Top Tweeter: Fahira Idris

Aug 30th, 2010, in Internet, by

The world’s most inspiring ‘tweeter’ is Fahira Idris it seems; her battles with FPI leader Habib Rizieq.

The winner of a poll on called “The Most Inspiring Tweeter” is Indonesian businesswoman Fahira Idris.

In the poll users of micro-messaging site were asked the question:

Who is The Most Inspiring Person on Twitter?

Winning 71% of the votes cast it appears Fahira Idris’s most inspiring ‘tweet’ to date to her legion of 9000+ followers and the one which sealed her victory was a status update in the general direction of the leader of the Islam Defenders’ Front/Front Pembela Islam (FPI), Habib Rizieq:

Dear FPI, apakah seperti itu Islam yang diajarkan Nabi Muhammad?
[Dear FPI, is that how Islam was taught by the prophet Muhammad?]

Which was likely in reference to the FPI’s recent attack on a congregation of the Batak Christian Protestant Church (HKBP) in Bekasi, West Java.

Fahira Idris

Fahira Idris, dialoguing with the FPI's Habib Rizieq Syihab

Her initial ‘tweet’ sparked off much debate between her and FPI defenders, finally ending in a meeting between Fahira and Habib. vivanews

The runners up in the poll were Diana Adams (@adamsconsulting), who has over 31,000 ‘followers’, and Malaysian internet marketing entrepreneur Aaron Lee (@askaaronlee), who has 140,000+ followers.

3 Comments on “Top Tweeter: Fahira Idris”

  1. Chris says:

    Gee, I thought the winner would surely be Tifatul Sembiring!

    Apart from quoting Adolf Hitler, he has more recently compared the Peterporn sex tape to differing Muslim and Christian beliefs over Jesus’ crucifixion, and showed complete stupidity/ignorance of knowledge of the meaning of “open source software”.

    When will there be Tifatual Watch #2? I can’t wait!

  2. David says:

    Damn I wish I’d seen that Jesus crucifixion analogy story before, a bit late now. I really should be ‘following’ old Tif on Twitter to get the latest… just had a look, there’s definitely a post about his sense of humour that can be done, every second tweet is some stupid joke.

  3. Keliek says:

    I hoppe the People Indonesia,stil remember about SUMPAH PEMUDA.

Comment on “Top Tweeter: Fahira Idris”.

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