning to death for Adulterers
    Food Restrictions
    Restrictions on women praying during their Periods
    Beards for Men
    The use of the word “Ameen” during prayers
    Religious scripts on walls and houses and lucky charms
    Zakat as a religious Tithe

    Read more here, if you dare!:

    I found most of them in Quran.
    Quran is from Allah and who are Allah’s prophets before Muhammad, which sent to them?
    No need to argue that. I dare not to argue Quran and Allah.


    I don’t understand why people respond so violently to the fact that youngsters celebrate Valentine’s Day. This celebration of Valentine’s day is being drawn way too much into the religious corner. Most people don’t even know that St.Valentine was a priest. Valentine’s Day has nothing Christian about it anymore and it is mainly a commercial event. It is just a day when people want to state their love for each other, no more and no less.

    It’s still called Valentine’s Day. And its still have the origin means, do you know many religion holiday but the people forget the exact meaning is?

  29. Robert says:

    Maybe we should change the name and call it “Flowers and Chocolate Day” so there is not a single link to St.Valentine anymore. This should make everybody happy then. No more reasons for people to get upset and refrain from doing what they were doing.
    So teachers can continue teaching, and students can continue studying instead of wasting their time with demonstrating, raiding classrooms and bother people in the streets.

  30. Mohammed Khafi says:

    1ndra said:

    And you judged teachers as fools, even they know better than you, even they’re your former teacher, do you? They give them education about the truth about Valentine Day. Is it called poisoning?

    I don’t need to judge them as fools, I only need to look at their actions and read their comments, they are shouting out loud and clear their stupidity for all to see and hear. They are not educating children, they are filling their heads full of nonsense, creating suspicion and distrust, no truth in it at all.

    Do you talk to Muslim or maybe you’re just ignored them?

    Of course I talk to Muslims, when I can find them in Indonesia, but they are a very rare breed, most of those who call themselves Muslims are Mohammedans or Hadithists who have strayed too far from Allah’s Path.

    You seem too defend others and ignored your own brothers and religion. You’re brainwashed.

    I try to defend the weak minded, the poor and the disposessed, most others are capable of defending themselves, I fight my brothers who have gone astray and wish to lead others astray from “The Straight Path” because they are not following the religion of Allah. Brainwashed? I don’t think so, if that was the case I would be following your way like the rest of the cattle, not standing with my few friends defending faith and freedom of choice.

    Valentine Day’s is a church official holiday. So? Muslim celebrate other religion holiday?

    Once again you are showing your lack of knowledge, Valentines day has not been an official church holiday since 1969, and have never suggested that Muslims should celebrate the holiday, read my post again.

    As to your statement:

    I found most of them in Quran.

    It must be a special edition, because none of them exist in Al Quran, they are all from Jewish and Christan scriptures.

    No need to argue that. I dare not to argue Quran and Allah.

    But strangely enough you are willing to follow manmade fabrications called Hadith?


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