Modern day jihadists are sinful, says a Central Sulawesi cleric.
Zainuddin Ali, the head of the Central Sulawesi branch of the Clerics’ Council, (Majelis Ulama Indonesia, MUI), said on the 31st in Palu during a meeting with police that the concept of jihad as found in the Koran was no longer entirely relevant today.
In the time of Muhammad there were many infidels who waged war against Islam. But today it’s difficult, there are many people who follow different religions but they are not enemies to each other.
(Pada zaman Rasulullah Muhammad SAW sudah jelas musuhnya, yaitu orang kafir yang memerangi agama Islam. Sedangkan, saat ini sangat susah, sebab banyak orang menganut agama berbeda, tapi tidak saling memusuhi)
Speaking in apparent reference to the confession of one Abdul Muis that he had murdered Reverend Irianto Kongkoli in October 2006 as a form of jihad, or struggle, for Islam, Zainuddin said:
Killing people without the right to do so is not allowed in Islam, only God has the power to take the life of a person.
(Membunuh orang tanpa hak tidak dibenarkan dalam ajaran Islam. Hanya Allah SWT yang kuasa mencabut nyawa manusia.)
Zainuddin, who teaches Islamic law at the Tadulako University in Palu, went on to say that many people today misunderstood the concept of jihad and took verses from the Koran out of context in order to justify their actions. Such people damaged the image of Islam and committed great sin, and their final place was in hell. antara
February 8th 2007.
A Muslim cleric from Poso, Ustad Abdurahman, told a hearing at the House of Representatives in Jakarta that the government should take the lead in clearing up the meaning of jihad, which he said has been misunderstood by most people, including religious leaders. tempo
They think that what they do is jihad, killing policemen is halal (allowed) and their stealing is fai (legitimate spoils of war).
Ustad Abdurahman asked the police to find out which religious schools were teaching such an ideology.
If they’re found, I ask that such schools to be shut down.
Good! I hope there are more people like this Zainuddin Ali dude to clear up the misinterpretation. Many things are taken out of context from the Qur’an. This dude should make dvds.
I hope he will not be regarded as “kafir” himself by the extremists.
I think more moderate clerics should be expressing their opinions regarding jihad, clearing any misunderstanding for both Moslems and non-Moslems. At the moment the perception of jihad seems to be act of stupidity raged by Moslems agains any non-Moslems.
I am hoping that more people will understand the true meaning of jihad and can separate between the true jihad and criminal acts.
People like Zainuddin Ali make me won’t stop hoping that someday all these nightmares about Islam vs Christian, jihad and all it’s bloody stuffs will be over.
It’s just beyond weird how come there are creatures in this world who think that killing a person is a way to show his affection and obedience to god?
It’s just beyond weird how come there are creatures in this world who think that killing a person is a way to show his affection n obedience to god?????
Maybe because they were taught that way. I am glad I was taught killing is wrong, PERIOD.
Hi Grace and Mercy,
Maybe because they were taught that way. I am glad I was taught killing is wrong, PERIOD.
There are other reasons why people are willing to kill others, I just hope that I will not have to experience that. Unfortunately there are people who have, and for them I feel very sorry.
Those people who committing jihad sin might not read the Quran carefully.
Zainuddin Ali, my compliments. It is not easy to be that brave, I hope he can continue his messages without harm, and there are many, many more like him. Though, I think, they are scared to give their opinion or say what they have in mind.
Yes, it’s not that easy in these very sharp conflicts.
Hi 1ndra,
Those people who committing jihad sin might not read the Quran carefully.
They probably never read the Quran, they relied on what others have said to them, and these people who misinterpret the Quran to fit their agenda should be punished.
It would be nice if there was a Muslim/Christian peacekeeping coalition organized in Poso.
Thanks for making this information available. I too pray for Zainuddin Ali, that he attracts many followers, and that he can keep his head attached to his neck for the rest of his natural life, and may the rest of his life be a life remarkable for its duration, health, and the constancy of his character.
Let’s hope, that these are not his only words about it. And let’s hope, that those are not his last words.
Heheheh, let’s hope he wont be taking a second wife and so on.
Peter: February 3rd, 2007 at 1:37 am
It would be nice if there was a Muslim/Christian peacekeeping coalition organized in Poso.
That is a great idea.
Muslims as well Christians adore the one, merciful God, mankind’s judge on the last day.
Work together on their Believe, what their God ask them to do: charity, education, helping the sick, the oprhans, widows, the old even perhaps the young who need advice help. They don’t have to water down their religion, just be a good one in their religion, that is the aim.
Indonesian: I know how the local people can live harmoniuosly together with their neighbours, regardless of religion. May it be in Poso, Ambon, Irian Jaya and many places in Java, if they can work together and stop the infidels from coming, ransacking and killing that is a big step.
Hi Julita,
if they can work together and stop the infidels from coming, ransacking and killing that is a big step.
What do you mean by infidels?
To be correct I have to look up in the dictionary:
An infidel is a person who has no religion, or a person whose religion is different.
In this case, I meant, is different than the Believe of those who inhabit the places. The inhabitants, may they be Moslem as well as Christian who are living in harmony. We were talking about making a coalition? Hopefully that explains it, I am not sure.
Well, I really hope the best for all. Those simple people they want to live in peace have enough to live on, nothing else.
Hi Julita,
In that case, I hope they can work together to stop not only infidels but anyone who has bad intentions coming to their land.
Infidels are people who spread hatred and sure, killing, regardless of their religion.
Dimp Says:
February 6th, 2007 at 10:09 am
Hi Julita,
In that case, I hope they can work together to stop not only infidels but anyone who has bad intentions coming to their land.
I fully agree, great ideas. How to get the idea across?
1ndra Says:
February 6th, 2007 at 1:52 pm
Infidels are people who spread hatred and sure, killing, regardless of their religion.
The problem is Indra usually religion are teaching good things and some people are misusing it and this is a ‘pain in the neck’ for the good ones. So perhaps that is why according to dictionary the other definition is: An infidel is a person who has no religion.
Well, I have no problem accepting yours.
Hi Julita,
I fully agree, great ideas. How to get the idea across?
This is just common sense, they should have understand this from the beginning if they still have common sense, unfortunately some people have just lost their common sense and they need to wipe out their hatred, their prejudice and learn from square one.
We should silence/capture the infidels first. It’s next to nonsense advising people to be peaceful and live in harmony while letting the infidels exist to provoke them. After that, we should make the pengajian/kotbah in both sides by qualified peaceful ustad and priests.
Hi 1ndra,
When people are educated enough to tell what is right and wrong, then they will not be able to be divided by others who incite hatred amongst them.
Unfortunately some of these people only receive their education from these “infidels” who provoke them, inciting hatred, thus they have lost their common sense (eg. Basri, who killed 3 innocent students in Poso just because they are different).
To those bastard radical Moslems (piss be upon him) infidels also include Christian and Chinese, they are happy to kill, burn, loot and rape them like in May 1998 case, this is the FACT written by blood in Islam history in Indonesia.
The only religion in the world who teach to kill infidels or blow themself is Islam, what a world I am living in.
Islam is about 600-700 years younger than Christianity. It is at a stage where Christianity was in the 1300-1400s. What happened in the 1300s? people (in the name of Christianity) killed others, including fellow Christians. That is exactly what is happening now – people killing others in the name of Islam.
Were they real/true/good Christian? are they real/true/good Muslim? I don’t think so; noone who believes in God should kill others. But it happens — it is like a puberty period, where you’re trying to prove yourself and establish your identity. Except that this is done in a much worse way.
Bin Camel:
The FACT is, the May 1998 riot did happened. But your statement about the ‘bastard radical Moslems’ doing the killings, burnings, and lootings is an unproven accusation.
Those people are thugs and criminals who were taking advantage of the ensuing chaos using Islam as a mask.
You said, “The only religion in the world who teach to kill infidels or blow themself is Islam”.
Muslims are allowed to kill hostile infidels, infidels who waged war against them. But I never found anything in the Quran or any Islamic teachings about ‘blowing ourselves’.
Where did you find this teaching about ‘blowing themselves’, Camel?
Ignorant people are people who just accept everything they hear as the truth, without studying or getting proper information about it first.
Hi Hassan,
This is what I was referring too, you can see that there is a lot of people who perceived that the terrorists are fighting for Islams, eventhough as you said they clearly translate Islam in the wrong way.
So all I can say is that these terrorists are actually fighting against Islams as well as they clearly brought bad name to Islam.
We need to fight these criminals together.
Terrorists = Dajjals.
I agree whole heartedly, Dimp.
1ndra Says:
February 7th, 2007 at 8:41 am
We should silence/capture the infidels first.
Who are the “WE’ here. Us who are living all over the world or the “Government”.
It’s next to nonsense advising people to be peaceful and live in harmony while letting the infidels exist to provoke them.
To create harmony, mutual understanding and care in a communicty is the key. So all joint together ‘Bersatu Teguh Bercerai Runtuh” Otherwise nobody is going up front they might be shot from the back. Yes, the Government police force, military should joint to support.
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A friend of mine thought jihad was the Indonesian for “forehead”. No, I’m not kidding.