Indonesia’s press freedom level remains fairly low.
The World Wide Press Freedom Index, put out annually by Reporters sans frontières, Reporters Without Borders, is an attempt to measure the degree to which countries provide conditions for an independent media, freedom of information, and the safety of journalists.
The first time the Index was published, in 2002, Indonesia ranked 57th best out of 139 countries, with a score of 20.0, the lower the score the better.
By 2003 the Second World Press Ranking saw Indonesia drop sharply to equal 110th out of 166 countries, with a score of 34.25.
By 2004 the third issue of the Index had Indonesia at equal 117th out of 167 countries, and scoring 37.75.
2005 saw an improvement to equal 102nd out of 167 countries and a score of 26.0.
The latest report, of 2006, shows the country holding at position 103rd out of 168 countries with a score of 26.0 again. rsf
The report makes much mention of the “Mohammed cartoons” issue, saying that journalists, such as perhaps Teguh Santosa, were harassed in Indonesia because of the matter.
Of Indonesia’s neighbours Malaysia ranks 92nd, Singapore a dismal 146th, Philippines 142nd, Thailand 122nd, and East Timor 83rd.
Leo Batubara of the Dewan Pers, Press Board, puts the blame for Indonesia’s low ranking on efforts by the government to restrict access to information, such as the proposed State Secrets Act, RUU Rahasia Negara, which he says is in conflict with the proposed Freedom of Information Act, RUU Kebebasan Memperoleh Informasi Publik (KMIP)
He also complains about the criminal code, KUHP, which he says is of Dutch origin and is used by powerful people to protect themselves from criticism.
There are 37 articles which can be used to put journalists in prison. Now with the proposed amendments to the law there will be 49 articles like that.
(Ada 37 pasal yang dapat mengirim wartawan ke penjara. Nah sekarang ini dalam RUU KUHP pasal-pasal itu akan bertambah menjadi 49 pasal.)
And then again he said the proposed Peraturan Presiden (Perpres) Tentang Perlindungan Pejabat, Presidential Edict on the Protection of Officials, would see the government take even more control of the press. detik
If it isn’t controlled then it would be pleasure to make ‘fitnah’ and make fun other people life.
1ndra that’s way the Singapore Prime Minister and ex Prime minister always suing the publishers, when they wrote and publised wrong news about them. Yes, they did the right thing!
What else that got Indonesia in low rank at any indexing catagory. But I am sure Indo will be the high rank in contradictory list. Being the highest diversity, big natural resources, big population yet poor and corrupt.
I guess that’s why the news about celebrities are much popular than news on technology, education etc., and most of the political leader has been trying to be celebrities with crap opinions and statement.
And there are thoose gangs of religious Defender front that are free to terrorizing people and press. There more I think about my country the more sorry I felt.
as an Indonesian senior high school student, I’m taught that Indonesia doesn’t have any article on its constitution that can be used against press.I’m also taught that press,journalist, etc. is controlled by the society itself,and punishment they take for not providing accurate information is from the society,too.
So what i’ve been learning is crab…!!!
His Majesty, “crab” is that little creature that walks sideways.
So what i’ve been learning is crab”¦!!!
Well I suppose so.
I’m taught that Indonesia doesn’t have any article on its constitution that can be used against press..
Are you sure. I am sure you were unaware of news blackout! Ask Harmoko about that and he will tell you more.
I’m also taught that press,journalist, etc. is controlled by the society itself,and punishment they take for not providing accurate information is from the society,too
Your so call controlled by society is seen as litigation. But not by society. If you make a slanderous remarks at someone like insulting the president cas and so on then you should be held liable for your own actions.
What Salman Rushdie wrote in his book cause a worldwide emotion from the Islamic community that there were even people so primitive as to put a contract on him. He was later thought to be free after 10 years of protective custody, only to find out that another contract was put on him.
In most country, unless you are a true democratic society, there is always a law controlling press release.
Singapore adopted a tight press release is because they did not want any dick tom or harry to make certain publication that will arouse the discomfort of their people. Many of them had tried to make press release in magazines, newspaper and so on. But the end results is the most important matter. If you cannot back up your claim, then be prepare for the worst.
There are worst press control in Indonesia I have seen. During the New Order, does the press allow Chinese to be printed? Only one and that is on condition that they publish all unimportant news together with Indonesian printing in it.
So do you still think that there is no constitution that controls the press? Your teacher may have given you the wrong teaching with an intent.
Yep, it’ll gonna be screwed up if there’s no laws to control it !
But as far as i seen, Indonesia is better than their neighbour such as malaysia though !
In malaysia, even blogger was screened by the government !
The press is so strict, that they’re not even allowed to give an opinion which is compare it to another regime !
I’m wondering why they’re above us !
Maybe it was in new order, but could ya see now the different ?
But, now there’s some of the politicians who afraid their dirty works being known by the press so they try to cover it though !
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Anyway, Indonesia has more press freedom than Singapore. In Singapore any articles written or published by public or jounalists must be screening by goverment body. Anyway it’s good, we can have any type of freedom or free democracy system, but all these must be controlled. If not, it’s can be disastered!