A classic headline from the Jakarta Post.
From their latest news section, this headline, a metaphor mess – More foreign aid pours flood victims.
The complete article makes more sense however:
More foreign countries have expressed their commitments to help flood victims in the capital and its surrounding, whose houses and properties have been inundated since last Friday.
The Dutch government said it is sending US$1.3 million to Indonesia to help bring relief to millions of people hit by deadly flooding in the capital, Jakarta.
Overseas Development Aid Minister Agnes van Ardenne said half the money would be used to buy food, medicine, clothes and blankets for victims. The other half would buy rubber boats to ferry them around the inundated city. “As good friends, it goes without saying that we would help Indonesia now that 75 percent of Jakarta is underwater”, Van Ardenne was quoted by AP news agency as saying.
Meanwhile, the European Union said Tuesday it would give US$777,300 to help flood victims in Jakarta.
The U.S. Australia, and Japan have previously also expressed their commitments to help flood victims.
Asuy as much as I agree with you but I think it’s just a wishful thinking. Once the water dries up then things will go on as normal as if nothing had happened. And in 5 years time? Of course, more aid. Truth hurts but we’ve become a country that mostly receives but dont give anything back – if any. Even worse, some parties will blame these aid people for whatever reasons, i.e. Christianisms, udang di balik batu, etc. It’s an ongoing cycle.
Hmmm, pouring aid in victim who make the flood happen.
I doubt the aid will get to those who really need it. Large portion of it would just go “elsewhere”. That is my default stance, until Indonesia fixes itself – which could be 100 years from now, if ever.
Just give them something to eat and drink, medicine and evacuation barrack. Not money, because their houses and property still intact.
There’re more people have lost houses and properties who really need it because of the real disasters.
because their houses and property still intact.
That must be in a different Jakarta. Perhaps the Bakrie one, where everyone is happy and singing!
As long as Indonesian government take thing for granted in the sense that “if we have any disaster international communities will give us aid” this country will never prosper the government will never be able to come out with its own solution.
Look at Aceh after the Tsunami are the people getting any better? Where are all the aid goes?
Just read today (18 Feb 2007) Jakartapost “Indonesia: Big nation led by small minds; Endy M. Bayuni, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta”, it is a shame for Indonesian being an ungrateful people.
Don’t mad at the mirror if you are the who ugly and filthy.
Ivan Rizki
That many years have gone by after the impeachment of Soeharto and his demise, I think these are the most sought after words spoken
Just read today (18 Feb 2007) Jakartapost “Indonesia: Big nation led by small minds; Endy M. Bayuni, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta”,
And honestly speaking
it is a shame for Indonesian being an ungrateful people.
Well said.
Well, one more thing, I suppose this is an annual affair where people get the chance to share the wealth of others. Like what Aburizal Bakries said:
“Ini adalah saat untuk membagi bagi harta orang Cina”
I guess those people were still out there with their dinghis ferrying out Rp:500.000 per trip.
Why not the Indonesian government make that into an annual festival, like Water festival in Thailand. But they only get drenched.
from the Indon-chinese who owned at least 70% of our nation’s wealth?
Own 70% of the nation’s wealth? Or Is that their wealth is equivalent to 70% of the nation’s economy! Come on which is which!
time we start revoking Indon-chinese citizenship
Good for you, so that you may start claiming to be the only pribumi owning 70% of the nation’s wealth but which “urutan” will you be?
Then perhaps start another superior Javanese Empire in the space era and maybe call yourself Kanjeng Orang Utan! Until such time there is nothing much you could do right.
Like what I rtead under one of the blog on Law regarding building churches where there was and SKB dua menteri where many were thought to have been trying to undermine that and trying to have that including the revisions revoked.
Who cares about this guy, this Dragie-Wally is not even an Indon-Chinese, he’s just a lowly Singaborean-Chinese lawyer in exile. He thought by marrying an Indon-Chinese he’ll become Indonesian, fat chance buddy!! 🙁
( I bet he’ll be swearing left and right like “cina kebakaran jenggot”) 😀
Who cares about this guy, this Dragie-Wally is not even an Indon-Chinese, he’s just a lowly Singaborean-Chinese lawyer in exile.
At least I do not behave like a lawyer who was appointed the Minister for Justice and later Secretary of State in Indonesia who himself who betrays his country and constitution when he shaft the Sharia Law to be passed by members of Indonesian Parliament with “lube oil”. He might also have “lubricate” Agung Laksono when his investigation bears quietness.
So can you please do us all a favor and judge who is low?
He thought by marrying an Indon-Chinese he’ll become Indonesian, fat chance buddy
If I wanted to be an Indonesian I can just flick my fingers and get that done. A friend of mine had that done for 14 million rupiahs. I can get it much less. Knowing the law and not knowing the law will thus make a whole big difference.
( I bet he’ll be swearing left and right like “cina kebakaran jenggot”)
Sori la yao, dengan orang seperti kau, orang “cina tidak pernah kebakaran jenggot”
Bloggers could see with outright distinction that each and every one of the comments place by these kafir are always directed to the Chinese.
The one unfortunate thing was that my children was born in Indonesia, so not because I want to be an Indonesian. I can make them Singaporean so that you know. But I guess not because you are just whining and sighing the post riot trauma when you did not get a chance to enrich yourself. And anyway I may not be an Indonesian but I can speak, read, write and translate Indonesian into 3 languages in a much better way than you whining.
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I would like to pray that may this aid will be recieved by the people who really deserve it and also be used to prevent this thing to happen again. Wake up everybody! It’s time to do something about it. This is not something that we should proud of. Don’t expect to recieve more aid in 5 years from now when the next big flood come. It’s about time for us to think how to be able to give an aid to other country instead of keep recieving it.