Bashir Innocent

Dec 21st, 2006, in News, by

Abu Bakar Baasyir has been cleared on appeal of all involvement with the Bali and Marriot bombings.

The High Court, Mahkamah Agung, on 21st December found that the charges against Bashir, that he had ordered or encouraged the first Bali terrorist bombings in 2002 and the J. W Marriot attack in 2003, were unproven. Said the chief judge reviewing the case of Bashir, after that latter had appealed his conviction, German Hoediarto:

The court clears Baasyir of all charges.
(Majelis menyatakan membebaskan Ba’asyir dari segala dakwaan jaksa.)

And: tempo

Bashir has not been proven to be a terrorist.
(Ba’asyir tidak terbukti sebagai teroris.)

The five member panel of judges comprising German Hoediarto, Mansyur Kertayasa, Artidjo Alkostar, Imron Anwari, and Abdurrahman, were united in their verdict, with no dissenting opinion.

After being initially convicted in 2004 “Ustadz” Abu Bakar Ba’asyir served two and a half years prison time and was released in June 2006. He was convicted on the basis of the confession of Amrozi, one of the Bali bombers, that the latter had consulted with Bashir prior to the attack and gained Bashir’s approval. Later however Amrozi retracted this statement and this appears to have been the reason for today’s quashing of Bashir’s conviction. antara

The man himself is reported to have received the news “coldly”, with little reaction. antara

The police are reported to be unhappy, not surprisingly. detik

25 Comments on “Bashir Innocent”

  1. Miss Indo 07 says:

    Predicted, right? I guess the next is Amrozi cs also cleared, not terrorist.

  2. Tomaculum says:

    Mis Indo 07,
    I think Amrozi cs wouldn’t be very happy, if they are being cleared as non terrorist, which means that the death sentence will be cancelled.

    Why? Because he would have to wait again for long time to come to heaven where he can have much delight with the holy virgins.

  3. Interested Observer says:

    At least ABB will now be able to settle down to a quiet life running a pesantren, informing Muslims about there moral obligations (get those Jilbabs on girls) and advising on where young devotees can best travel to blow themselves up without disturbing the peace of his JI Mantiqi Dua … sorry, I forgot JI does not exist.
    Another great day for the Indonesian justice system? But why waste resources on an aging old cleric when there are far more lucrative cases to pursue in hammering the real bad guys (foreign investors) and lets face it if there was no terrorism then a whole funding stream dries up for government agencies!

  4. Dimp says:

    Hang on, from what I’ve heard is that on the trial there was hardly any proof linking Abu Bakar Basyir to the Bali bombing, although that doesn’t prove that he is innocent, but that also doesn’t prove that he is guilty by law.

    What we need is a more competent investigators, not to mention better legal system.

  5. adhi says:

    It’s pretty clear that the investigators were more than competent, and if you mean a ‘better’ legal system that discards the rule of law and is happy to get the correct verdict on only circumstancial evidence… maybe then you’ll have a point (I agree with your first paragraph though).
    Remember Hambali? Without his evidence, convicting Baasyir was always going to be impossible… and now he’s won a major propaganda battle. I wonder where Hambali is?

  6. Ihaknt says:

    Hang on, so does that mean that this old twat made the so-called xmas rules from jail? No wonder the justice system fails.

    Joke, the whole thing is a joke, but no one is laughing. Thank God I dont live there anymore.

  7. Dimp says:

    No, he has been released for a while now (thanks to the remissions), the appeal decision overturn the previous decision, so this clears his name from the record.

    I heard that he is trying to get some compensation for his time served…

  8. Ihaknt says:

    Cool. Let’s wait for more bombing news then shall we…

  9. Rockstar says:

    I heard a rumour that he regretted for not being honest in the court, because now he has missed the chance to be with the 72 virgins.

    This news about Bashir is already mubashir (outdated).

  10. Fanglong says:

    Hey Adhi !

    Hambali is in Guantanamo.
    Guantanamo is in Cuba.
    Castro’s close to death.
    Waiting for Amrozi Cs.,
    the Virgins are loosing patience…

  11. JKS says:

    Rockstar, correction: 12 virgins only dude, as stated in Qor’an, 72 virgins too much for old man Ba’asyir otherwise it becomes another ‘hell’ for him, you want to help him?

  12. Manuel says:

    Bashir for President, FPI become paspampres, poligami is mandatory, no equality for woman, ( I just saw Hizbut Tahir women demonstrating to support poligami, and non equality because equality is westerner idea), no alcohol, let’s smash down bar, what a country I have been living in.

  13. Bas says:

    You can’t call Indonesia a country. It’s just a poor fake.

  14. Ihaknt says:

    I just saw Hizbut Tahir women demonstrating to support poligami, and non equality because equality is westerner idea.

    Manuel, really? Sigh, another brainwashed activity. Sad. Maybe most of them were men dressed in head scarves. I am speecless. I am hoping that’s it was just another media propaganda to stir the already boiling pot. Sob.
    If equality is a western idea, does it mean that Kartini, Cut Nyak Dien fought for nothing?

  15. 1ndra says:

    Bashir is innocent and Bush is a real terrorist…

  16. Mohammed Khafi says:

    Half right anyway 1ndra!


    Just look at this article Islamic Connections in Australia and Abroad are they all coincidences? and this only deals with Australia, just think how deep his web has been spun in Malaysia, and the Philipines?

    We already know the relationships between Al-Mukmin and the bombers involved in so many bombings in Indonesia!

    And don’t forget this interesting little fact, the founders of almost every radical group in Indonesia, whether it’s JI or the Islamic Defenders Front, or the Laskar Jihad, are all Yemenis or of Yemeni descent.

    Are these people who immigrated here and have been welcomed into Indonesia for centuries trying to destoy our culture and force their Arab ideals and culture on us?

    Innocent? You make up your own minds!

  17. Andrew says:

    Bashir is innocent and Bush is a real terrorist”¦

    Another religion-tainted, hatred-stained comment, 1ndra?

  18. 1ndra says:

    Nope Andrew, Bashir is being accussed for terorism for he’s doing nothing and jailed without prove but Bush did the terorism in Iraq, how many people being killed for his b s.

  19. bradlymail says:

    whether it’s JI or the Islamic Defenders Front, or the Laskar Jihad, are all Yemenis or of Yemeni descent.

    Are these people who immigrated here and have been welcomed into Indonesia for centuries trying to destoy our culture and force their Arab ideals and culture on us?

    They make us (pribumi, Indonesian) like bloody fool!

  20. Tomaculum says:

    They make us (pribumi, Indonesian) like bloody fool!

    Why do you let them do it?

  21. Andrew says:

    1ndra, Bashir’s so-called “pondok pesantren” has been linked to many terrorist activities – he is not innocent. It is just unfortunate that the government could not prove with reasonable doubt that the dude himself is guilty.

  22. 1ndra says:

    I’ve read newspaper today, Bush has his soldiers being killed more than WTC victims, not included the Iraq one.

  23. Cukurungan says:

    Brother Bashir please take rest enjoy your remaining live, I pray to God forgive your sins and accept your good deeds. Now is our duties to make your dream becoming reality.



    Mohammed Khafi Says:

    Are these people who immigrated here and have been welcomed into Indonesia for centuries trying to destoy our culture and force their Arab ideals and culture on us?

    Interesting statement while your nickname is an Arabic name. Come on wake up man what is crap “our culture”? There’s no more Indonesia culture, today our culture is mostly influenced either by western, India, China and Arabic sorry might be you’re correct yes dangdut is our original culture hua ha ha ha even our President during his speeches preferred using “English Jargon” than Indonesia jargon.

  24. Hassan says:

    Andrew: the last time I checked, being “linked” (by intelligence agencies) is not really a solid courtroom evidence.

    Remember how Bush always said that the late saddam administration had links with Al Qaeda? How iraq had links with pakistani nuclear experts to develop weapons of mass destruction? Where are those “links” now?

    I think maybe bush had “links” with lying.

    If some foreign intel agency told SBY that andrew had “links” with Organisasi Papua Merdeka (for example), then should the cops arrest you?

    I have no love for ABB btw, but it seems to me the old man is being treated unfairly, there is that vibe again, that he must be guilty.

  25. bradlymail says:

    Hassan, nice to hear from you again. Happy new year 2007 to you and all friend in this forum, Mohammed Khafi, Miss Indo, Molisan Tono, Tomaculum, Indra, Andrew, others “God bless you all”.

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