Red Light Districts

Feb 22nd, 2007, in News, by

The Blitar government plans to close down its three red light districts.

In an increasingly common trend (Kalijodo, Jakarta, Saritem, Bandung, although “Dolly“, Surabaya, remains a survivor) the government of Blitar in East Java says the days of the red light districts (lokalisasi) of Poluhan, Pasirharjo, and Ngreco in the regency are numbered. The three areas are said to be home to about 700 prostitutes in total and each has been in existence for at least 10 years. ()

Wachid Rosydi of the local Social Affairs department says that the decision to close the places down was taken after research carried out by the department and the Brawijaya University at Malang found that most people who lived near them could no longer stand their presence.

A draft law was in process which would set out how and when the areas would be closed and what would happen to the women currently working in them.

A separate law was in progress which would deal with men who used prostitutes, he said. mediaindo

3 Comments on “Red Light Districts”

  1. Tomaculum says:

    Oh, holly land of Indonesia!!

  2. Andrew says:

    It’s tough dealing with one of the world’s oldest professions. Sure they can close down those locations, but prostitution won’t go away, it will just move to a different place.

  3. Madesh says:

    For sure they will just move to infiltrate the surrounding residential area making tougher to control.

Comment on “Red Light Districts”.

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