The Vespa Lifestyle

Feb 24th, 2007, in News, by

Female students at the University of Indonesia no longer ride around on Vespa scooters half naked.

The “Vespa Girls” at the UI of the roaring 70’s, who apparently once cruised about on Italian motor scooters between classes, sometimes wearing no underwear under their mini-skirts, are no longer with us. These exponents of the Vespa Lifestyle at the nation’s pre-eminent seat of learning have now been replaced by young women who attend Quranic education classes, pray five times daily, and keep their jewels under wraps, and keep away from Vespas if possible. So says Hannah Beech in an article in Time magazine which says Indonesia is undergoing an Islamic spiritual revolution.

Vespa Girls
The times ain’t what they used to be.

In “Why Indonesia Matters” (hmm), Beech makes a familiar list of recent changes in Indonesian political and social life, from the increasing tendency of women to put on the jilbab, or headscarf, regional Islamic laws such as those in Bulukumba, the spread of dour Salafi Islam from Saudi Arabia and the decline of the Hindu-Buddhist Islam of the masses, the Indonesia Ulema Council’s increasing conservatism and fatwa issuing, the occurrence of terrorist attacks, and so forth.

All the rage.

There is a battle, she says, over what constitutes true Islam, and the destiny of the country is at stake. The battle goes on, and the Islamists often suffer setbacks, but don’t expect a return of the Vespa Girls at UI anytime soon. Read on.

All the rage II.

101 Comments on “The Vespa Lifestyle”

  1. Andrew says:

    Mubarak said:

    It is totally different view about beautiful lady. Miss World and Miss Universe contest are just the contest for shameless ladies.

    You are certainly one of those that judge a book by its cover aren’t you?

  2. Achmad Sudarsono says:


    We’re missing the point here. The incredible, heart-wrenching tragedy is that the beautiful girls of UI campus are wearing more clothes, not less.

    Oh for a world were women feel free to wear no underpants and ride around on Vespas. Alas, however, me thinks that was at the very least embellishment. Plenty of Koes Ploes in the 1970s, but no bra-burning and sexual revolution.

    But also, Mubarak – it seems it’s the men in Indonesia who have the morality problem, not the women. Ask around – how many members of the DPR – and even organizations like the Muhammadiyah and NU have simpanan? It’s a dirty little not-so secret secret.


  3. Manuel says:

    Now let’s talk about the vespa, are they still producing it, aren’t they replaced by jetmatic kind of thing and many of those beauties is now driving jazz and swift.

    So Indonesia is having spiritual revolution, so anybody who do not join the revolution will be ended up in hell. It’s amazing how easy it is decide that it’s a revolution and the spirit and its ritual will change the nation.

    I don’t care if wearing something made them higher in the moral competitions, and wearing less will lower their rank, who are we to judge?

    Hey you guys keep on the discussion, I am learning, just want you all to know I hate people with narrow mind and talk as if they were the champion of moral competition.

  4. 1ndra says:

    Hassan and Mubarak,

    Given that Allah says his Quran is Complete, Perfect , and Fully Detailed, can you tell me where you are getting the rules for Islamic Dress Codes?


    Yes we have had this discussion before, and you have never given me a clear answer, Is Allah’s word sufficient for you or not? If yes, why do you insist on following manmade religious rules?


    24:31, 60:55, 60:59

    More better approach if we see half naked girls, it’s better to say ‘Amen sisters amen’ to them, and if they ask why, tell them Al Nuur 60. ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Niamh Piperman says:

    I think it’s funny how so many Muslim girls get around in the Jilbab but sexy tight-fitting jeans.

    But seriously, even if every woman was covered head-to-toe, man’s natural sexual desire would still dictate that he finds women sexually attractive. Also, don’t forget women also have natural sexual desires. Why then are men not obliged to cover up for fear of leading women into temptation? One only has to listen to some of the ravings of Indonesian women (of any religious persuasion) at their arisan meetings and other ‘gossip sessions’ to hear some of the most blatant pornographic diatribe that one could imagine.



  6. Ihaknt says:

    The funny thing is that it’s the men who roll over and sleep after sex and it’s the women who are able to get multiple orgasms! Praise the Lords!

  7. Mohammed Khafi says:


    We have had this discussion before 1ndra, the word in 24:31, “Khimar”, does not mean veil, it means cover, the women are being asked to cover their breasts, it has nothing to do with jilbab and covering the head, and why are you quoting 60:55 and 60:59. Surah 60, Al-Mumtahina only contains 13 verses?


  8. Sputjam says:

    Everyone is all confused here concerning islam.

    Islam is not a religion. It is submission to God’s way or God’s system.

    There is no worship rituals in God’s system. If there is, then prove it that there are 5 daily prayers in the Koran.

    The religion of islam is now nothing more than a pagan religion, worshipping around a meteoric stone embedded in the kaabah in mecca. Do not associate anything with God. All prayers/assistance to God alone.

    Many words in are wrongly translated in the Koran to promote pagan rituals.

    That is why many Muslims are blind and their eyes cannot see that they have become pagan worshippers.

    If mankind were to follow the hadith, then prepare for thy doom in the next life, for the hadith were written by none other than the enemies of the prophet in order to mock him. How many other prophets were mocked in similar ways. Jesus became son of god.

    So keep to God’s system/Way and have faith in Him. And be righteous and do good deeds.
    God is the sustainer. He is free of all wants. He does not require your offerings or worship.
    Take the challenge (haj) and spread the word.

  9. Mohammed Khafi says:

    Niamh Piperman said:

    One only has to listen to some of the ravings of Indonesian women (of any religious persuasion) at their arisan meetings and other ‘gossip sessions’ to hear some of the most blatant pornographic diatribe that one could imagine.

    But what exactly is your definition of Pornography? The word has changed significantly from it’s original meaning, and nowhere has that change been more sever than here in Indonesia. My wife has told me of some of the discussions that take place at her ‘Arisan’ but I would hardly call it pornographic, sexually explicit maybe but pornographic, no way! People are naturally interested in sex, it is normal to talk about it and discuss it.

    A legal definition of pornography in Europe is ‘That which tends to deprave or corrupt’, perhaps we need to decide on a clear meaning in Indonesia before we make the word mean anything of a sexual mature that we as individuals find objectionable.


  10. 1ndra says:

    24:31 : “…dan hendaklah mereka menutupkan kain kudung kedadanya…”

    And about the latter surah, sorry my bad eyes, I mean sura 30:55 and 30:59.

    Sorry for the wrong sura, the 60 should go to An Nuur 60 in latter words not sura 60.


    We have had this discussion before 1ndra, the word in 24:31, “Khimar”, does not mean veil, it means cover, the women are being asked to cover their breasts, it has nothing to do with jilbab and covering the head, and why are you quoting 60:55 and 60:59. Surah 60, Al-Mumtahina only contains 13 verses?


    I don’t mean jilbab, I quoted your about one of Islam dress code, to cover your ‘dada’ and not let your ‘dada’ more ‘accessible’ like tank top and some half naked dress.

    And sorry again not 30:55 and 30:59 but 33:55 and 33:59.
    Well I should get some rest, maybe I’m too much exposed to monitor radiation today. ๐Ÿ™

  11. Mohammed Khafi says:


    Go back to the original Arabic my friend, the word is khimar which means, ‘cover’ and it says cover the breasts, not the head! Your translation as many translations into Bahasa Indonesia, is misleading.

    Your last two quoted verses are very appropriate as it appears that you yourself are the transgressor as you are not following Allah’s clear verses in his Complete, Perfect and Fully Detailed book, it is your heart which appears to be sealed.


    A breath of fresh air, your views are even more radical than my own, I hope you have more to contribute.


  12. Niamh Piperman says:

    Mohammed Khafi Says:

    But what exactly is your definition of Pornography?

    Sorry, that should be ‘pornographic’ as in with inverted commas. I mean, Indonesians love to criticise and generalise Bule, Wetserners, as loving to openly express their sexuality and label it ‘immoral’ and ‘pornoaksi’, ‘pornografi’, etc etc. (You know the deal – the immoral West yang moralitasnya bobrok; Indonesia adalah bangsa yang sangat agamawi dan bermoralitas tinggi, ra ra ra, but then within their own circles, what’s different?

    It’s as if the outward appearance of ‘religiosity’ – ostentatious displays of religious clothing by artists and celebrities, ubiquitous and patronising displays of Arabic recitals of Quranic verse on TV shows by ‘celebrity’ Ustadz; showing off how well you can pronounce Allah in Indonesian-accented Arabic, using dirty money to fund your Haj, all that seems to be the benchmark by which spirituality is judged.

    However, as for Arisan, and your point about pornography being ‘that which tends to deprave and corrupt’, I think the idea of Indonesian women discussing their husbands’ endowment (size of ‘manuk’ and all that) with other females, sometimes in front of young children, is kind of degrading to both themselves and their husbands (and their children). Whatever happened to privacy?

  13. 1ndra says:

    Islam is not a religion. It is submission to God’s way or God’s system.

    I don’t know you dude, but sure you make me laugh out so hard. :lol
    Take a look at 2:132.

    There is no worship rituals in God’s system. If there is, then prove it that there are 5 daily prayers in the Koran.

    C’mon, there’re prayers but how to pray is how Rasulullah saw’s prayed.

    The religion of islam is now nothing more than a pagan religion, worshipping around a meteoric stone embedded in the kaabah in mecca. Do not associate anything with God. All prayers/assistance to God alone.

    Do you think we bow to a black rock. :lol
    It’s your thought, your short thoughts. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Many words in are wrongly translated in the Koran to promote pagan rituals.

    That is why many Muslims are blind and their eyes cannot see that they have become pagan worshippers.

    If mankind were to follow the hadith, then prepare for thy doom in the next life, for the hadith were written by none other than the enemies of the prophet in order to mock him. How many other prophets were mocked in similar ways. Jesus became son of god.

    So keep to God’s system/Way and have faith in Him. And be righteous and do good deeds.
    God is the sustainer. He is free of all wants. He does not require your offerings or worship.
    Take the challenge (haj) and spread the word.

    Cape dehhh. :lol



    Go back to the original Arabic my friend, the word is khimar which means, ‘cover’ and it says cover the breasts, not the head! Your translation as many translations into Bahasa Indonesia, is misleading.

    Your last two quoted verses are very appropriate as it appears that you yourself are the transgressor as you are not following Allah’s clear verses in his Complete, Perfect and Fully Detailed book, it is your heart which appears to be sealed.

    In the first verse 24:31, yes it’s a kudung/breasts cover not the head but the latter two:



    “Jilbab ialah sejenis baju kurung yang lapang yang dapat menutup kepala, muka dan dada.”

  14. Manuel says:

    Hey come on you guys. What about vespa, if a woman with jilbab riding vespa, will it be difficult. Should the jilbab be made stretch so that it would not blown by the wind. Let us also discuss why the vespa is no longer popular among girls, I mean how can they ride vespa between all those metro minis and buses (which most probably were not around on the time bikinis and short skirt popular).

    You can always quote and shout out your belief but the question is can you really connect to Allah which said to be merciful and full of love? What about other “religious” moslem who belief that the right costume for Muslimah alow only a small gap for your eyes (I don’t know the term, burka maybe, but it look so uncomfortable). So between jilbab and burka which one could make a woman more beautiful and respectful?

    Now I am getting a better understanding of what some people think about Quran, man I am glad my parent were not moslem and I am glad I have a very loveful and merciful BOSS up there in heaven, that were not really get in to detail in my day to day living.

    But hey guys keep on discussing, I respect each and every religion, I have many good relation with many people from many religion but I dont think you will gain anything but hate, peace.

    Hey aren’t we talking about vespa?

  15. Mohammed Khafi says:


    Verse 33:59 refers to cloak or outer garments, still nothing to do with covering a womans head! If you look closely the verse says that the women should do this so that she can be recognised to avoid being troubled, using this logic, if a woman in the West attracts attention and trouble to herself by wearing this garment, then she should remove it!

    In a 100% Muslim society using Sharia law, this verse is unneccesary as all women are Muslim, yet still the male dominated Hadith require this as a clothing rule, when it’s purpose is no longer there.


  16. Sputjam says:

    Do you think we bow to a black rock. :lol
    It’s your thought, your short thoughts.

    That is why we should all be weary of satan.
    None of you can give any indication that the Koran states that you must pray 5 time a day and indicate precisely how to do it.
    Nothing about the meteorite stone is mentioned in the Koran. Go ahead and pray towards this stone if you feel secure.
    God is omnipresent and omniscient. He is everywhere and knows and understand your thought. You do not need clerics to understand God. God never selected the clerics to lead humankind. Follow them and they will lead you astray. For God is too Glorious to have partners.
    Read! read in the name of the Lord. Read and study the scriptures. Ample warning on how satan leads men to go astray. Praying to men like Jesus, stones in Mecca, statues of deities and Buddha. Jesus, stones, statues are all created by God. You should all seek and praise God. He guides whom he wants and leads to error whom he wills.
    Use your common sense. God says to observe the workings of the heavens and the earth as proof of his existance. And if you have faith, to avoid worshipping things that are created by Him.
    No holy cities in islam, the deen. No mosque.
    Fear the hereafter. The place for idol worshippers is hell fire.
    God’s message that only a few will make it to heaven is true based on the above.

  17. 1ndra says:

    Sputjam, I don’t know what your religion is, but in Islam kabah the black stone is the direction to pray so all prayer in all words have the same direction so they don’t pray head to head or back to back each other. And moslem aren’t praying to it. Sure as a moslem, you make me laugh. :lol

    And about clerics, everyone need it. Who teach about religion in your days? Do you found the God yourself? And who do dakwah then?

  18. PerempuanRantau says:

    Hi Guys,

    Funny that there’s no woman at this great discussion that take place. ๐Ÿ™‚
    I think will be a great source to learn to hear from those that wear jilbab on why they took that decision.

    From other perspectives, is there any possibility that sharia law or wearing jilbab is actually a political statement in addition of fulfilling what people perceived as what God wants women to wear (hehehe don’t dare to touch the subject too deep).

    This comes as my own observation here in the NL. In the last four years, we can say that through the killing of Theo van Gogh, a dutch film director, there’s a bit of uproar about Islam. Islam sometimes perceived as a religion that’s identical with violence. Somehow during these times, you can see that wearing veil became a hip things to do for women. Especially the young dutch women with turkish or Moroccan background. Even most of the oldies dutch from Turkish or Moroccan found it a bit phenomenal that lots of youngsters choose this path. Hemm on the mode and style of wearing the veil, it is quite differ from one to another but most of the time really stylish (nothing wrong with that).

    I think it has something to do with the fact that these young ladies would like to show that they are proud to be moslem and inherit such a rich culture (most of the time they are third generation of immigrants) and in the same time want to say despite the difference they are a loyal dutch citizen. Using veil become a symbol of peace rebellion just like those UI ladies in 1970’s. I think, as 1970’s basically was a time of change where those radical ideas in 1960’s (like presidential impeachment or socialist event) taken into a refinement moment during 70’s. Wearing half-naked clothes basically the way to challenge those that girls in 70’s considered as old custom. So you never know, perhaps in 20 years, this half-naked girls might be around again in UI. ๐Ÿ™‚ As the way to challenge what they think old school thought. ๐Ÿ™‚

  19. Ihaknt says:

    Perempuan, I am a woman. But I guess we are just tired arguing. I AM!

    Hey guys, now, is there a guarantee that these so-called ‘suci’ ladies actually ARE wearing underwear now that they wear the jilbab? Didn’t think about that did you?

  20. Niamh Piperman says:

    Mohammed Khafi Says:

    if a woman in the West attracts attention and trouble to herself by wearing this garment, then she should remove it!

    (my emphasis)

    Why must Muslims always bring about an ‘Islam vs West’ rivalry?

    Is it only Westerners who don’t submit to your laws? What about non-Western ‘Kafir’. Or are they just an example of ‘Western Influenced immorality’?

    Shouldn’t you be judging fellow Muslims first, I mean, judging fellow Muslims ONLY?. Shouldn’t you be letting God Almighty do the judging of others?

  21. Sputjam says:

    In Islam, you are suppose to serve God and humbly submit to his commandments, not worship God and bow and prostrate daily. These are some of the mistranslations you will confront in the Kuran. These translations were designed to mislead. Together with the hadith, it has suceeded beyond expectations.

    What are God’s commandments? Below are some for your perusal –

    “Say: ‘come let me recite to you what your Lord Has forbade for you:

    that you should not set-up anything with Him.

    And be kind to your parents;

    and do not kill your unborn children for fear of poverty, We provide for you and for them;

    and do not come near evil, what is openly of it, or secretly;

    and do not kill the soul which GOD Has forbidden, except in justice. That is what He enjoined you that you may comprehend’.

    ‘And do not come near the money of the orphan, except for what is best, until he reached his maturity;

    and give honestly full measure and weight equitably. We do not burden a soul except by what it can bear.

    And if you speak then be just even if against a relative;

    and with pledges made to GOD you shall observe. This He Has enjoined you that you may remember’.

    And this is *My path, a Straight One, so you shall follow it, and do not follow the other paths lest they divert you from His path. That is what He has enjoined you to that you may be righteous.” (6:151-153)

    There are no commandments on ritual worship nor description on how it should be done in the Koran.
    On clerics the following is stated :-

    They have taken their priest and rabbis and lord besides God, as well as Christ, the son of Mary. They were commanded not to serve but the one God ; There is no god except He, much too glorious to have partners.(Quran 9:31)


    Read, with the name of the Lord who created.(96:1)

    Give your reason for performing the five daily prayers if you have evidence of it in the Koran. None of you can.

    Islam is not religion. God forbade religion.

    Moses was sent to confront Pharoah because he was the high priest of an egyptian religion. Jesus was sent to confront people of the Jewish religion. And Muhamad was sent to Arabs who were stone worshipping pagans.

    Muhamad was a gentile prophet sent to the Arabs who had never received God’s guidance before.

    So observe and make your conclusion on how God could have ordered Abraham to build the Kaabah in Mecca when the Koran must be without contradictory statement if it is the truth.
    Tell me if you have the evidence, that in all the stories concerning prophets of old, if there is a statement that God made them pray five times a day and fast in the month of ramadan?
    the word fasting is wrongly translated and should be self abstinence. abstain from what? depend on the topic the koran was discussing about.

    The word Haj is proclaimed as pilgrimage by Arabs. but its true meaning means challenge. Take the challenge to spread God’s wisdom. wrongly translated Koran spells doom for humankind. So be weary of what you read.

    If you want evidence that the Koran is wrongly translated on purpose to propagate pagan worship, observe the Muslim (religion) community. They have abandoned the koran and embrace the hadith.And no community on earth suffers more than the Muslim (religion) community. Instead of being guided back to true paths, Muslims community decided to go even more extreme in their man made religion by praying even more than 5 time a day-Thus wasting their time and effort on a ritual not required by God, neglecting their families and wasting their time in mosques. The more they pray, instead of acheiving salvation, the more the community is made to suffer due to family neglect.

    2:21 O mankind, serve your Lord who created you and those before you so that you observe.

    2:22 He is the one who made for you the earth widely spread – and He built the sky – and it descends from the sky water – thus it produces with it from the fruits as provisions for you. Therefore do not cause for God to be associated with anything – and you know.

    Based on above, Kaabah cannot be God’s house or station. As God does not require such humiliation.

    Those who seek the true path will be prosperous. The Muslims community, even with their oil money, are far from that.

    So abandon the religion of islam and submit to God’s deen (system/order/way).

    He has programmed for you from the Order what He has willed with it Noah, and which We inspired you, and what We willed with it Abraham, Moses, and Jesus. You shall uphold the Order, and do not you be divided therein. Most difficult upon the idolators what you call them to. For the God, He choses towards Him whomever He wills, and He guides towards Him those who return.

    (Q 42:13)


  22. Cukurungan says:


    Don’t take too serious about what “Sputjam said” because he was just talking jokes and nonsense. We might better consider him as “Tukul” preacher, even kids from kindergarten school understand that God no needs our worship, no needs our pray and no needs anything from us, but we as a creature need God for everything and God loves us, so why God sent the guidances and 124000 messengers to remind us that God also created Heaven and Hell that needs to be fully filled. We all know from those guidance the best way to go in there whatever our choice is.

  23. Mohammed Khafi says:

    Niamh Piperman Said:

    Why must Muslims always bring about an ‘Islam vs West’ rivalry?

    Is it only Westerners who don’t submit to your laws? What about non-Western ‘Kafir’. Or are they just an example of ‘Western Influenced immorality’?

    Shouldn’t you be judging fellow Muslims first, I mean, judging fellow Muslims ONLY?. Shouldn’t you be letting God Almighty do the judging of others?


    With respect you should read some of my other posts before making statements like this, I was using this as an example to refute 1ndra’s belief about the veil. If you read some of my other posts you will see that I am judging my fellow Muslims, very harshly in some cases, because what they follow is not ordained by God. You will also find, that I have no problem with the West, East, South, North or Central! I accept all races, religions and creeds as long as they do not try and force their practices and beliefs onto others.


  24. Niamh Piperman says:

    Point taken, Mohammad Kafi, sorry.


  25. Mohammed Khafi says:


    I agree with a lot of what you are saying, but would like to ask which translation of Al Quran are you using, and where is it available?

    Ok no problem I have found it!



  26. Ihaknt says:

    Wow, it’s amazing how a piece of fabric can create such a hooha discussion. What’s even more amazing is how people just judge that a girl is potentially a tramp just because she is not wearing it! And that caning girls for not wearing it is a better action. It’s good if girls wearing a jilbab. But should it come from fear for being punished or from the heart that she believes in it? By the looks of this though, these girls are doing it for publication. Wonder how much they get paid.

  27. Mohammed Khafi says:


    No need to apologise, we all sometimes read the wrong meaning into things others have written.


    This is not just about a piece of fabric, it is about the principle of imposing religious dogma onto the population, and judging people unfairly because of their appearance. I don’t think it is right or wrong to either wear Jilbab or not, but I hate the fact that these people are either following or imposing this practice because they think it is from God! It clearly is not mentioned in Al Quran.

    Far too many people are more concerned with the outward appearance of religious practice rather than the substance of it and this troubles me greatly.


  28. 1ndra says:

    There are no commandments on ritual worship nor description on how it should be done in the Koran.

    2:3, 43, 83, 110, 153, 177, 238, 239, 277.

    Well those are only from one sura. There are more, and those are only 20%, I can show you the rest percent which order Muslim to do shalat.
    Even one verse is enough to slap your face. No commandments please? :lol

    They have abandoned the koran and embrace the hadith.

    Well, you should have some nice conversation with brother Khafi. ๐Ÿ˜‰


    Don’t take too serious about what “Sputjam said” because he was just talking jokes and nonsense. We might better consider him as “Tukul” preacher, even kids from kindergarten school understand that God no needs our worship, no needs our pray and no needs anything from us, but we as a creature need God for everything and God loves us, so why God sent the guidances and 124000 messengers to remind us that God also created Heaven and Hell that needs to be fully filled. We all know from those guidance the best way to go in there whatever our choice is.

    Hey brother, I’m seriously laughing here. ๐Ÿ˜€
    We know ‘kiamat sudah dekat’ and dajjals are coming. So stick to our Quran and Hadith so we won’t be get lied.

  29. Mohammed Khafi says:


    What Sputjam is saying warrants very close study by all Muslims, if the premise that translations of Al Quran are perverted by traditional beliefs, then all Muslims could be well away from Allah’s straight path. I would recommend that you study this issue further.

    The root of “salat” are the Arabic letters:

    ร˜ยต ร™โ€ž ร™ห† (right to left in Arabic)
    Saad-Lam-Waw (slw). E.W. Lane’s Arabic-English lexicon/dictionary gives the following possible meanings of the root:

    prayer, supplication, petition, oration, eulogy, benediction, commendation, blessing, honour, magnify, bring forth, follow closely, walk/follow behind closely, to remain attached, to contact or to be in contact.

    These meanings are for modern Arabic usage, if the original, or Classical Arabic meaning was different how would we know, if we only consider the modern meaning as ‘Prayer’?

    Take the following example:

    From 75:31-32 it can be seen that the basic meaning of salla* is to ‘go/turn towards’, because it is contrasted/compared (i.e. put opposite to) ‘went/turn away’.
    Furthermore, every single occurrence of the root slw is used in a positive manner, thus if this information is taken along with the root meanings, we can expand the basic meaning a little further to: to go/turn towards in a close/positive manner.

    *in this verse salat (noun) is in its verb (2nd form) as salla.

    Chapter 75

    31. For he did not confirm (saddaqa*) nor go/turned towards (salla).
    32. But he denied (kaththaba) and went/turned away (tawalla). **

    *it is interesting to note that al quran’s rhythmic style is also utilised in the comparison.

    One could substitute this term with similar words such as link/bond/connect, remain attached, continue contact, follow closely or commitment, i.e. a word which implies to go/turn towards.

    For those who wish to learn more about the possible corruption of the meaning of Al Quran see this page from where these examples have been taken. Understanding of Sholat from Al Quran


  30. Ihaknt says:

    MK, I know. It is frustrating that ‘kulit’ is more important than ‘isi’.

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