Porn Sites

Dec 29th, 2006, in News, by

Internet porn sites should be blocked by the government, say religious leaders.

Former Muhammadiyah leader Syafi’i Maarif, generally considered to be more relaxed in his understanding of Islam than the current Muhammadiyah boss, Din Syamsuddin, urges the government to take action against web porn sites.

Syafi'i Maarif
Syafi’i Maarif.

Indonesia was lagging behind its neighbours Singapore and Malaysia in the interception of internet porn, he said in Jakarta on the 20th during a discussion entitled “Peran Pemuka Agama Dalam Pengembangan Keluarga Sejahtera”, or the Role of Religious Leaders in Creating Good Family Life”.

He believed that porn could damage morality and increase crime rates, and that people who watched porn became only half human, morally speaking. detik

Separately on the 21st another moderate Muslim leader, Tholchah Hasan of the Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU), agreed, saying also that the Indonesian government had to follow the lead of Singapore and Malaysia and get tough on porn websites. Hasan said that today there were four million pornographic websites in the world, which could be accessed by children and caused untold moral damage.

Tholchah Hasan
Tholchah Hasan.

Hasan, who was minister of religious affairs under president Abdurrahman Wahid and comes from Tuban, East Java, cited an example known to him. A 13 year old girl who had fallen pregnant told her doctor that sexual relations with her older brother had been initiated after the siblings had often seen their parents watching porno movies on DVD. antara

98 Comments on “Porn Sites”

  1. Rockstar says:

    I agree wholeheatedly but I wonder if you can really stop internet’s porn. Also I think that the majority of Indonesian still get their porn from vcds instead of the internet.

  2. Ihaknt says:

    I wonder if the girl Hassan mentioned was his own daughter, so that would make him the porn-watching parent. Again, the parents failed to teach the kids what’s wrong and right. And to do it with your brother?!?!?? IEW!!! Grab a cucumber…SO the kids saw the parents watched porn, how could this make them wana do it? Does it mean the parents did it in front of the kids??? So confusing!

    Why are these people soooooo stupid? Yeah just blame the porn sites. Why cant they just educate their children? why do they have children at all? My GOD!!! Indonesia is breeding stupid people!!!

    He believed that porn could damage morality and increase crime rates, and that people who watched porn became only half human, morally speaking. [1]

    half human? what a moron! hypocrite. Nothing wrong with porn. It’s all in the mind. this dude probably has 3 wives anyway!

  3. Bas says:

    If they ask “experts” like Roy Suryo to do the job, Inch Allah, porn will never be stopped. But if Saudi Arabia is helping them well the bastards could succeed. Which would be very bad for the country: stop porn entering Indonesia and rapes, prostitution, polygamy and criminality will increase by xxx%.

    All these hypocrite and stupid politicians main activity is f—–g and making their own private porn videos. Why external porn should be prohibited? As usual the riches can do anything they want in their expensive hotels without being disturbed but the poors can not even watch cheap free porn images on the Net. Come on mr Syafi’i Maarif, not all people can corrupt enough money to pay girls to make private movies in 5 stars hotels!

    Porn is a good thing. There is no democracy without porn.

  4. Olong Olong says:


    Dude, agree with you !

    This moron should be hang to death!

    When all this stupid kind of people disapear from planet earth… 110% guarantee the world will be in peace…


  5. bradlymail says:

    Internet porn sites should be blocked by the government, say religious leaders.

    that porn could damage morality and increase crime rates, and that people who watched porn became only half human, morally speaking.

    I totally agree with them because I have a children and I am very worried about this problem too.

  6. Longlifelearning says:

    Dr. Ma’arif should say it directly to the government. I think no one will reject the blocking of porn internet sites, except of course, their maker and consumer.
    Sex education is still required, but porn sites aren’t the right place to go.
    As preliminary individual case, you can set your yahoo or google search engine in your computer to moderate or strict filtering (see on the preferences options of your search engine home) if you want to go further, set the one on your internet browser setting.

  7. J4K4 says:

    Ihaknt, do you think everyone in this whole wide world likes cheap porn? And those who don’t like porn are hypocryts? I don’t think so. Maybe it is you who wanted that everyone should like porn, be a porn lover like you.

    And what’s this? “this dude probably has 3 wives anyway!” Did i smell slander? What a baseless accusation.

    I think everyone is entitled to have their own oppinion, including Mr. Tolchah Hassan, just because we don’t agree to his oppinion that doesn’t mean we have the right to commit slander and spread baseless gossip.

  8. Mohammed Khafi says:

    Where are the statistics and studies to back up their assertion that pornography leads to moral decline and criminality? or are we expected to accept censorship based on what these people think to be true?

    Here are some fact and figures that clearly state that sex crimes have no causal relationship to pornography:

    Research into the background and behaviour of serious sex offenders has revealed that the causes of abusive/ violent behaviour are found in early childhood and generally pre-date exposure to pornographic materials [Goldstein et al. 1973].

    A recent study in the west concluded that rape figures actually decreased 10 percent for every 10 percent increase in access to the internet. The study can be found here Pornography, Rape, and the Internet

    A submission to the British Home Affairs Enquiry into Computer Pornorgraphy Stated

    The continuing collection of data on serious sex offenders over the last 50 years has been consistent: the offenders are those who have had highly sexually repressive backgrounds, often stemming from religious beliefs in their families that stigmatized all sexual responsiveness and expression. The most horrific crimes are generally committed by people who have suffered the most repression in early life, often coupled with violent punishment and/ or sexual abuse.

    There is reliable evidence that a considerable number of sexual abusers of children believe that sexual acts within the family, even with their own children, are “less of a sin” than to have an affair, masturbate, or visit a prostitute [Child Sexual Abuse Treatment Program, Santa Clara, 1991]. This may be one reason why sexual abuse of children is principally a problem within the family – but it is certainly not related to pornography.

    Rapists in general have been taught fairly repressive values, although these may appear to be in the normal to conservative range. Men who believe that sexually active women are “bad” are more likely to feel justified in sexually assaulting such women. These values come from the general culture and from some religious disciplines in particular, and do not in any respect emanate from pornography.
    Full document here:

    As to the example given of the 13 year old girl, I blame the parents, what sort of parents have given their children so little moral education that a brother and sister would consider it normal to have sex. The parents must be mentally subnormal, if that is the case why use it as an example for banning something for normal people?

    Pornography and Crime:

    Sweden which has some of the most liberal pornography laws in Europe, has one of the lowest crime rates in Europe based on residential burglary, vehicle theft, robbery, serious assault, rape and homicide. see here: National Crime Rates Compared

    Before somebody raises the question of Asian Values, Japan, which has very liberal laws on pornograph, a huge sex industry, and an even more relaxed attitude than many Western countries to pornography in public places, has what could be some of the lowest crime rates in the world. Their per capita figures for murders are one tenth that of the United Kingdom, and their figures for robberies are even more impressive with the per capita rate being one twohundreth of the figure in the United States.

    Improving the education and morality of the people is what is needed here, but of course it is much easier to blame the porn industry than take any action which requires some effort on the part of the peoples leaders or even the people themselves.

    Censoring Internet access will not improve the education or morality of our people only a concerted effort by the government and educational Institutions will do that and that needs money, will censoring the internet make any money available to the government? No! Would stamping out corruption and crime at the highest levels of Government and civil service? Yes!

    If you want to protect your children from pornography the answer is in your hands, teach them that sex is normal and healthy, answer their questions about it and teach them right from wrong. If they should discover pornography, and intelligent children being what they are they probably will find out about it from their less fortunate friends, explain that it is for adults and not for children. Your children are your own responsibility, their future as responsible normal adults is in your hands. Do not shirk your responsibilities as a parent.

  9. 1ndra says:

    Its the parents and teachers responbility…but the first nowadays are rare, men go to work so are women, now the last hope is the teachers…

  10. Longlifelearning says:

    I agree with all positive suggestions described here above.
    My note: fact and figures on Pornography, Rape, and the Internet link in the previous comment should be used with extreme care as suggested by the author in conclusion part of his paper.
    But many researches also show strong relation between pornography and sexual exploitation, rapes, violence especially to women, such in
    So if the questions are,
    Am I agree the internet pornography should be banned in Indonesia? Yes.
    Will it help protecting children from pornography? Yes.
    Will it improve the education or morality of our people? Well, a little
    So, should we ban them if we know it will only take little effect? I believe we should, even for these “little effects” we badly need them.

  11. Mohammed Khafi says:

    Even if both parents work, why should they not have time to give their children a moral upbringing? They are not working 24 hours a day!

    If you cannot fulfil the requirements of ensuring that your children are brought up morally then perhaps it would be better to delay having children. Even during play with your children you can teach them right from wrong, good from bad, it is not as if it takes extra time to do this.

    Better the cost of a few packets of condoms than give birth to another generation which is morally corrupt because the parents delegate their responsibilities to under paid, possibly under trained, teachers, who themselves may not even care.



    I think there are many options which will provide a better education and morality to our children, other than censorship, but isn’t one of our national characteristic that we take the easy option and make a big song and dance about it to try and impress others with how much we have done, when in actual fact we have achieved nothing in real terms.

    Will censoring the Internet in Indonesia help the children? No! (porn DVD’s, Porn VCD’S, Porn magazines, Porn on handphones, people trafficking, prostitution. child labour)
    Will it allow somebody to stand up and say look I am wonderful because I am cleaning up the country, when in fact they are not? Yes!
    Do we need little effects when there is so much wrong that could be improved with big effects? No! (clean out the corruptors, take their assets, use their assets to improve our educational system and the education and morals of our children)

    Earlier I sited 2 countries where Pornography is freely allowed which have both low crime and low levels of harrasment of females.

    Let us look at Malaysia which is one of the examples given as a case where censorship of the Internet is already in place:

    In Malaysia, rape cases involving children seem to be in increasing at a rapid pace. In 1997, there were 739 reported cases involving children out of a total of 1,323 cases. This constitutes 56% of all rape cases.

    These are appaling figures by any standards, for further reading:
    Preventing The Crimes of Rape Against Children.

    Fifty years ago the Danish government commissioned a ten-year study of the effects of pornography. It concluded that looking at pornography is not harmful to adults or children. They thus lifted their ban on all pornography in 1965, admitting that it was a violation of human rights to prevent individuals deriving pleasure from porn. They were right: the sex crime rate in Denmark fell by 66 per cent.


    The abuse of pornograph is a symptom of a larger disease, you cannot effect a cure by eradicating the symptoms, you have to cure the disease itself, the disease”¦. Immorality!

    This is not a new disease we have had it a long long time, from well before the advent of the internet in Indonesia. We have the honour of having the country with the largest Muslim polulation and the shame of having the largest prostitution complex in all of South East Asia (Dolly in Surabaya) nearly every town and all the cities in this beautiful country have either prostitution complexes or areas.

    Treat the disease not the symptoms, or the symptoms will just return.

  12. Bas says:

    The days has come when I totally agree with you Mohammed. Good comments. Congrats!

    Porn cannot be bad if Indonesian religious leaders want to stop it!

  13. 1ndra says:

    To MK: Wait wait wait…I’m not a parent yet 😀
    But in business family/city, there’re many, many children…yeah older…wait called it teens…are gone wrong because their parents give little attention to them, dont ask me the example, you’ve found many.
    And the poor little childs, are left with their babysitters.


    Maybe with the loosen censorship lower the sex criminalities but you know why? Because they are now committing free sex!
    Indonesia, nowadays, porn sites arent restricted, and porns are easily distributed, you know the rest in Indonesian teens”¦not to mention in the western

    But why rapes grow rapidly? Because some people get access to the porn and cannot control their passion then ask girls to do that with them, but the girls refused, then it happened”¦
    But if the porn are really banned, no other sources, then”¦
    Ok, while the porn restricted, morality education must be raised. The double good effects!

    I’m not a holy person, sometimes I catch my walk to porn pics accidently or sometimes”¦want to know something because the hot news”¦:D
    But I know how to control my behaviours and sure, not spreading the porn.



    ‘Dan janganlah kamu mendekati zina; sesungguhnya zina itu adalah suatu perbuatan yang keji. Dan suatu jalan yang buruk.’

    Porn is not only a step closer to zina, but it’s an eye’s zina.



    ‘Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang ingin agar (berita) perbuatan yang amat keji itu tersiar di kalangan orang-orang yang beriman, bagi mereka azab yang pedih di dunia dan di akhirat. Dan Allah mengetahui, sedang, kamu tidak mengetahui.’

    Big sin for people who let the porn spread!

  14. Mohammed Khafi says:


    They are commiting free sex because they have low morals, not because of the availability of Internet Porn, how many people do you think really have access to the internet in this country?

    What is your source that rape numbers have grown, what are your sources?

    We have had rape and child sex abuse in this country for generations, well before Internet porn was available, we are a nation obsesed by sex, why do you think there are so many girls who are forced to make a living from prostitution?

    As I said earlier fight the disease, not the symptoms!

  15. Eben says:

    To avoid much ado about nothing, I will jump to the core of the problem.
    So ladies and gents, I present to you the unconvenient truth of us human beings:

    1. Men and women (men especially) are highly sex-charged creatures (read: extremely horny).
    2. Scientific fact: masturbation cuts off the risk of cancer and apparently is quite healthy.
    3. Most relgions find masturbation to be a form of fornication (read: burn in hell)
    4. Porn is unstoppable.
    5. Everyone, even the most noble person (say…Mr.Hasan), pleasure themselves with a little “hand” (wink-wink, if you know what i mean) every once in a while. But most people are embaressed to admit it. I myself, will admit that I masturbate at least once a day. Which puts me in a pretty good shape.

    Truth #1 leads to another fact that mastubation is simply inevitable. Surely if you say that you’ve never done it once in your life, you must be missing something (hint: a precious anatomical structure).

    And sir, if you have not been masturbating, you need to start b/c your time is running out (Truth #2).

    As for Truth #3, well…I’m not exactly the most devout follower, but truth #3 leads me to beg the question: why did God stick such high levels of testosterone in our bodies? Sure, these hormones have great roles in pro-creation but why so bloody much? The answer, my fellow friends, is self control. Many people lack the courage to admit that they’re responsible for certain actions and thus go around and find something else to blame. Something like porn. This leads to Truth#4.

    Truth #4: There is no way the Indonesian government can ban porn on the internet unless they cut off all the fiber optics that make up your slow connection. And do you people know what consequence banning porn on the internet can be? Banning of the internet. That would suck now wouldn’t it?

    Truth is people, porn is but a facility. A facility to help people get their high. Banning it will not stop us men from pleasuring ourselves. And it certainly is not the solution to eliminate rape and such crimes. The solution to that is simply self control.

  16. Mohammed Khafi says:


    Why are you quoting those verses of Al Quran? What is the connection between internet pornography and adultery, adultery has been around from time immemorial, even in Torah and the ‘Ten Commandments’ given to Nabi Musa, Allah has said “thou shall not commit adultery”.

    The second verse you quoted was about spreading slanderous lies and gossip, again nothing to do with spreading Internet Pornography.

  17. Longlifelearning says:


    Will censoring the Internet in Indonesia help the children? No! (porn DVD’s, Porn VCD’S, Porn magazines, Porn on handphones, people trafficking, prostitution. child labour)

    I believe internet pornography censoring will help the children, at least, the list mentioned above will not be added by ‘Porn on internet’.

    Will it allow somebody to stand up and say look I am wonderful because I am cleaning up the country, when in fact they are not? Yes!

    Maybe, but I won’t select him/her to be the president just because this “small thing”. But he/she does a good thing by censoring pornography on the internet, and I appreciate it.

    Do we need little effects when there is so much wrong that could be improved with big effects? No! (clean out the corruptors, take their assets, use their assets to improve our educational system and the education and morals of our children)

    There are so much things to do, we need both big and small effects, local and global, let’s start from ourselves, shall we…
    And let’s start from the first day of this new year…

  18. Tomaculum says:

    If we can’t educate our children, then the TV is guilty.
    If we can’t educate ourself and if our faith and moral isn’t strong enough, then the pornography and the internet are responsible.
    If we have hunger, then the foods are guilty, because they don’t jump into our mouth?
    Sigh ….., when will we learn to be responsible adult human being???

    I believe internet pornography censoring will help the children, at least, the list mentioned above will not be added by ‘Porn on internet’.


    There are so much things to do, we need both big and small effects, local and global, let’s start from ourselves, shall we.

    You’re right, Longlifelearning, let’s start thinking!


    Happy new year!!

  19. 1ndra says:


    Low morale plus internet easiness.
    Where are those porn video mostly spreading? Internet. I could listed some porn sites that share porn video. Not only porn sites, but also file sharing uploader.
    Where those child get porn pic files? Scanning from medias or downloading from porn sites?

    I quoted that verses why? The first, you absolutely know. The second, because Quran prohibited ‘perbuatan keji’ and spreading porn is one of them. Do you think nude/porn picture is not gossip?
    Read ‘Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang ingin agar (berita) perbuatan yang amat keji itu tersiar’



    By censoring the internet porn, then there’s no way child could get access to download porn picture then share it offline with their friends.
    Yes, I know other sources, other than VCD/DVD, but I’m not listing it here.

    But the fact today, nowaday, porn is easily distributed, and you could see the bad behaviour among the child/teen nowadays who always see it.

    Child/teens think and act based what they see”¦
    Advice come in to right ear and went out from left ear”¦
    We educated them, but their friend ‘educated’ them too”¦

  20. Tomaculum says:

    1ndra: and again the parents are not responsible, just the internet, hmm?

    And if our faith and “moral” are so weak, then the others are guilty.

    And off course the westerner are “moraly destroyed” because of the “free sex”.

    Maybe we should think again and do our duties with more responsibility and not seeking the failure always at the “other sides”.

    We in Germany have free internet access, and my children do not have any interest at porn sites. We talk in the family about it and we explain them many things. By the way: there are many softwares to block such sites for children.

    Child/teens think and act based what they see”¦
    Advice come in to right ear and went out from left ear”¦
    We educated them, but their friend ‘educated’ them too”¦

    Oh, yeah? Those words sound for me like platitudes from parents who deport their responsibility fron themselves.

    We have tree children (I don’t know how many children you already have). But it is our duty to help them to know the reality and to differ the right from the wrong. And it can surely not be reached by prohibition, but explanations and discussions. It is a hard work, but parents can not deport those job!

  21. 1ndra says:

    I dont have children yet, I’m single, unmarried 😀

    Sure, it’s parents responbility BUT you could see nowadays who still have that responbility feels? Rare.


    If both parents work hard, example in Jakarta, from morning to late night, then who could educate their child other than their teachers.

    Oot: Thats why Ahmad Dhani did to his wife, recalled from Ratu.

  22. Mohammed Khafi says:


    Can you not see that this is one of the factors leading to a decline in morality in this country? If the parents do not teach the children then the children cannot teach their children in turn. The cause in this case is a poor economy forcing both parents to work. But rather than seeking solutions you keep making excuses.

    As Tomaculum stated earlier, his children have free access to the Internet but are not interested in looking at pornography, his children have been brought up with an understanding of morality.

    Unless we tackle the root cause of our problems instead of just what we can see on the surface, nothing will ever change.

  23. 1ndra says:

    Good for Tomaculum’s family because he could teach morality better than mostly people.
    But now, better tackle with reality first.
    You teach good lesson but you have so little time to teach them, but their friend have much better time…

  24. Mohammed Khafi says:

    Here we go again, now you are blaming their friends!

    The Betawi blame the immigrants to Jakarta, the poor blame the rich, the Muslims blame the Christians, the Pribumi blame the Ethnic Chinese, the blacks blame the whites, the east blames the west, the undeveloped nations blame the developed nations, PDI blame Golkar, where does it all end everybody blaming somebody else and nobody taking responsibility for themselves.

    Laying blame on somebody else is easy, taking responsibility for your own actions is difficult, but until such time as we as a nation start taking responsibility for ourselves and our children we will never progress past the mess that we find ourselves in at the present time.

  25. Tomaculum says:

    1ndra, it is not only time needed to teach our children, but also openness and the attendance to think, to learn, to discuss and also to fix a limitation.

    My wife and I are full time employees and, believe me, it is very hard to work in Europe. At the end of a work day (usually about 5:00 – 6:00 pm for me and about 2:00 – 4.00 pm, beginning at 7:00 am) we are surely glad about every quiet and restorative moments. But we have decided to have children and this is a huge responsibility we cannot shift to others. So we have to take time to hug the children and talk with them.

    And we don’t have any software to block such sites!

    What I’ve seen in many families in Indonesia is the problem, that the parents allow their children too much.

    Off course I’m not against blocking of porn sites in internet. But how much can the government controll this? And this parental duty should be realised and responsible hold.
    There will always be other sources of such negative inputs for our children. It is not only porn sites, but also computer games aggrandising violence, intolerance in the neighbourhoods, unfiltered and unreflected news in the internet and other medias. More??

    So we are back again to the responsibility of the parents.

    Btw: children are by nature inquisitive. They want to know many things and to quest the life.
    Some of the mos important solutions for this problem of moral are talking, talking, explanations, explanations, discussions and fixing limitation (s. above).

    Wish you all a happy and succesful new year 2007.

  26. Fanglong says:

    Hi Friends !

    Let’s make a difference between sex & crime !
    As a privileged taboo, sex is a good pretext for crime.
    But it’s far from being the overall case.
    Normally sex goes with love; it can go with peaceful orgies.
    I’m OK with “free sex” : I mean FREE.
    Free being the condition of partners :
    no adultery from within nor without, no break of religious vow, and, of course, no child abuse !
    Not with contempt but according to different natures —
    for more joy —
    every instant of joy incrementing the quality of the individual.
    I speak of a kind of wise sex…
    Porn is both a part of normal sex & a business. “Normal” as a way of being with others. Some are good at painting, some at playing piano, and some must be extraordinary at making love. Nothing special but the activity of the taboo parts of the body : this taboo is to be blamed far more than porn. No-one is obliged to watch porn. If chidren do that once in a while, it’s OK : many will skip & some (very few — watch their parents) will stick, but they’re far more rare !
    Internet porn is difficult to block, unless it’s banned by government, which raises some technical difficulties any hacker can go around.
    Education of children & love for them is the master word.
    The rapists don’t obey Internet porn nor any but they just follow their inner throng with no more moral sense &, essentially, they forget the respect & sense of protection deserved by any brother or sister sentient being.
    We should never forget that wars, injustice, & corruption are far more dangerous crimes than “porn”. We should stop them, shouldn’t we ?

  27. 1ndra says:

    If you’ve told your childs whathever you have in positive ways, then their friends told them in negative ways, now whats left?

    Dont argue me like that, I’ve some experience in that…

    I found many, and some of them are my friend, I could told you my friends who their parents are good and some are ustads and always told their childs in good and positive ways but later their child turn bad because their friend’s influence.

    I have friend that I always advise him and help him in positive ways but later he turn to their ‘badder’ friends because yeah something bad is ‘nicer’.

    Its hard to advise childs not to do that because that is bad for them, hi risk etc etc when their friends are tell them ‘Hey it’s ok, it’s fun, come with us’ or ‘come on don’t be chicken’.

    We could teach whatever we have to our children, but when we place/let them living in bad society…Well I hope nothing bad happens…

    Bad environment give you bad breath…


    Yeah sure, in the end good morality and open minded advise is the best, but there’re some point that need to be added, one of them is influence, parents influence.

    But still in my mind, porn sites, are intended to business and money making, NOT for education.
    The best way for sex education isnt from porn sites but from some qualified teachers/parents.

    Now excuse me, Isya is coming.

  28. Mohammed Khafi says:


    Children need to be taught not just morality but respect, if they are taught the difference between right and wrong and they have respect for their parents and themselves they will know how to distiguish between good friends and bad friends and act accordingly. Parents have a moral responsibility to set a good example and to teach these things to their children, it is no good to just give your parental responsibility to teachers and expect them to do your job. If your children think that something bad is nicer than something good, then you have failed as a parent.

  29. 1ndra says:

    I’m still single, unmarried and dont have children. 😀

    Yes, that’s why parents influence IS needed. And influence only gained in good attitude and morality in teaching.
    One more, its not just parents responbility, but teachers at school too. Do you know a quotion ‘Teacher is children’s parents in school’.

    If your children think that something bad is nicer than something good, then you have failed as a parent.

    Not in their mind directly. Children know nothing but we know what good and bad for them. And something and most of time, bad is nicer and ‘good’.
    Hey, we ever live as a children, dont you remember when our parents told us not to do this and that but we still do that because that’s funny/asyik. 😀

  30. Tomaculum says:

    Hey, we ever live as a children, dont you remember when our parents told us not to do this and that but we still do that because that’s funny/asyik.

    Yeah, and my parents taught me to learn to differ beetwen right and wrong and beetwen good and bad. And that we can learn from both, and that both have their places in our life.

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