Arabic Only

Nov 27th, 2006, in News, by

Conducting Muslim worship services in Indonesian, rather than Arabic, remains invalid, and illegal, says NU boss Hasyim Muzadi.

Likely in reference to the recent release from prison of Yusman Roy in Malang, East Java, who was imprisoned for two years in connection with his use of Indonesian when leading Muslim prayers, Hasyim, the leader of Nahdatul Ulama (NU), urged the authorities to continue taking a tough stand against this type of heresy. Yusman has gone on record to say that he intends to continue the use of Indonesian in sholat. With this in mind Hasyim warns, earnestly:

The legal authorities should come down hard on cases like these, because conducting prayer in two languages is against the norms of [Muslim] prayer [rituals], and is a form of individual interpretation [of scriptures] and personal belief.

Reiterating his oft-stated enthusiasm (Strange Islam, 25th August, 2006) for state interference in individual religious belief Hasyim described as a “sickness” the tendency of people to develop and apply their own interpretations of holy texts. The law needed to be on hand to prevent the spread of such sickness, he said.

The use of Indonesian was not necessary during prayer, he said. If worshippers could not understand Arabic then it was incumbent on clerics to offer an explanation in Indonesian of what the mysterious foreign words uttered previously meant. Actual prayers, however, must continue to be done in the language that Muhammad used. antara

13 Comments on “Arabic Only”

  1. Munafikbangetloepade says:

    ala ana yihad yihad ente munafikin kufurriyah Allahu akbar….

  2. Tomaculum says:

    If more Indonesian understand the genuine contents of Al Qur’an and Hadits, then the current “leaders” will more and more lose influence?

  3. Rockstar says:

    are you hi munafik?

  4. Mohammed Khafi says:

    Hasyim MuzadI said:

    Conducting Muslim worship services in Indonesian, rather than Arabic, remains invalid, and illegal, says NU boss Hasyim Muzadi.

    A great pity that he cannot follow the wisdom of Allah who says:

    “And We did not send any messenger but with the language of his people, so that he might explain to them clearly; then Allah makes whom He pleases err and He guides whom He pleases and He is the Mighty, the Wise.” Al Quran 14:04

    The reason for Al Quran being given in Arabic is clearly stated, the Arabs would have rejected it if it had been in any other language:

    “And if We had made it a Quran in a foreign tongue, they would certainly have said: Why have not its communications been made clear? What! a foreign (tongue) and an Arabian! Say: It is to those who believe a guidance and a healing; and (as for) those who do not believe, there is a heaviness in their ears and it is obscure to them; these shall be called to from a far-off place.” Al Quran 41:44

    And why would they have rejected it?, because by and large they are the biggest hypocrits and kafirs on the face of the earth:

    “The dwellers of the desert are very hard in unbelief and hypocrisy, and more disposed not to know the limits of what Allah has revealed to His Messenger; and Allah is Knowing, Wise.” Al Quran 09:97

    I suppose Hasyim Muzadi is not smart enough to realise that he is following hypcrites and kafirs when he follows his Sunnah and Hadith inspire teachings.

  5. ak says:

    Long time ago (well… 40 years ago) we Catholics must use Latin. After the second Vatican Council we even have local languages. We have mass in Indonesian, Javanese and other traditional languages.

    Maybe one day there will be a council of Muslims declaring that it would be okay to use local languages. *less serious mode* Maybe in another eight century or so.

  6. Hassan says:

    ak: actually, Muslim clerics uses Indonesian in their sermons and ‘masses’. and we also uses Indonesian in our prayers (doa). so the comparison is a bit off. there is nothing like shalat in Christianity so it is hard to compare our two religions on that subject.

    Mohammed Khafi: tsk tsk.. such harsh language. “because by and large they are the biggest hypocrits and kafirs on the face of the earth”. isn’t the word “the dwellers of the dessert” referred to the pagan Arabs in the time of jahilliyah? if you consider Arabs Muslims in general are included in that category, then guess what, your prophet is one of them.

  7. Retarders says:

    If you translate Arabic worship into Indonesian language, then Muhammad SAW will wear sarung and kopiah instead.

  8. Bradlymail says:

    Frankly, when I read Quran in Arabic I do not understand it’s meaning. When I read Quran in Bahasa Indonesia I fully understand the whole stories and messages!

  9. Mohammed Khafi says:

    Hassan said:

    Muslim clerics uses Indonesian in their sermons and ‘masses’

    Unfortunately this opens up the opportunity for them to introduce corrupted interpretations of Al Quran as the readings from Al Quran are still in Arabic, which most people are unable to understand. Unfortunately, added to this the reluctance of most of our brothers and sisters in this country to even pick up a book and read for themselves the problem is made worse.
    Having Al Quran translated into Indonesian doesn’t help as most of the translations are rather transliterations and are biased towards the translators understanding of Sunnah and Hadith rather than a direct translation of Al Quran. My wife and I have found many examples of this when comparing, Arabic, Indonesian and English translations.

    Hassan also said:

    Mohammed Khafi: tsk tsk.. such harsh language. “because by and large they are the biggest hypocrits and kafirs on the face of the earth”. isn’t the word “the dwellers of the dessert” referred to the pagan Arabs in the time of jahilliyah? if you consider Arabs Muslims in general are included in that category, then guess what, your prophet is one of them.

    Allah doesn’t say that all dwellers of the desert are the same Hassan, but having lived and worked extensively in the middle east over the course of my career, I can only say that Allah was correct in what he said, and it seems to me that the closer one comes to the seat of our religion the worse it gets.


  10. Josep says:

    Hi Bradlymail..

    To understand the Arabic language you have to learn that language morron!!
    Not translating and changing all the bible to your own language..

  11. Mohammed Khafi says:


    Just read an authorised translation of Al Quran in whatever language you understand best. As long as you are reading it with a clean heart and for the right reasons Allah has sufficient power to place the message and meaning into your heart if you are willing to accept it.

    Don’t be like the masses who read what they don’t understand, just making noises that mean nothing to them and then waiting for somebody else to explain it to them, unfortunately all to often a twisted explanation which bears no resemblance to the original truth of Allah’s words.

    “Do not follow that of which you have no knowledge, for you will be questioned about the use of your ears, eyes and hearts” 17:36.


  12. Bradlymail says:

    Mohammed Khafi and Josef thanks for you advice. I appreciate it. saalam!

  13. DisgustedbyKemunafikan says:

    NU insists on only Arabic. If the worries lie on the wrong interpretation/translation of the prayers, then why is it that even though nowadays Muslims generally pray in Arabic already have different interpretation of Islamic rules? Take some examples: about polygamy, act of jihad, consumption of seafood, etc. Okay, okay, some say it is not written in Qur’an but mostly Hadits, but weren’t there also possibilities of different ways of interpreting Qur’an?

    I don’t understand Arabic. I don’t understand why people can’t pray in their own language. I believe in one good God. Would my God condemn people who pray to him in their own language? I would rather believe He would not. When I visited Masjidil Haram of course I understand that they use Arabic because it is for God’ sake their language. But when I visited Indonesia, and they insisted on using Arabic (God, what if they are saying something totally wrong?), I simply could not understand what they are saying. Yes, I tried to learn Quranic Arabic to read it, but today’s Arabic is totally different!

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