Rhonda flies into Bali and becomes romantically entangled with cabana boy Ketut. Read More →
DC Guy on what foreign correspondents are not telling you about Indonesia, and employment prospects for westerners in Asia.
Taking off with Indonesia’s biggest regional airline, Wings Air.
‘The Amazing Race’ visits a different “running of the bulls” in Madura, East Java.
15 days of being up close and personal with the people and culture of North Sumatra and Aceh.
Reopening inquiries into what actually happened during the Police Actions of 1945-49.
Enjoy a 9 day tour of “Beautiful Bali“ a little off the beaten track, exploring inland and north Bali.
A good bloke in Greater Kuta; a review of the book “Bali Raw: an expose of the underbelly of Bali, Indonesia”.
Kiwis ask the Indonesian Ambassador why his country’s domestic flights cannot be booked online.
The most corrupt parties, political corruption rates: SBY says Partai Demokrat is far from the worst.
Indonesian regional airline, Kal-Star, improves its standards.
Grumblings about the frequent and now large remissions for Marijuana Queen Schapelle Corby.
Online booking and e-ticketing introduced for Indonesian trains.
Indonesians embrace online shopping, with some reservations.
So little to do, so much time – hints and tips for visitors transiting Jakarta Airport in the middle of the night.
Lady Gaga banned from Jakarta, unlike similar “controversial” performers.
Indonesia to move to one time zone, starting 28 October 2012.
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