The recent violence in Poso is caused by America, says Abu Bakar Ba’asyir.
The head of the Majelis Mujahidin Indonesia (MMI) said at the Darussalam mosque in Lamong, Pare, Kediri, East Java, on the 14th that as long as America continued to pursue its nefarious agenda of creating sectarian strife in Central Sulawesi there would not be peace.
He said that the troubles in Poso between Christians and Muslims were provoked by America in order to ensure that Indonesia remained weak and divided and hence reliant on America. While he supported government efforts to end the fighting and bring to justice the main troublemakers he said it was difficult for the Indonesian government to be able to do so effectively, because of the US interference. Efforts to end the conflict should be done in a non-biased way and not cause the interests of America to gain the upper hand. antara
I thought Islam is the religion of peace, and yet you are showing so much hatred against Elvis
You’re right, and Muslim have right to defend their Muslim friends too.
So what if Elvis did bed many women? are you just jealous? And why was he an A-hole? what proof do you have for that?
Dont worry, I’ve read Elvis in some old newspapers. 🙂
A-hole is parents comments, when they know their daughter are Elvis maniac and they want to bed with him.
Whats your comment if you be their parent that time?
The poligamous husbands are probably no better than him anyway!
He wont marry hundreds girls who had bed with him, he’ll be the next poor old man with so much responsibility if he marry them 🙂
And please dont compared a zina/selingkuh/kumpul kebo/one night stand with a marriage. You know where the sins is 🙂
Anyway, it’s just a counterattack for rockstar who compared a president with attitude, independence, good sense who shocked countries like US, Israel and others with a low morale singer even the famous one who shocked girls, what a laugh…:D
Rock Star Say:
It’s not as easy as saying it was all started by the Christians. You have no solid prove or whatsoever. It’s like ‘the chicken and the egg’ paradigm. What was first. It’s difficult to say, but one thing for sure some of them are surely twisted.
Is it a more than 100 bodies of the slaughtered santri of the wali songo pesantren floated in the river ploso were not solid evident? Might be yes for the blind people. The possibility, those santri’s was on training for swim and suddenly a shark was attacking and killing most of them so that Christian were clean hehehehe good story.
Rock Star Say:
Q: Why ABB said it was America that provoked it?
A: ABB was hi when he said that. No, seriously, why would the US provoke us? As far as I know this whole bloodshed started after Osama visited Ambon a few years ago.
Osama visited Ambon a few years ago. Yeah this is solid evident for blind and dumb people. Hehehehe”¦do you have any photo when OSAMA made speech in Ambon if you do not have one”¦ let me know.. I will order it for your solid evident huahahua
Rock Star Say:
But yea, even if what Cukurung and ABB said were true,Indonesia has only themselves to blame. Look at how easy we are to be provoked. Ahmadinejad came, people worshipped him like Elvis. Wait I take it back, Ahmadinejad is not even in the same level as Elvis. He’s far way below that. Look at how easy our people to be provoked by Prabowo. Stop blaming America for our stupidity.
I fully agreed that we should blame our self for our failed state
Please check my comment on beware America.
It is up to you either you worship Elvis, Britney Spear or Gus Dur but I am as Moslem only worship to One God and nothing else.
Rock Star Say:
Cukurung said: Of course, instead of handling the Poso conflict in the proper and justice manner, Indonesia police was busy for responding America request to silicen Him
Cmon man, you’re just making this up. A very weak argument I’d say. The answer is so simple, our goverment just don’t have enough power and will to stop the conflict. That’s pretty much it. You need prove? How on earth our gov would solve the Poso conflict IF they couldn’t handle a wayyyy smaller group and issue like FPI.? Those group of clowns keep destroying and ruining our economy and stability. Our gov does nothing about them. Now you’re blaming the US for this? That’s ridiculous. Don’t tell me you’re saying that the US is behind the FPI!!
If you are not making business in gambling, prostitution and drug dealer, why you are so worrying about FPI? Hehehm I know you might be owner or employer of those kinds of business and already experienced being brutalized by FPI
Rock Star Say:
Cukurung said: In facts, the police anti terror brigade whom currently working in Poso were fully financed by US and Aust gov., is it wrong if a dog obey to an order of the some one who feeding on them? Another weak statement. I don’t like to argue, but it seems that you hate the US so bad that you can’t think rationally anymore and keep throwing weak arguments like this.
But that’s okay, at least it did make me laugh for a bit.
Could you please tell me where 600 billions IDR and 150 billions IDR came from to build Head Quarter Office and finance of the detasement antiteror 88??? Is it Jesus gift hehehe?? ..When the police department was struggling to get sufficient budget for their routine operational however suddenly there is influx huge money to them and when this source of money was questioned by DPR, the police leadership answered was murky.
However I fully understood your position, Rock Star is always good in singing but might be encountered handicap in thinking huahhahaha.
No I never hate US or even American without appearance reason. Frankly, I prefer American than other expatriate because most of them relatively more fair in treatment their employ compare with other expatriate. However, I don’t like US gov double standard policy when they were acting like a God set up theirs own values and force anyone to accept it if not they will be prosecuted and now clock is ticking not if but when US strike Iran & Suriah.
Anyway I already enjoyed my good relationship with my American Boss graduated from the west point.
Hmm me, an encountered handicap in thinking?
And what are you laughing for? you think that’s funny buddy?
“If you are not making business in gambling, prostitution and drug dealer, why you are so worrying about FPI?”
No, because the fact that my cousin used to owned a small grocery, but decided to close and move to Bandung after 2 times the FPI threw rocks and yell things that were not even worth to be mentioning here. And everytime FPI went to the street he and a lot of other people have to close their store.
Osama visited Ambon a few years ago. Yeah this is solid evident for blind and dumb people. Hehehehe”¦do you have any photo when OSAMA made speech in Ambon if you do not have one”¦ let me know.. I will order it for your solid evident huahahua
See, that is the problem. People can make up stories just like you did without any prove.
however suddenly there is influx huge money to them and when this source of money was questioned by DPR, the police leadership answered was murky.
Although it does sound fishy, but you have no prove.
Even though it was true, don’t you think that we indeed needed the money to war against the terror? What I’m trying to say is, if you know the relation between what is happening in Poso and the fact that the brigade was funded by the US, please do tell me in detail. I’m assuming you’re saying that since it’s funded by the US so that they couldn’t do anything because the US told them so? It just doesn’t make any sense to me. How does that work? Is in reality this what is happening now? or is it just an assumption?
@Indra, after I know the fact that Ahmadinejad is a president with an attitude, yes I do feel the counterattack.
1ndra, you claim you know a lot about Elvis, but do you know as much about Ahmedinejad? It is easy to find a lot of negative (and positive) things about any western celebrities, but can the same be said about someone in the Muslim world?
Would you see something like “Ahmedinejad is a womanizer” in a newspaper?
of course not, but even if you see something like that, you would blame the newspaper, not the subject.
It seems like all you do is scorn any westerners the moment you have a chance to – no matter what they do. What would you say about Britney Spears not wearing panties?
A-hole is parents comments, when they know their daughter are Elvis maniac and they want to bed with him.
Whats your comment if you be their parent that time?
I wouldn’t call anyone an A-hole because I don’t think it’s a good a parenting system to my kids to degrade someone. If I did that then my kids would just shut me off. Just because they wanted to sleep with him doesnt mean they could. You would be a great dad Indra….sigh.
Hi Indra,
So you are saying that I am right by saying you are full of hatred….. does this mean that you are not practising Islam then.
So by offending Elvis you are defending your Muslim friends? I don’t get this.
So much petty name calling…
Can someone please explain two things for me:
1) What is America supposedly doing to “interfere” in Poso, and what is happening because of this “interference”?
1) What does America gain by “interfering” in Poso?
I don’t know how on earth this became a discussion about Ahmedinejad and Elvis… lol
Whatever America is supposedly doing in Indonesia can never be more harmful than the systemic corruption and religious fanatic militarism there.
This argument sounds like the classic “blame others, do nothing” philosophy that Sukarno ended up using after the revolution. All of Indonesia’s problems are because of Western Imperialism, right?
Peter, America is a favorite target of anyone who has to deal with bad news. 🙂
Peter – that’s exactly what’s happening here. Someone loves to whine, complain and blame others (read: US) for everything bad in Indonesia and the world.
It’s like his getting a bad mark in a math class but blaming his (smarter) classmates for his stupidity. Even when his classmates try to help, they are still at fault.
Oh, brother…
Andrew, by here you mean in this forum or in Indo? if in here, sometimes we blame the US for the sake of being sarcastic. :D…
But I do understand what you mean, it’s never their fault always others’. Take for example the flood, there’s rubbish everywhere, it’s no surprise that the waterways get clogged up, instead of cleaning up their act and not to litter everywhere they just blame the government. I mean they (the government) are partially at fault but the citizen are also responsible to put litter in its place, no? OR, is the flood also the CIA’s conspiracy?
Yes, the flood is obviously the American’s fault, they do this by the power of Aquaman.
It’s easy to state the obvious, but what’s the solutions to the problem? One thing for sure it’s going to be difficult to change the situation, when our TV stations kept feeding Indonesians with ‘sinetron mistik’ and ‘infotainments’ which practically ‘taught’ them superstition and ignorance. That’s what our citizens been fed with day in and day out. The saying goes “Garbage in, garbage out”!
The solution is now you are a free democracy, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO CHOOSE!
It is not illegal to think deeply anymore.
You now have the power of choice, to reject if you wish, so exercise that right, take responsibility for your choices and actions and stop blaming others.
AMEN! That’s why I chose to live in an another country!
I call on EVERYONE on this Blog to come back to the core Indonesian values of the Pancasila. Once you let the Pancasila be your guide it will be easier to see the truth.
– Pancasila teaches us to show a “just and civilized humanity”
– It teaches us to show respect for other religions.
– It teaches us to defend our country.
Friends, surely all is clearer when we remember these core values ?
Increase Da Peace,
Dear Achmad Sudarsono,
“Hari gini” you still believe that Pancasila would solve Indonesia Problem”¦.com’ on Sir, Pancasila is only good to be manipulated for cheating Indonesia People.
History was spoken itself.
In the name of Pancasila Suharto Regime brutalized PKI and their descendant almost more than 25 years.
In the name of Pancasila Suharto regime with His Chinese crony colluded for stealing Indonesia people wealth and influencing most Indonesia birocrat becoming no.1 most corrupt birocrat on earth.
In the name of Pancasila current birocrat and DPR colluded for stealing wealth of Indonesia people for satisfying their desire.
In the name of Pancasila the government was stealing and wasting Aceh and Papuan resources for unknown purpose
In the name of Pancasila many human right activist were vanish no where
In the name of Pancasila birocrat and DPR exhibiting the extravaganza live style above the misery of million Indonesia people who live under poverty line.
However whatever Indonesia Condition is, I already fall in love with this country. Thank Gods you have chosen me to live in this beautiful but miss-fortune country.
Sorry this is just only my opinion, Pancasila is too ideal to be implemented and too many word to be memorized. So I would suggests to change it to more simple word like “Justice for All” or “No one above the law” or might “Hana Hepeng Hana Ineng” hehehe.
So you are saying that I am right by saying you are full of hatred”¦.. does this mean that you are not practising Islam then.
I’m practising Islam or not, its none of your concern, but I do shalat in mosque and attend the majlis taklim.
Do hate zina is bad, thank you. 🙂
So by offending Elvis you are defending your Muslim friends? I don’t get this.
You dont get it dont you, see my post above.
Dear Friend,
As for me, “Dangadong Hepeng…”
Friend, ok, maybe some thing is true. No humans is ever the perfect one. Ok ‘Pak Harto made some mistakes, but Friend, we cannot lose hope !
It is up to us – the generasi penerus to invigorate the Pancasila and give it new life and meaning.
– We could translate it into Chinese – Mandarin, Hakka, and Cantonese- the Konglomerat would hear it for the first time, be moved, and return all the money to Indonesia.
– Telkom could send out a daily ‘pancasila reminder’ on SMS to help improve the national morality and spirit.
– Finally, the World Bank instead of wasting its money could fund a ‘Pancasila Dangdut’ campaign for the rakyat. It’s not my favourite music, but the rakyat love it.
Thank, Friend.
1ndra, you claim you know a lot about Elvis, but do you know as much about Ahmedinejad? It is easy to find a lot of negative (and positive) things about any western celebrities, but can the same be said about someone in the Muslim world?
See my reason above. Do comparing a president with a singer is better idea, I’ll compare Bush with a comedian instead. 🙂
Would you see something like “Ahmedinejad is a womanizer” in a newspaper? of course not, but even if you see something like that, you would blame the newspaper, not the subject.
Only in America 😀
It seems like all you do is scorn any westerners the moment you have a chance to – no matter what they do. What would you say about Britney Spears not wearing panties?
Elvis loved it baby :lol
Ihaknt, when I said “here” I meant in this forum (well, actually it applies for Indonesia in general as well).
Oh, and you were not that “somebody” that I was referring to. He/she/they were really complaining, not just being sarcastic. 🙂
– We could translate it into Chinese – Mandarin, Hakka, and Cantonese- the Konglomerat would hear it for the first time, be moved, and return all the money to Indonesia.
OR – we could translate it into a language that you can digest easily, so that you’ll get an enlightment from above to know that chinese is not equal with corruption. 🙂
We could translate it into Chinese – Mandarin, Hakka, and Cantonese- the Konglomerat would hear it for the first time, be moved, and return all the money to Indonesia.
Or maybe we could FIRST look at the other side of the coin – let the Chinese tell us the real story on how they have been blackmailed in Indonesia. THEN we can fix the system in Indonesia – somehow. ONLY THEN ask them to move their money back to Indonesia.
Andrew I knew what you meant by “someone” but I know from what I see, read, hear, listened to, that Indos in general just like complaining but only wait for the resolution to be spoon-fed. Many just can’t think for themselves. All that goes wrong is someone else’s fault, never theirs. Sigh, huh, this country is doomed. The population is too high and very difficult to manage although some are very easily influenced. Oh well, time for my breakfast and morning run.
Achmad Sudarsono Says:
the Konglomerat would hear it for the first time, be moved, and return all the money to Indonesia.
Come on friend don’t be so naive, money never have nationality, idelogy or religion it is like water naturaly will flow to lower elevation or in other word, money will come itself to place where money owner confidence with its security, safety and profitability.
I will give you simple example let assumed both of us joined together for mugging a Chinese Store. After succeeded we split the money. Will you giving back your split to me? I do not think so. It is same case Cina Maling with Birocrat Maling never trust each other and money stolen in BLBI case will never be back to Indo.
provokator no.1
Mr Cukurungan, please do answer these questions.
1. Why is it that you’re so proud of being a provocator? Provocator is lame you know.
2. Why does it has to be very specific like “a chinese store”? How about making it into 2 versions. The other one uses “a pribumi store”
3. Why not “Cina maling and Pribumi maling” instead?
Again people, I’m sorry if some of you may be offended by this post. I’m not trying to insult anyone here. I just want to make a point that the example Cukurungan used, for us – chinese- is very offensive. If the example was switched from “chinese/cina” to “pribumi” and was written by chinese, you may feel the same way we do.
I may not represent chinese in gerenal, but I know this is very offensive.
Cina Maling.
Come on friend don’t be so naive, money never have nationality, idelogy or religion it is like water naturaly will flow to lower elevation or in other word, money will come itself to place where money owner confidence with its security, safety and profitability.
Good point. Money is not being invested in Indonesia because investors have little confidence that their investments will be protected. If the government can clean itself up, stop being corrupt and thereby become stronger, people will be happy to invest money there, and Indonesians can become more prosperous.
3. Why not “Cina maling and Pribumi maling” instead?
I guess because a pribumi maling would just spend the money and not invest it elsewhere, so it won’t be a realistic example. 😀
The chinese are maybe not only malings, but they are also agents of the CIA and surely of the Jews. Or are they the CIA (maybe the CIA is already infiltrated by the Indonesian chinese)?
Or are they (the Indonesian chinese) the punishment of Allahs for the bad, bad Indonesian?
Maybe is Cukurungan also a US/CIA agent? 🙂
What about Achmad Sudarsono? No, I’m sure he is not a CIA agent. No, he thinks too ….. hm, simple? Or is this only a good camouflage?
Achmad Sudarsono is an MI-6 agent, while Daryono is with KGB now, he just refused the offer from CIA last week.
Wiki about Chinese Indonesian
The Chinese Indonesian (Mandarin: Yin du ni xi ya Huaren (å°åº¦å°¼è¥¿äºžè¯äºº) Hakka: Thong ngin, Min: Teng lang, Indonesian: Tionghoa Indonesia, or (derisively) China totok) are ethnically Chinese people living in Indonesia, as a result of centuries of overseas Chinese migration.
Chinese Indonesian people are diverse in their origins, timing and circumstances of immigration to Indonesia, and level of ties to China. Many trace their origins to the southern parts of China, such as Fujian, Guangdong and Hainan provinces. Broadly speaking, there were three waves of immigration of ethnic Chinese to Southeast Asia in general and Indonesia in particular. The first wave was spurred by trading activities dating back to the time of Zheng He’s voyage in the early 15th century, the second wave around the time of the Opium War, and the third wave around the first half of the 20th century. Chinese Indonesians whose ancestors immigrated in the first and second waves, and have thus become creolised or huan-na (in Hokkien) by marriage and assimilation, are called Keturunan Chinese. The more recent Chinese immigrants and those who are still culturally Chinese are called Orang Tiong Hoa. Although there used to be a sizable number of Chinese Indonesians in the rural areas, the largest populations of Chinese Indonesians today are in the cities of Jakarta, Surabaya, Medan, Pekan Baru, Semarang, Pontianak, Makassar, Palembang, and Bandung, partially due to anti-Chinese legislation in Indonesia.
Pre-colonial era
There is little known about Chinese involvement in what is now Indonesia before the Fifteenth Century, other than the record of a few emissaries, such as Fa Hien (Faxian, 法顯) the Buddhist monk who passed the region in the 5th Century on his way to India. Kingdoms of Indonesia and China had some relationships that thrived during the Tang dynasty.
Ironically, though most of the present Chinese Indonesians are not Muslims, some of the earliest Muslim evangelists in Java (who were called the Wali Songo or ‘The Nine Ambassadors’) might have been of Chinese ancestry. A historical theory even suggests that the first people who brought Islamic faith to Indonesia were the Chinese traders, especially those who came to Semarang under the leadership of Sam Po Kong or Admiral Zheng He(郑和) in the 15th century. Zheng He himself was not a Han, but a Muslim from a minority ethnic group in China.
Starting from the voyage of Zheng He, many Chinese considered Indonesia as an attractive trading partner.
See: Zheng He#Zheng He and Islam in Southeast Asia.
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Mohammed Khafi Says:
Many thank you, reminded me that we are in serious business huahuhaha.