The fires of the Lapindo gas explosion in Sidoarjo spell out the name of Allah, or a seahorse.
Detik on the 14th informs us that the explosion at the Lapindo gas field in East Java last November, which caused thirteen people to make an early exit from the world, spewed fires that spelled out the Arabic word for God, “Allah”.
The other worldly fires of Lapindo.
“Allah” in Arabic.
An amateur photographer took a photo which displays the majesty of God, says Detik: detik
Allah Maha Besar!
Or it might be the old logo of state oil company Pertamina, a seahorse, Detik says.
Pertamina Seahorse
As blogger Ranwar points out Detik seems to be suffering from a case of pareidolia, delusions based on sense perception.
Looks more like a W to me, I am suprised that somebody hasn’t blamed George W Bush for the disaster! 🙂
You wait MK. All things that go wrong is either the Jews, CIA, or the American’s fault….(rolling my eyes in annoyance!). Interesting shot tho, once in a lifetime moment kinda thing.
Hmmmm, looks like fire? 🙂
I think we we (beloved contributors of Indonesia Matters) take this particular issue too seriously we are also guilty of PAREIDOLIA….
What about the stench ?
I’d speak of a farting dragon : a corrupted heart !
So many chickens, goats & buffalo heads have been thrown in the bubbling sludge by inefficient magicians… while the capitalists laughed their guts out over the massa’s head. I wonder why Allah’s name would appear and crown such an accident.
Butthead “Hey Beavis… Fire…Fire…Fire..uh..uhm..uh..”
Beavis “Uh..uhm..uh..uh..uh..Cool..It looks like Pizza..uh..uh..uhm..uh”
That _does_not_ look similar at all.
If similiar, one to one, then who wrote it? 😀
It would look similiar to those who believed, and not to those who don’t. Anyway, that’s not the first one. I remembered news reports in which Allah SWT’s name was naturally written (without human interventions) on an egg, a stone, on trees, on kurmas, on clam shells, and a lot others.
Show me the word ‘buddha’, ‘brahma’, ‘Jesus’, ‘yahweh’ or etc naturally written on any object, cause I’m curious.
1ndra, very good question, who indeed…
Hi Hassan,
I’ll show you where to look for the word “Jesus” written.
A beautiful Puncak tea plantation scenery.
Stars in the sky.
Sunrise in Bromo.
Sunset in Ubud.
A newborn cry.
Merry Christmas, peace on earth.
Who believe it, will see it.
Show me the word ‘buddha’, ‘brahma’, ‘Jesus’, ‘yahweh’ or etc naturally written on any object, cause i’m curious.
My question:
If so, to what purpose? To strengthen the Islam faith? Why, is it so weak and instable?
Or to warn the Moslems not to do misdeeds?
I’ll show you where to look for the word “Jesus” written.
A beautiful Puncak tea plantation scenery.
Stars in the sky.
Sunrise in Bromo.
Sunset in Ubud.
A newborn cry.
I can’t recognise the name of Jesus written there, just the greatness of God (not give a damn about the name you give Him).
Merry XMas to all who celebrate it.
Looks like a Chinese character with a “jambul” to me, at least the first part of it. :))
The second part does look like a seahorse.
Joy: I meant the exact name of ‘Jesus’ as we can see it, not God’s signs and greatness as you mentioned. I would be more than happy if you can give me links or pictures of something with the word ‘buddha’, ‘brahma’, ‘Jesus’, ‘yahweh’ or etc naturally written (not man made) in them.
Tomaculum: not to strengthen faith or anything, i mean those occurances were not man made or anything, isn’t it? I was just observing how true the Quran is when it says:
Quran 51:20 “On the earth are signs for those of assured Faith,”
and also 51:21 “As also in your own selves: Will ye not then see?”
If you’re still convinced that it’s an effort to streghten a faith in need of strengthening then don’t ask me, ask the culprit who did those things (who placed writings of His name on His creations), God!
The universe is God’s creation, and as many artists often did on their artworks, God, ‘the Master Artist’ had also done the same thing on His’, place His name on them. And that can tell us who’s the Artist that had crafted and created this universe.
That is why my friends, i asked:
“Show me the word ‘buddha’, ‘brahma’, ‘Jesus’, ‘yahweh’ or etc naturally written on any object, cause i’m curious”.
Tomaculum: For me, its a sign for misdeeds, un-loving act, and so much
Believe what you believe, it may as well look like the word you want it to be.
Does it ever occur to you that the picture may have been doctored? maybe P-h-o-t-o-s-h-o-p is the keyword here.
It has to be retouched, you don’t have to be a genius to tell that the photograph doesn’t look natural at all.
Dimp, we live in a plastic era, plastic surgery, retouching fotos, etc. Anything media can do to sell. Consumerism that’s the evil in this era, evil!
Hi Ihaknt,
I agree with you, we do live in a plastic era, in regards to consumerism, hey this is what makes the world goes around.
But I really hate people who use religion to feed to this consumerism, I know that there are a lot of gullible people out there but these opportunists should be ashamed of themselves.
I know this is out of topic but anyway, look who’s our top number 1 commenter? hehehehe.
Hi Miss Indo 07,
I think quality is better than quantity. I would rather read one quality comment than 1000 worthless comments.
Hassan, I think what Joy meant is that it’s not important to see Jesus’ name in a form of a fire, clouds, or any sort of natural expressions as such.
I think what’s important, and I believe Jesus would want this, is to have Jesus written on our hearts..
grace and mercy: what you said is a spiritual thing, something that only the person can ‘see’. Everyone in this world can claim that. I would like to see something more ‘physical’, just to fulfill my curiosity. If ‘buddha’, ‘brahma’, ‘Jesus’, ‘yahweh’ or etc did create this universe then he will surely live some sort of ‘mark’ on the universe (which he had created).
Please read my previous post, “The universe is God’s creation, and as many artists often did on their artworks, God, ‘the Master Artist’ had also done the same thing on His’, place His name on them. And that can tell us who’s the Artist that had crafted and created this universe.”
p-h-o-t-o-s-h-o-p eh? well whoever create/put that picture is foolish.
but these are NOT retouched/photoshopped pictures:
Hassan, if you allow me:
If ‘buddha’, ‘brahma’, ‘Jesus’, ‘yahweh’ or etc did create this universe then he will surely live some sort of ‘mark’ on the universe (which he had created).
1. Buddha created the universe??? 🙂 Buddha is just a common human being named to have reached the highest enlightment (according to their teaching).
2. You can see the marks of the Gods you listed above every day around you. Or do you think the little stone in front of your toes is not a mark of God? And I have always believed, that there is only one God we term with different names. Today I learn something new (from you, Hassan. Thanks).
3. Allah is also the God for f.e. javanese Moslems. Why shouldn’t He show his marks in javanese script? I think Allah is able to speak and write every language, isn’t He?
How can you be sure, that some of the pictures in the web page above are not modified?
If the picture of the fire above is not modified and authentic, then I interpretate this phenomenon as the fire in Allahs heart, which very angry to see what His followers do. Then it is a warning!
Hi Hassan,
Why do you need more proof, if someone has strong faith then he/she does not need further proof.
I have never seen any “blatant” showing, letter or otherwise, but I agree with Tomaculum, you don’t need this “blatant” showing, you can feel the present of “God” anywhere.
Tom, Dimp, agree with your points.
People like Hassan are just trying to challenge people, maybe he himself doesn’t have a strong believe in God let alone in himself. He needs to get constantly given proof. If you notice, he is the person with most comments, either he doesn’t sleep at all to constantly surf the net to ramble on this site after his day job, or he doesn’t work at all. I don’t know anyone who would have that much time in his hands with a full time job, I know for sure I don’t. Plus, everytime he answers back. Nothing to do Hassan? No wonder your mind is easily corrupted.
For me, the signs, hope they arent retouched, are messages for Muslims to get back to friendship, tolerance, peace loving, as we can see, the signs are grow larger in number as the criminality, war and conflict nowadays.
Knowing its valid picture or retouched, just find a bonafide site that a has track/investigate them.
Just dont make this signs for offensing other belief please.
Instead of debating on this issue I recommended to all of you go to Punjabi Productions House made some script there and next few months will be another sinetron “Rahasia Illahi” he he he…..with heading “Siluman Lapindo”might some money for you
Cukurangan, if I were you I wouldn’t have shared the great idea then keep the money for yourself. If in a few months you see the sinetron on TV, you will be biting your hands so hard :D, quick go to Punjabi now! hehehe.
Adobe Photoshop.
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Either Pareidolia or they just ran out things to put on their website since the ME&YZ and AAGym stories both have been over killed…