Dozens of former Laskar Jihad members are heading to Poso, Central Sulawesi.
Scores of former Laskar Jihad members left Surabaya, East Java, on the 29th en route to Makassar, South Sulawesi, and thereafter with the intention to head to Poso, Central Sulawesi.
The Laskar Jihad, or Holy War Force, was a paramilitary organisation formed in 2000, some believe with the backing of elements of the Indonesian military, which has in the past waged “holy war” against Christians in Indonesia, particularly in the Moluccas in the early 2000’s. It formally disbanded in 2002 after its leader Jaffar Umar Thalib was put on trial for inciting attacks against Christians near Ambon.
Laskar Jihad, in times past.
Now Antara reports that some old members of the group, led by Jarot alias Abu Haedar, Irfan, Zulkarnain, Yulianto, Suwondo and Iswanto from Yogyakarta and Solo in Central Java, have boarded a number of small boats to Makassar, posing as humble fishermen, and from there hope to make it to Poso by land.
A spokesman for the Wirabuana Military Command area in South Sulawesi, Lieutenant Colonel Amsal, said he was aware of the news reports concerning the matter and that military and police forces were investigating.
However Makassar Naval Base VI deputy commander Colonel Uus Kustiwa said he had no information about the movement of the former jihad warriors towards Poso. antara
February 10th.
The governor of Central Sulawesi, Banjela Paliuju, says he has received a warning from the central government about the possible movement of armed groups to Poso. Paliuju went on to say that presently a number of militants had re-entered Poso after having fled after last month’s fighting with police. He urged the city government to conduct a census of the city’s residents, focusing particularly on recent migrants to the area. metrotv
1ndra, these anti terror police and these special forces cover their face to protect their familiy and relatives from the vengeance of such terror groups or criminals. I’m sure you are clever enough to know this reason, aren’t you?
Oh my, all discussing about why they cover their face, mouth etc. I recently heard there is a bird flu epidemic in Asia.
1ndra, to your comment of the February, 1st, 3:38 pm:
Good people have many meanings, but here I mean, some of them aren’t bad boys/criminals, not someone who like disturbing other neighbours.
Are you sure? Which neighbours? What about the neighbours with yellow skin and slit eye? Or those neighbours which have other faiths? Or do you mean neighbours with same skin and eye form and which follows the same religious stream? Sunnit or shiit?
Do you believe that these people won’t disturb these neighbours, even if they are followers of the Ahmadiyah?
I am a little, little bit sceptical.
Julita, bird flu is just one of the epidemies in Asia (read: Indonesia).
Hi Tomaculum,
1ndra, these anti terror police and these special forces cover their face to protect their familiy and relatives from the vengeance of such terror groups or criminals. I’m sure you are clever enough to know this reason, aren’t you?
It is bad enough when people start ignoring the law, but when they actually regard themselves as higher than the law then there is no place for them in this community. Unfortunately the law in Indo can still be bought. Tommy Suharto has proven this.
1ndra, these anti terror police and these special forces cover their face to protect their familiy and relatives from the vengeance of such terror groups or criminals. I’m sure you are clever enough to know this reason, aren’t you?
And how about the terrorist, are they using the mask to cover their family too?
If anyone recognized their faces, their family is in danger too.
But why police aren’t using masks as they are prone to revenge, I still remember the police who has been fined me. 🙂
Are you sure? Which neighbours? What about the neighbours with yellow skin and slit eye? Or those neighbours which have other faiths? Or do you mean neighbours with same skin and eye form and which follows the same religious stream? Sunnit or shiit?
I’m not pointing bad boys Tom, people who gamble, thieves, you know what I mean, those are the example bad people.
Do you believe that these people won’t disturb these neighbours, even if they are followers of the Ahmadiyah? I am a little, little bit sceptical.
Me too, that was happened in Poso, when both sides aren’t respecting each others.
At least it won’t happened in my community. 🙂
Oh my, all discussing about why they cover their face, mouth etc. I recently heard there is a bird flu epidemic in Asia.
Better not discussing the masks/cover as both sides are using it. 🙂
“And how about the terrorist, are they using the mask to cover their family too?
If anyone recognized their faces, their family is in danger too.
But why police aren’t using masks as they are prone to revenge, I still remember the police who has been fined me. ”
the special forces and the special police groups are founded to fight criminals and such terror groups and frequently they have to do under cover jobs, so it is contra productive if they are recognised, aren’t they? That is a further reason. I thought you know it already, so I didn’t need to write it. Your argument above is just like “debat kusir”, isn’t it?
“I’m not pointing bad boys Tom, people who gamble, thieves, you know what I mean, those are the example bad people.”
No, 1ndra, I honestly didn’t know what you meant. My view was directed to the picture above and still I don’t believe, that most of them are good people, like you meant. If they are good, I would anticipate, that they trying to help the poso people to rebuild the peace up there. And not to aggravate the situation.
“Me too, that was happened in Poso, when both sides aren’t respecting each others.
At least it won’t happened in my community. 🙂”
Let’s hope, 1ndra, let’s hope!
you’re right. The problem is unfortunately, that also the responsible ones (read: police, armee, government etc) do their movements on the verge and frequently enough beyond the valid law.
the special forces and the special police groups are founded to fight criminals and such terror groups and frequently they have to do under cover jobs, so it is contra productive if they are recognised, aren’t they? That is a further reason. I thought you know it already, so I didn’t need to write it. Your argument above is just like “debat kusir”, isn’t it?
The same function, not being recognized.
Just another ‘debat kusir’ Tom. 😀
No, 1ndra, I honestly didn’t know what you meant. My view was directed to the picture above and still I don’t believe, that most of them are good people, like you meant. If they are good, I would anticipate, that they trying to help the poso people to rebuild the peace up there. And not to aggravate the situation.
What I mean good here is different than bad guys Tom, I know, it different. I just hope they change their name to Laskar Cinta instead. 😀 That’s what Poso needs.
Julita, bird flu is just one of the epidemies in Asia (read: Indonesia).
I did check and I loset track, too many.
While words are flying, men are dying.
Onward Jihadist!
72 virgins are waiting for you.
“72 virgins are waiting for you”
Yet another ignorant comment. As a Muslim, I have never ever found anything that sounded like that in the Quran or Hadith. The question is, where did that teaching (about the 72 virgins) came from? Propaganda? By whom?
It’s interesting to note that there are more non-Muslims who were familiar with that 72 virgins ‘teaching’ than Muslims themselves.
I want to kill Jews and Christians with my own hands on the battlefield.
(Saya sendiri ingin dengan tangan saya membunuh Yahudi dan Nasrani dalam medan perang.)
Hi Mermerize, have some aspirine or something, then you’ll feel cooler. Or come here in Bali where people consider others with a real good heart. Puputan is glorious, nyupat can be courageous, and senyum has always the last word…
As-salaam ‘alayka khuyya !
Fanglong, Mermerize should better take his dose of heroin. 🙂
A question bother me: don’t these people and all of them who demonstrated for/against various things (like against the Playboy magazine etc) have to work to earn money like all of us?
Or is working to earn money something trivial profane for them? Or are they have enough money? If yes, then from where?
My response to such question:
We, the Muslims,wherever or whoever we are are like a brick to a wall. If things going against our way of life (Islam), then it’s the responsibilities of every soul who profess that There Is No God but Allah and Mohammad is The Messenger of Allah to
react against them (the unlawful) accordingly. About the money or work, they didn’t die from hunger, did they? Because Life is a gift from the Almighty, guaranteed.
Cowards don’t wanna die, my friend, even looking for one.
My response to such remark:
the Laskar Jihad is one of the responses by the Muslims not only in Indonesia but worldwide. We the Muslims took such atrocities against Muslims as calls for jihad or holy war where gates of heaven are opened wide welcoming us. And with that remarks, it is irony to call these jihadists cowards.
the laskar jihad is not the good one. Everyone knows the samurai sword is an old weapon!
My response to such remark:
The Iraqis and the Afghans are fighting against the heavily armed Nato and the West with ‘samurai’ swords and they are winning the wars. How about that?
We, the Muslims,wherever or whoever we are are like a brick to a wall.
What do you mean? A brick in the wall is a static figure, is it what you mean? So just being a brick further more or can it also be a part of the wall and secures the content of the room? 🙂
We, the Muslims,wherever or whoever we are are like a brick to a wall. If things going against our way of life (Islam), then it’s the responsibilities of every soul who profess that There Is No God but Allah and Mohammad is The Messenger of Allah to react against them (the unlawful) accordingly.
Could I interprete your statement/answer like this: kill all of them who aren’t moslem?
Or how should you react?
About the money or work, they didn’t die from hunger, did they? Because Life is a gift from the Almighty, guaranteed.
But, before you do Jihad and die in “exploding” way you have to eat and drink something and to buy things to cover your aurats, don’t you? Don’t you need money for this all?
Life is a gift from the Almighty, so we have to thank Him and attend this gift (including the life of others, which are surely also a gift from Him, aren’t they?).
If someone doesn’t attend His gift, isn’t it an insult to Him? 🙂
Waaao, I see several postings from moron radical islam. Wonder how to eliminate this virus.
This is Message for people who are against jihad.
Make your death run away from you if you are true.
(my name have shown that prove I have a responsibility for my words)
When we (islam) try to do our job that commanded by Allah, we have a lot of comment that makes what we do become bad.
How about many militaries (USA) in palestine and in the other moslems country? What are they doing there? Cooking?
They’re helping the Jewish to get ‘their land’. What it is used for? Cooking?
It’s enough for me to say that they are trying to destroy Islam. They thing that Islam is weak like your old grandfather. What makes that assumption? (may you consider before when you should give an assumption?) the propaganda.
The different opinion of many moslems people in the world about what ‘they’ do. We are the same, we are one. Like a big tree and a small plant. Which one is the strongest? Can we show that we are strong? Yes, we can. Yes we are. And the ‘batil’s will lose their weapon. 😉
Like all religious fundamentalsits, be they muslim, christian or hindu – They are fundamentalists because they think their religion is under threat. No religion = no fundamentalism but religion is not for sensible people. how can you reason a person out of a belief that they have not been reasoned into?
GET RID OF RELIGION! It is a creation of man to control his fellow man, through poverty, ignorance and superstition.
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So why the anti terrorist police, swat or something like that, used cover too, mouth cover (I don’t think they have eaten Indonesian jengkol or forget to brush their teeth), even they are using helmet, bulletproof vest.